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Everything posted by unconsciousobjector

  1. Seriously, just run into the trunk of a small pine tree and wait. The Zombies will turn around and walk/crawl/hop away. Add this to the bug list.
  2. unconsciousobjector

    IF this was an actual game...

    Should have made this a poll................ Game purchase. Community Kickstart this shit Please please please please please please please please Keep the corporate assholes out of this. They ruin every good thing they touch. Wtf Rocket, kickstart this thing already. Maybe Bohemia will pitch in some of the $15-$20 mil this mod has racked in for them.
  3. Bandits, heroes and dogs? Yep, heard it right from the funny sounding New Zealander's mouth. Hero skin? = target? Probably. Bandit skin (scarf whatever) = trophy? Probably, if the call of duty crowd have their way. Now the dog thing sounds useful. Train a dog to hunt animals, find dead bodies or maybe even hunt down the person that killed the dead body you found would be extremely useful, especially if you could get a scent off your own dead body. How cool would it be if a crew could "release the dogs" and have a few of them actively hunting a killer? Or better yet, how cool would it be to have dogs tracking you, because you killed someone. Sounds like some serious fun, certainly a new twist to current gameplay. I think if these things are implemented they will be the last we see before some type of "stand alone" is released. DayZ is pretty much at the end of the scripting cycle and needs source code level adjustments to take it to the next level. Just my opinion, feel free to post face palm pics, post troll hate or whatever.
  4. unconsciousobjector

    Bandits, heroes and dogs, oh my...

    Probably, lets hope they do let us hunt down bandits though. It would be great fun on both sides.
  5. unconsciousobjector

    Small pine trees are Zombie free zones

    LMAO! IDK what your talking about ;)
  6. unconsciousobjector

    Having trouble with Artifacts/Screen tearing? Try this.

    I edit my profile cfg and set the scenerycomplexity to 50000. Works like a charm.
  7. unconsciousobjector

    A one in a million encounter...

    Fun for you, sucked for the legit players you killed. You, the "hacker" and your friend are assholes. I sincerely hope all three of you get perma banned.
  8. unconsciousobjector


    Troll? Idiot? Kid? All three? If you must fly a C-130, why not load up Arma2 and fly one in there?
  9. I just went out and bought twenty seven rolls of tin foil, lined every wall in my house with it. I also bought thirteen cases of baked beans and a shitload of ammo for my gun collection. Unfortunately they were all out of Mountain Dew. Isn't it amazing that with over 900,00 unique players we've only seen a handful of insane people post shit like this? Not that I don't agree that at some point someone will have to reduce the population. as it is, this planet will only sustain roughly 3 billion people for any "extended" period of time.
  10. unconsciousobjector

    Bandits, heroes and dogs, oh my...

    Ya pets from what I gathered. Although I'm sure they could be easily adjusted into infected pests. Infected dogs hunting players down would be pretty cool also.
  11. unconsciousobjector

    Bandits, heroes and dogs, oh my...

    Really? Bandits, Heroes and dogs and all you could comment on was the "funny sounding" comment?
  12. I was trapped in one of the barracks at the NWAF last week when I played a woman screaming horribly from my android into the mic over direct chat. Was funny as hell watching the guy run away out of the window aggroing about thirty zeds along the way.
  13. unconsciousobjector

    how to turn global chat on

    Whatever happened to the radio idea? Didn't someone at some point mention an in-game handheld radio? Would be nice if a handheld with several channels go be put in. Of course, people will always use Team Speak and the like. The Direct chat thing is basically a "come get me" tool these days.
  14. unconsciousobjector

    Props to the unknown survivor

    Me and three other friends did a night raid on the NEAF last night. We drove our party bus up, parked it and spread out for the raid. Ten seconds later a little white 4x4 goes up the hill just east of the tarmac and my friend opens up on him with a Mk48 from about 400m out. Certainly not the smartest thing to do and yes, he missed. Good news? The guy (who had cherry gear btw) didn't pussy out to Alt-F4 land. My buds rushed the hill while I flanked to the south. I was able to catch up with the truck (now vacated) and pop the poor survy. The guy who for the life of me name I can't remember (Started with an X, Xmcan or something like that) took it like a man and even left his body for the loot booty. So, whoever you were (and your friend that got away too)............................ We Salute you!
  15. unconsciousobjector

    Are you freakin' KIDDING me?!

    Come on people. Me and three friends were on a sever with five people (you do the math) and we happen to run into both the other players at the NEAF. Ya it's a huge map and ya the odds yada yada but, think about it, players tend to do the same old runs all the time. Stary, NWAF, NEAF, Cherno and Electro. Kinda lowers the odds quite a bit. If you want longevity in this mod AVOID THESE AREAS ALONG WITH MILITARY SITES>. Having said that, proper or at least prudent recon of an area always is advised. I can't tell you how many Bush Wookies I've popped just by waiting for them to get bored and move from cover.
  16. unconsciousobjector still no sign from Dev-Team

    The Arma2 engine is what makes DayZ IMO. Copy cats are doomed to fail with the exception of those looking for COD type games flocking to it for the "achievements". Great! Less asshole kids and more free server space!
  17. unconsciousobjector

    Yay, Bandit and Hero identifiers are coming in

    It's over. All that's left is some punks getting hacked. Terrible gameplay and worse commentary.
  18. unconsciousobjector

    Bug? I am so gutted

    Had similar issues several times. Wasted three sniper bandits, looted their bodies. NVG, AS50 and more on all three. When I logged back into the game all the stuff I had collected off of them was gone, except the AS50's which had been turned into Bison's.
  19. unconsciousobjector

    [TRB] Clan Alt+F4 losers

    ALT-F4 should be instant death WITH your body left behind. Clans should be cleansed from the face of the game and you should be 21+ (verified) to play the game. This would eliminate 99.99% of the issues with the mod.
  20. unconsciousobjector

    Yay, Bandit and Hero identifiers are coming in

    We all have to think it terms of what the Arma2 engine is capable of. Remember this is a script based mod. Somethings that would be awesome just aren't possible on the level DayZ is on.
  21. unconsciousobjector

    Is this Mod worth 30$

    By the way, it's NOT an alpha. It's NOT a beta. It IS a mod that is continuously being tweaked and updated. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Still worth $30, especially if you consider some of the total garbage out there selling for much more.
  22. unconsciousobjector

    Is this Mod worth 30$

    I for one feel Arma2 Combined Operations was worth the $30. Dayz is a bonus that makes it worth $60. However, if your a battlefield3, COD or other type of "run n gun" game person, pass on it.
  23. unconsciousobjector

    Machinima live stream w/ Rocket going right now!

    Well there's time I'll never get back. What a shitty stream.
  24. unconsciousobjector


    You are silent. You are invisible. You are death. .....and then your spawning back on the coast :P
  25. unconsciousobjector

    what I love about Dayz

    I love the connection we all get from the game, the feeling of almost really being there. The Arma2 engine wonderfuly suspends disbelief , more so than any engine I've played in. Heart pounding moments that makes 5-10 hour marathons worth while. The Companionship from friends while traveling the bizare haunting land of DayZ. Let the good times roll