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Everything posted by govnogaming

  1. govnogaming

    WTF is going on?!? CRAZY!

    I smell a BattlEye ban wave coming on.. Again..
  2. I'm not sure if it's possible with the current game engine. I know for a fact it should be with the RV4 engine from Arma 3. I can't wait, can you?
  3. govnogaming

    Server LU134 abuse![with proof]

    You waited for about 30 hours before requesting an official response. It takes time to shift through all these things and there is most likely a system the staff follows while reporting these - based on priority. Keep calm, these assholes will get what they deserve eventually.
  4. govnogaming

    TOP 10 things that ruin immersion for DayZ

    I think someone needs to go back to their xbox and realize this is a military simulator - in real life military men normally don't run around with "akimbo" weapons all the time.
  5. govnogaming

    TOP 10 things that ruin immersion for DayZ

    You're talking about Chernarus, a Cherno-Russian police state. Everything is ruled via weapons and firepower, so chances are that every government agency had firearms and that every government supporter/employee had firearms at home. That is an easy, realistic way to explain why weapons are found everywhere.
  6. govnogaming

    Looking for group of 4 or more

    Try finding a clan via their website/youtube/ingame servers - example; http://afuclan.com.
  7. govnogaming

    Lost the best loot ive ever seen..

    I suppose that's true. I'm just in a douche-baggery mood. My bad.
  8. govnogaming

    TOP 10 things that ruin immersion for DayZ

    1. That's a bug and not necessarily meant to be in the game. 2. Also a bug and not necessarily meant to be in the game. 3. It would really suck if there were max 20 vehicles for 800,000 players, don't you think? 4. They don't teleport. They lag. Everything lags sometimes. Deal with it. 5. Another bug. You're awfully good at finding these things. 6. There's no point in slowing down bleeding. Either you bandage yourself or you don't have a bandage and die. The bleed out rate is pretty slow anyways. 7. Finally, a good point. Knives should be able to be unholstered - similar to axes. 8. Also a pretty good point. Fists would be key to knocking out players when you're unarmed. 9. A third good point. You're on a role. Obviously this is a military simulator - they look after their guns so the game engine isn't accounting for jamming. 10. You can swim with a backpack. This bug was fixed a long time ago (at least for me).
  9. govnogaming

    Lost the best loot ive ever seen..

    No. Just no. Your brain is smaller than the OPs balls for sniping in Elektro.. To contradict you with fact; the server autosaves your position and status immediately. Sometimes, due to server desync (orange and red chains of doom), your character will not get saved. If you pick up loot or eat/drink - make sure to move 5 - 10 feet before disconnecting. That will ensure the database saves your character. Also, make sure you aren't desynced or lagging.
  10. govnogaming

    Banned from US1085

    Except for the fact you can't prove they've done anything wrong. I can't seem to recall the thread which says that server admins can ban "suspected" hackers on their own free will, without proof.. Oh wait, there isn't one, because that's BattlEye's job.
  11. govnogaming

    What the hell is a "private" HIVE?

    Essentially - pieces of shit don't like the way things are run officially, so they decide to "steal" Rocket's work and use it for private use - defeating the purpose of having the HIVE in the first place.
  12. govnogaming

    5 Minute DC Timer too much?

    I think TiredEthan needs to stick to his 9 PM curfew.. Oh well, we don't all get what we want.
  13. govnogaming

    [VIDEO] Hero of Canton's Used Car Sale!

    Funny shit.
  14. govnogaming

    [VIDEO] Two of the worst liars of all time

    To be honest, he should've died from that burst. 5 - 10 clear shots to his body. :/ The video was still funny though.
  15. govnogaming

    [video(s)] what do YOU want to see ?

    My buddy recorded it. I was the driver - I put on the fakest Russian voice I could. xD
  16. govnogaming

    [video(s)] what do YOU want to see ?

    You mean something like this:
  17. govnogaming

    How to drive a boat in DayZ

    This is what happens when you get drunk - pick up your noob friend - and then try to drive your boat to Chernogorsk. xD
  18. govnogaming

    Dayz - Gladiator Bus Rescue

    Is this on UK116? I saw a guy named Andy and Mike die right after each other - maybe it's just a funny coincidence, haha. Edit; Still a better love story than twilight.
  19. govnogaming

    [VIDEO] Shooting unarmed people has consequences

    This was lolz-worthy. :D
  20. govnogaming


    There are 2 UK116s. I think this is the one hosted by clanptg. Was this, by chance, near Pusta? I was running from Elektro to Starry - in the woods near Pusta there was like ~20 cars, including helicopters, tanks, and jets. I think a hacker spawned/teleported them there and blew them up - thus causing the massive fire. I didn't see the fire when I was there.
  21. govnogaming

    Nice and BRAZZERS hacking on LU34

    This is why you don't allow illiterate fucks to run their own servers...
  22. govnogaming

    Pistol holstering

    That's just an animation, you wouldn't need to force anything. Just add a script that when you select it, it puts the firearm into that animation. You can also add a script into the DayZ mod for holstering, but that would be a tad more difficult.
  23. Get a ghillie suit and your backpack gets camouflaged, problem solved. Size wize, it doesn't matter how the actual graphic looks.
  24. govnogaming

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Even better solution. Make zombies that are in smaller towns or woods more powerful. Make zombies spawn in the woods if you stay in the same 100 sq meters for more than 5 minutes. No more safe zones means no more sniper campers, yeah?
  25. Scripts. I think they are cheating scripts, as there is no such addWeaponCargo.sqf. Not to mention the addWeaponCargo command adds weapons to an ammo box, not your inventory as well.. hideObject would hide the ammo box from view once he was done with it. Not sure, check with devs.