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Everything posted by govnogaming

  1. govnogaming

    US59 AZ2 Hacker Admin

    Not sure if I'm allowed to post here, or not. I think the fairest solution to this is that the admin who kicked them (who ever he is) gets some kind of punishment (demotion/firing from the community/whatever). In addition to that, the Ural they stole (if not in the location they left it, and not fairly stolen by someone else) should be returned to them. When I say stolen by someone else, I mean not in the clan's possession anymore. This may sound unfair to bTd, however, they have enough stuff already I believe.
  2. govnogaming

    I do not like Hienz beans my man

    What if I want pasta, man? :(
  3. You're spawning in the debug plains (I guess that's what they are, now). Try respawning in order to move to a better location. If it doesn't work after 0 wait time, respawn, disconnect, wait 10 minutes, then reconnect. If that still doesn't work, respawn, connect to a new server, spawn, disconnect, then go back to your original server. Good luck.
  4. govnogaming


    This is the correct beta build for You get beans for your avatar, and this post.
  5. I'd say a fresh install of DayZ will fix it, as well as a fresh install of Arma 2 and Arma OA.
  6. govnogaming

    Infinite Loading Screen on & 94876

    Use SixLauncher (just once, yeah, I know, you probably will hate me for this) to make sure it updates and installs the files properly. Then, try to connect once through SixLauncher (to a random server). After you successfully connect, go back to launching your original way. This should work, as it did for me.
  7. govnogaming

    L85A2 AWS fixed? Need help

    It's not. If you disconnect with a L85A2 AWS in your hand, you will lose it. I learned the hard way, haha. Keep it in a backpack when disconnecting and reconnecting, and keep in your hand when shooting (obviously). Hope this helps.
  8. govnogaming

    Stuck on loading for 10 years.

    This is definitely server lag/stress. If you can get in contact with a server's owners (teamspeak/forums/etc), ask them to set up a system that restarts their server at least once a day. The servers that get restarted around every 6 hours seem to be the most stable, so as long as server restarts are scheduled (to prevent rollback) and you disconnect in time, you should be good. Find a server you can connect to, and stick with it pal.
  9. It could be that you are crashing out/not getting saved correctly to the hive. Try and disconnect and then reconnect to the same server a few times about 10 - 20 minutes after spawn. Post back with what happens.
  10. govnogaming

    Trading for Tent!

    I would've traded for a M4A1 CCO SD, but you're not trading anymore. Too bad, I guess. :/
  11. govnogaming

    Whats your luckiest day on dayz?

    I've died a total of 3 times on this game. 1st time I survived 6 hours, was equiped with decent gear. I got sniped in Cherno, sadly. 2nd time, I found a fully repaired Ural 20 meters from spawn. Unfortunately, I drove it into a train track 4 hours later and blew it up. 3rd spawn, I died after 6 hours of camping at Starry. Went to change to a server that my friends were on, and when I spawned in, I teleported forward - fell - and died. This spawn, I spawned in Balota. 20 minutes later, I was set up with everything I need. Currently on survival day 2, almost 3. Enjoying myself. Moral? All my days are lucky, biatch.
  12. As Sefin posted, people just hit respawn until they spawn where they like. This spawn system might also fixed bugged spawns, such as Novy Sobor (which I've spawned at before) and debug plains. As well, LokiFM described the problems... I die in Cherno, I select Cherno spawn. Instead of snipers camping hospitals and such, they're just going to camp Elektro and Cherno spawns.