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Everything posted by govnogaming

  1. The game is basically going to be a mod to Arma 3's new RV4 engine - he said it'll be about $29.99 standalone (USD, ofc).
  2. govnogaming

    0.28% Chance..

    In that case, how many military men have died, and left their ghillie suit in a package inside a house? I bet almost 0. How many snipers would be in town? Almost zero. The most realistic reason - deer hunters have them at their house. I mean, they have deer stands that are camoflauged, so they most likely have ghillie suits as well.
  3. govnogaming

    Trading for SVD Camo and/or NVG

    Go to freeside trading co. Best place to get a legit deal. The trolls lurk here..
  4. govnogaming

    Unlimited ammo?

    Not really. For whatever reason, Arma 2's engine doesn't allow half magazines or single bullets to be assigned. The command is simple, addMagazine "magname" "amount", and there is no way (that I know of) to set how many bullets are in the magazine. So, unless you use all of the ammo in your magazine and it disappears, the hive automatically hands you a full magazine.
  5. govnogaming

    Someone stole my server number. US 767

    Chances are your hoster changed the name to something else. Try remotely connecting using the ip rather than name and see what name it shows in "i".
  6. govnogaming

    Storing guns in a backpack?

    Peter has it right.
  7. It's funny - helicopters aren't even in yet. They won't be seeded in until later today or tomorrow. xD
  8. govnogaming

    Wanna Take A Shot At Me Then You Die

    Mhm. Now I actually have to go find a CZ550 before I can do this. Then enfield used to do the job.. Not anymore. :(
  9. govnogaming

    Keep falling unconscious! HELP!

    Can't seem to find any other explanation..- He's server hopping.
  10. govnogaming

    Question about profiles

    You can have infinite tents if you want.
  11. govnogaming


    Downgrade your Beta client. BattlEye hasn't been upgraded yet to support BETA 95417.
  12. govnogaming

    Weapon nerf needs to be removed

    Haven't had time to play, but I liked the old damage ratios. :(
  13. Why do you want M4A1 HWS M203s so bad?
  14. govnogaming

    Looking for US Clan

    http://afuclan.com - just one possible answer. Google DayZ clans, it's probably much faster.
  15. govnogaming

    DayZ explosion montage

    Satchel charges aren't bugged. They disappear when you place them down. That means one of two things - 1) you exploited via duping them OR 2) you hacked them in.
  16. govnogaming

    Banned from US1085

    Funny how Curgon said exactly what I said, haha. xD
  17. govnogaming

    Backpacks won't open

    Log out and back in, drop the bag and pick it up, try changing servers.
  18. govnogaming

    betrayel to freindlys with a uaz

    It was actually kind of funny.. Then you mentioned it was on a custom database - just go kill yourself already.
  19. govnogaming

    Factions - just a matter of time

    Sounds more like single player missions. A faction system is more meant for private servers with smaller member bases (~200-300 people). It allows them to control and regulate exactly how to join a faction and such. On such a large scale, basically everyone would be able and choose to join the military faction since it has higher rewards. Then it's just like playing normal DayZ with a boost to getting better rewards/more rare loot.
  20. govnogaming

    DayZ explosion montage

    When hackers incriminate themselves on youtube and the mod's website.. #impliedfacepalm Edit: In case anyone's wondering - take a look: 1. Ghillie suits aren't in the game - they were removed at the same time as helicopters (will be added back in 2. AS50 AWS - not just the 2 on them, more on the bodies they're blowing up. 3. Additional non-moving bodies - blowing up characters with AS50 AWS on their back, not very legit if you ask me. 4. Very low zombie kills - In order to get this shit from crash sites alone, you'd probably need at least 100 - 200 zombie kills.
  21. govnogaming

    Playing solo is problematic

    That's how it's meant to be. I mean, what better way to build a community than to basically force people to have to work together or end up dying off faster? I can't really find one - other than free giveaways and stuff. Honestly, all you have to do is find 1 friend and you're set. Make sure you each carry enough medical supplies (I carry 3 bandages, 2 blood bags, and 2 morphine) to heal each other. You'll get the hang of it, don't worry.
  22. govnogaming

    Torches on weapons?

    I know of two guns (in DayZ) that have flashlights for sure. Get your hands on a G17 or M4A3 CCO - then press "L" at night and you're good to go.
  23. Biggest payoff? Crashing a hacker's helicopter into him and blowing him up. He rage quit and I saved the server I was on from impending doom!
  24. govnogaming

    Helicopters are coming back to DayZ

    Every server has the chance to spawn them. The maximum that can be spawned is 3 per server. There's also like 8 different spawn locations, some right in the middle of Cherno and Elektro. It's hard enough to get a helicopter, no need to make them more rare.
  25. govnogaming

    Survival Timer

    Put it in the debug monitor. It's small and isn't that hard to add to something that already exists.