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Everything posted by pidian

  1. pidian

    Cries and shouts from injury/death

    heck yeah, sounds like a great addition
  2. pidian

    private namalsk server

    wewt. see ya there dude. oh, almost forgot...GSO scrub :thumbsup:
  3. great interview, thanks kindly
  4. ahhh, this thread delivers on some fresh wednesday afternoon lulz :thumbsup:
  5. lol, we had fun with those types of kids in college. what's that you say? free booze? yeah, sure come hang out man...
  6. pidian

    Private hive clan owned!

    cool story bro?
  7. youre playing on private hives which generally means your character is limited to that specific server. how to get back to that character? first off, get dayz commander (way better), then when you find a server in the list you want to play on, just favorite it. then you'll always be able to go right back to the character you started
  8. pellets are awesome ammo for zombies, ive gotten up to 4 simutaneous headshots with one shot before when theyre all clumped up exiting a building...the shotties are just so freakin' loud...if you fire once expect to fire a lot more, lol
  9. besides a swift kick to their nutz, just do what others suggested: 1. use dayz commander, find out what server they're playing on 2. tip the admins off to their activities 3. some crazy computer voodoo which results in global bans 4. profit
  10. pidian

    use raw mouse movement in game

    there is "lag" swinging a firearm due to weight as there should be. if you just want to scan a different direction to check something, thats what freelook using the Alt key is for. there is no delay and its very smooth. if you cant be bothered to hold down the Alt key, just rebind it and stop whining
  11. nice, i try to avoid twitter like the plague /signed
  12. this thread and the rage of the OP made my afternoon. cry moar son, lol
  13. pidian

    What Kinda Plant Is This ? Purple Kush ? LOL

    sorry for partyin
  14. pidian

    Yahtzee "Zero Punctuation" reviews Dayz

    lol, love me some zero punctuation reviews
  15. well, it would explain the ridiculous amount of glow sticks lying around....
  16. pidian

    A picture i took when i went to the porlock weir

    the sky isnt on fire, clearly not chernarus :)
  17. pidian

    [VIDEO] DayZ Live Action Short Film

    very cool, thanks for sharing
  18. this. but if you have to pick one, im a huge fan of the ACOG. holo is nice (though i light the CCO optics a million times better) but the nade launcher has no sight so youll just be eye-balling your shots. try not to blow yourself up :thumbsup: