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Everything posted by kryptik

  1. Been playing some standalone and really prefer the mod over it. Only problem is the people I know play the standalone usually. So I am looking for a group or a clan that primarily plays the mod. Don't really have a preference as to which mod, any is fine since they all have their pros and cons. I'm 22 and on the east coast.
  2. So as the title says I am looking for people whom are mature and enjoy Dayz. I have been playing Dayz for a year now and have noticed that the people who have low attention spans die faster and more frequent, they tend to be your 13-16 year olds' (not that they all do, a lot are very competent and patient). I have quite a few people I have met in the world of Dayz, but we played last summer and most have got tired of it, a few will still play sporadically. Anyhow, if you have an active group of players and are looking to expand let me know. Also if you are simply looking for people to play with let me know. I prefer you be 18 but if you consider yourself mature that's truly all that matters. Also I do not care how frequently die, its the quality of life that counts, how well you did while alive. I just put that in as on observation. Also forgot my steam ID just in case : Itz_Kryptik_420 (its old, pretend it does not have 420 in the name :P)
  3. Love having choices. Well I have a few options, If anyone does read this and has a clan that also frequently plays wasteland I would very much be interested.
  4. Hey man I'm interested, should I just join your TS? I don't like being intrusive so I will wait for the ok.
  5. Saw your thread and A. I dont have time right now to fill it out, and B. Trying for something a little bigger than 4 people, but if you are as well I 'll give it a shot.
  6. kryptik

    United States DayZ Corps

    Oops sorry.
  7. kryptik

    Stuck in loading screen

    I am able to join alomst any server if my character is dead(i.e brings up "select your gender" screen, but still not all. Have ran 6 updater and also reinstalled everything except for arma 2, still no go. And Quantic, clearly your ignorant to the fact that from what i've seen there hasn't been one solution which has helped me, or apparently Stormandel either, but now you know.
  8. kryptik

    Stuck in loading screen

    Same issue here, it has made me pre order warz, and also play on private hives, and I never wanted to do either of those things ;P. I'm very curious if u can join 'theroadkill' (killers?) a panthera server, only actual server I've been able to join and I've tried well over 20. Please try if u don't mind as it could end up helping both of us.
  9. Sorry for double post, but your a donkey if you truly beleive that. But im hoping it was just a misscommunication, if not, then dont be that kid that ASSumes everything.
  10. It would be the same as if humans became infected with that disease, and your assuming that some people wouldnt die, so you MUST assume that some animals have atleast a chance for survival.. Probably thinking about it too much, but oh well. Thought i'd add my 2 cents. Deffinatly not a stupid idea though.
  11. kryptik


    There are planty of Arma 2 mods that are similar to what your looking for.
  12. I play Dayz with about 8 other people, only they go on sporadicaly, looking for either someone, or a couple people who play the game fairly often-very often. Please dont send me messages about joining your clan with 150 people in it because I want to actually play with people, not just belong to some group that has 60 groups of 2 people. I do kill ANY player I feel may be hostile, so dont be a pacifist. Mainly use skype to comm. I live in Boston btw, but timezones dont matter to me. Skype- Spboudreau
  13. kryptik

    HAX EVERYWHERE! Officially unplayable

    Thats, i seem to be able to play the game virtually flawlessly despite the hackers. Unless you were banned from every server then i find it extremely hard to beleive that the game is "unplayable", you "refuse" to play the game, huge difference. And just so you know, there are ALWAYS OTHER SERVERS. Try smaller pop servers if you try again at all, harldy ever run into hackers, and when i do, i simply leave.
  14. kryptik

    Logging in to a very lovely area.

    just means a heli crashed, see itall the time.
  15. Empty whisky will do, that or a canteen are the only refillable containers. If your near a town then residential areas always have a good chance of spawning some sort of a drink.
  16. I know this said multiple times a day on this server, but you bought arma 2, not dayz. Everyone who expects to get dayz for free lacks common sense. If it were made by the whole team at Bohemia it would be different, but it was a personal project, not a company project. And maced that doesn't go for you as you were simply asking. Edit: wow I said server, playing way too much huh? And wow lik 20 ppl posted in the time it took to write this comment.
  17. kryptik

    Border Crossing

    They used to be, apparently now they are reset if they remain outside the map for more than 24 hours (most groups could just have someone move it to somewhere else every so often), but tents will be blown down and all loot destroyed apparently. Haven't needed to resort to out of the map storage though, so wouldnt know for sure, thats What the wiki will tell you though, whole lotta useful information.
  18. kryptik

    Licans, Vampires

    Go play skyrim
  19. What are you 12? Anyone with any shred of common sense should realize they cannot ban people due to the testimonial of a fellow player, otherwise every time someone got killed by one of those so-called "hackers" (and I use the term lightly) we would have a new thread like this.
  20. Go to the armory in arma 2, m72 frags won't always kill you even if your on top of it, but rgo WILL kill anyone within about 10 meters. At first I thought that video was so lame, but I was almost in tears by the end, it gets absolutely hilarious for any of you who watch and think it's dull.
  21. kryptik

    Lost a Bus and Tent on US 1542.

    We stole it skaterkidd, and watch out cuz we got this server on lock
  22. Dont listen to him, alot more people love it than hate it. Dont knock it 'till you try it.
  23. Congrats on being terrible at Dayz! So apparently the server we were playing on just got vehicles because we found ALOT, so we were in the process of fixing up an offroad truck that spawned right where another had been, which one of us took an hour before. So first Henrique backs out whilst my friend is shooting at him and Brazilian kills my friend, then i go see whats up and i shoot a few m107 pot shots and notice a guy (not sure if eather had backed out at that point, but wouldnt doubt it), so he starts shooting at me and i quickly run to reposition. After about 10 minuts im set in place and theyre toying withe truck, crawling around, i kill henrique before he can back out again. Brazilian quickly aborted, i figured hed be comeing up behind me so i repositioned once more. After about 15 minuts of waiting i see the silhouette of a man in the distance, it was brazilian, back scoping the SUV (as if im that big of a donkey). I hesitantly take a shot while he is walking because I could not wait for him to be dead, ofcourse i miss and he backs out once again. After about 30 minutes i know they are not comeing back. I tip my hat to the man who kills BR4z1L14N, i know you probably wont read this, but atleast i know it WILL happen. And Henrique, i hope you learn to out of the game once you alt f4.
  24. kryptik

    Can a server Admin tell me this?

    As far as I can tell from experience as well as from other's is that either one or two of each vehicle may spawn (maybe 3 I'm not sure of the number) but only x number can be on the map. What I mean by this is there may be 2 buses, 2 off road trucks, and no UAZ's on the map, but this is at best a speculation. Side note Aitchy, what's the LU stand for? Figured it was Lithuania (yeah I know, random) but am now guessing it's Luxembourg.
  25. ... You develop heart disease, diabetes, or clogging of the arteries. But if thats the case, then your Fu€ked