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Posts posted by niptor@gmail.com

  1. (If this is in the wrong forum, please feel free to move it)

    Hello, everyone! I have a question. I did a search but wasn't able to find out much.

    Over the course of the last few days playing on a few different servers, I've found tents. When I found my first one, I was very excited -- I went straight to a "hideout" and put it down. Not liking the placement, I picked it back up. It disappeared. It wasn't on the floor, and it wasn't in my inventory. Lesson learned -- don't move tents.

    My friend ended up finding a tent during a Cherno loot raid at the supermarket. He put it in his bag. When we got to our hiding place, we noticed the tent wasn't in his bag anymore... it was gone. Lesson #2 learned, don't put tents in bags.

    Finally, last night I found another tent. I went and put it up right away, didn't put it in a bag, and didn't pick it back up. I even put some Heatpacks in it just to make sure it would stay. (server 4361) I logged out in front of it for the night, and when I logged in this morning, it was gone, along with everything in it. I was very careful to make sure to Save Old Camping Tent after I put it up and put stuff in it (I did it multiple times actually).

    So basically, I just want to know -- do I just have horrible luck? Are these lessons bugs, glitches, or working as intended? Should I just stay away from using tents? I get so excited about the prospect of making a tent hideout, but they just disappear on me.

    (Disclaimer: I am fully aware that this is an Alpha. Things happen. I would just like some clarification. Thanks!)
