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Worrun (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Worrun (DayZ)

  1. Worrun (DayZ)

    Move with mouse.

    For me it has been turning with the mouse from day 1, that's weird that your's doesnt :o
  2. Wow a great guide man. You are 1% less Bandit for making it! :D
  3. Worrun (DayZ)

    Great deathmatch / team deathmatch mod !

    Stop trying to be a smartass. Nobody paid for Arma because it's a steaming pile of RABBITS and we all know it. :(
  4. Worrun (DayZ)

    Great deathmatch / team deathmatch mod !

    He's right, you guys don't need to roast him because we all know this game needs some sort of fix to increase the amount of cooperation between players (a fix is not apparent as of yet so the problem persists) IMO
  5. I'm gunna' go ahead and disagree with this buy without being a complete asshole. (yes it's actually possible, everyone above me) So yeah, this game/mod is more towards authenticity and not towards fun. Rocket himself has said that everything he does for this game is not towards making it fun, but authentic. Because of this policy, the game will not be fun for alot of people. That's why I'm gunna' go ahead and just recommend you wait for WarZ which sounds to me like it will still be more hardcore than every game on the market but a little more friendly than DayZ.
  6. Worrun (DayZ)

    Bandit Skin return

    Yeah I guess so :) Okay then I guess the lower class people and/or the ones with little manner in the normal world would be the villains :D Criminals etc
  7. Worrun (DayZ)

    Golden weapons?

    There are already golden guns, some dude posted a picture of his golden revolver in NEAF somewhere in the forums earlier.
  8. Worrun (DayZ)

    Bandit Skin return

    I wasn't around when the bandit skin was here but it really sounded like a good idea. Once you get a certain amount of kills/murders your skin would automatically change. But there are arguments on both sides, IRL it wouldn't happen and rednecks would lure your group to your death and rape your women.
  9. Worrun (DayZ)

    WTF Is the point now?

    Just another well-experienced, elitist who things everyone knows everything about the game automatically.
  10. Worrun (DayZ)

    Help please!!

    You can download any of the missing files on the DayZ website and throw 'em in your Arma folder (there are guides for this)
  11. Worrun (DayZ)

    what to do with zombies following?

    (inb4 "go through a building") Apparently you can run around trees and shit and they lose line of sight and gtfo Side note: Make Zombies run 75% of the speed of the player
  12. Worrun (DayZ)


    IRL I guess the only people that would do this sort of shit are the inbred rednecks you see on the hills have eyes and stuff. Other normal people would most likely want to pair up and help one another.
  13. maybe he's talking about arma 2?
  14. Worrun (DayZ)


    I keep seeing your avatar as a pheasant.
  15. A crowbar VS a Zombie's head full swing would more than likely kill it in 1. Either that or stabbing it into his head with the other end.
  16. If it's me 1v1 and a zombie IRL I think I'd have a pretty good chance. What about a trained soldier? CMON ROCKET BRO
  17. Worrun (DayZ)

    The ultimate answer to Banditry

    tl;dfr "Change nothing. Leave banditry the way it is. Because there is no problem" That's all you needed.
  18. Worrun (DayZ)


    I thought it was 3mph?
  19. Worrun (DayZ)

    Consumable fluids etc

    Once again, it's a no. Why? Because we can't. We're using somebody else's engine and we don't have 100% access to edit the entire game. :(
  20. Worrun (DayZ)

    Regenerating blood

    Find hatchet, find matches, find hunting knife, find animals*
  21. Worrun (DayZ)

    Make toilets more dangerous [VIDEO]

    Hot Japanese girls really do have no self respect. Could you imagine a hot western actor doing this? Squatting in shit and getting groped by zombies? Lol! Asia is fucked up bro
  22. Worrun (DayZ)

    Zombies? What zombies? This is pure PvP.

    Zombies should run at 75% of the speed of the player.
  23. Worrun (DayZ)

    Zombie types

    They should run 75% of the speed of the player.