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Posts posted by J1mbo

  1. Interesting. There are only two admins on this server. The evening you are referring to was the evening uk125 changed to and the 95389 build. Indeed there were several restarts of the server because for whatever reason the cfg files were not loaded in correctly when the server restarted post patch.

    You already know the game is full of bugs, why do you not suspect the server controls have their fair share of problems?

    There are three "timed" or "planned" server restarts each day on this server, on top of any restarts that are necessary for cfg changes, server/hive crashes or if tents/vehicles fail to spawn in after a server restart (regular occurence, check the forums) Dayz or arma2 (one of them anyway) has a bad memory leak in the code which means the server benefits from regular restarts to reset the memory usage stats. Our host also restarts the server from time to time with no notice. You are not alone loosing items/vehicles from these restarts, it happens to everyone... Alpha remember?

    You are correct saying that the server has been restarted due to a vehicle flip (read quad bike on Podeba Dam!) because this is clearly a glitch in the arma/dayz polygons and should not happen - dont like it? Neither do we, but this is Alpha and bugs like this are in the game. I'm not aware of a time when the server was restarted for vehicles flipped due to driver error. Hopefully Rocket can fix the atvs or provide us with the ability to "push" a flipped quad back onto its wheels with the aid of two or more players.

    You should also be pleased to hear that uk125 tracks server logs and will also shutdown the server manually if they suspect hacked items on the server. This happens more regularly than we would like and it affects us greatly too, which is why we take steps to control it.

    As with hacking, Intentional duping is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. As someone here stated, we do have a large pool of players and as such cover a good deal of the map. We provide intel on other ppls movements, observe them and farm their gear. We do systematic sweeps of the map and discover tons of vehicle and tent stashes when we do. We regularly find good loot because we (had, i believe we had one of our bases compromised recently) have a large number of vehicles and use them night and day which allows us to find heli crash sites regularly.

    Everyone is welcome on our server but please ensure you respect that large numbers of players working together tend to have a better time of things in DayZ. The mod rewards teamplay. Typically at any one time the server has at least 50% of the players present playing together with mandatory voice comms despite not wearing appropriate tags in game.

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  2. Wondering how you update the server to run the latest Arma Beta patch. I was thinking its probably possible to do so through the file list on the ACP control panel. Of course you would need to change the required version in the cfg scripts too.

    Do any of you Vilayer admins know how? Or do you leave it to Vilayer to do it?

    I would like to update as apparently Six launcher is now getting ppl to update to the newest version, but our server is still running 95054 and now they cannot connect.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. We had some strange behaviour on our server so I closed it to look at the server logs. Seems someone on our server had the G36C_camo on him. I take it I am able to ban them?

    I have a screenie of the server log to back it up.

