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Everything posted by govnogaming

  1. govnogaming

    Hacker on TS

    A real guy. Pass me the password, I'll go get him to admit to hacking and record it for you. :)
  2. Just so you know, AFUCLAN.com, had no part in this. They do not support hackers/cheating/duping or exploiting at all - they ban anyone they can get proof of. The only problem is that they no longer play on/moderate US 520 since they do not like the host (HFB) and have since moved on to US 1111 (Vilayer). As soon as you have that video uploaded, you should contact CMDR Jonny via their teamspeak - I'm sure he'll have no problem banning them. Good luck, young one.
  3. govnogaming

    Race to 1,000,000

    I'd like to "tank" the devs too! :)
  4. govnogaming

    Spawned in Novy Sobor glitched under a house...

    Move to your left while crouched. You should be able to walk straight out that wall - then continue on life as normal or get yourself killed via zombies if you don't want to play from the bug spawn. Edit: It may take 10 or 15 minutes of crouching and proning into different walls to get out. I did it on the first try, haha.
  5. Temporary home server. Waiting for my server to come up. :)
  6. govnogaming


    I'm laughing. Do this to me, I'll cut your balls off and feed them to my dog. :)
  7. This was about 20 - 30 minutes after I died. I had just run back to base camp and didn't bother looting shit fuck all on the way. There's a group of us (10~ and counting), and we all have matches. I have everything again except for an entrenching tool and a gps. :3
  8. I'm going to join every server I find with the name "VERNE" now, just to prove a point; No proof, no beans.
  9. You are allowed to. Ander specifically said something like - "If you see someone flying in a hacked vehicle, such as an A10, you may ban them from your server and provide proof to the DayZ team so we can investigate further."
  10. I forgot to post this; :3 Edit: Forgot to mention - go ahead and go to these GPS coordinates on US 1111. You'll find nothing there. Don't believe me? Do it. :)
  11. govnogaming

    Two dudes looking for a clan

    govnogaming.org/forum/ - My survival group will have our own server up soon, feel free to come play with us any time. :)
  12. Do you like my loadout? :) I'd give yours about - 7.5/10. You could upgrade your spacial management and keep your priorities on food, ammo, and medicine. By the way, carrying two weapons is really only effective when you're either 1) traveling alone in the woods for the majority of the time or 2) inpatient. I could kill you with a M9SD if I was patient enough. :D
  13. govnogaming

    [Hacker] Spawning in Silenced Makarov PM

    Notice the bag slots? -1/16. Definitely hacks. :)
  14. govnogaming

    Notorious clan take their first heli ride

    Let's see..- I got one within an hour of the patch -AND- I'm not even a member of the clan/owner of the server that runs the server I play on (in fact they banned me off their TS3). xD
  15. govnogaming

    Pending Update: Build

    Leaking helicopters! I've nearly crashed twice now because my helicopter is leaking, even though it's 100% repaired.
  16. Alright. Big fucking question here. I have repaired -EVERY- damn piece of repairable parts on the helicopter, but it still fucking leaks. I repaired; All glass (6 pieces), HitHull, HitAvi, HitMissiles, Main Rotor, Engine, and Vertical Rotor - I cannot find anything else that needs to be repaired. Does anyone know why? It took us almost 10 minutes with 2 people fill and emptying 3 gas cans each into to fill it completely, just to log in this morning and be out of fuel. ._.
  17. govnogaming

    Rarest Item?

    That's because they're not seeded in yet. :3
  18. I posted on your video as to where he was. You guys failed hard, you didn't look at the building he was in once. As a side note, flares BOUNCE so they can travel up to around 300 yards.. What you thought as "throwing" was actually it bouncing. Edit: At 18:10 or whatever, when all the zombies go in, they were following the flares inside.
  19. I don't understand how you got an L185A2 in Cherno with 8 zombie kills..
  20. Well, this isn't really a confession - more a funny story about a stupid clan and their multiple blatant failures at killing me. Here's a little back story; I used to play SAMP on this server called Trueroleplay. I met this guy there named "the Falcon". After a while, he posted up a thread about DayZ in the other games section, and mentioned how is realism unit was making a survival group for the mod. I don't know what exactly happened during the time while I waited to buy DayZ, but in the end he had a falling out between his realism unit based on the fact a zombie apocalypse isn't very realistic. After a while, he started up his own clan with a guy named Mikey from the Netherlands and a guy named Jonny from Great Britian. Being the adventurer I am, I decided to accompany them on teamspeak from time to time and try to help them out by collecting gear and vehicles. When they released their new server, US 1111, I joined in and helped them find vehicles. All in all, they had around 15 by the time I was done, 13 of them collected and repaired by myself and the guys from govnogaming (there was only 2 of us with toolboxes). I ultimately built up trust with them, and became a VIP on their server and within their clan. I never joined as I didn't really like Jonny, but I was always around. Since then, I've helped them collect some of the best gear they have (ghillies, rangefinders, nvgs, etc) and made them a better group people. On several occasions, they thought I had turned against them and got all mad, saying they could easily take me out. Now, getting to the real funny story part. From that day on, I swore to never let them get the best of me (which was about 4 or 5 days ago). Every day I move towards their camp from my own and pick a few of them off with my AS50/AKM combination. I take what I need and leave their bodies there for them to recollect what I don't. Up until yesterday, all was fine, and I kept good with them over teamspeak. They had no sweet clue who was sniping them and it was starting to get on their nerves. Anyways, yesterday I went on a small mission with another VIP and a Staff Sergeant from their clan. During this mission, I "accidentally" was shot in the head by the other VIP. Conveniently, less than an hour later, I got banned from their Teamspeak with no reason or explanation. Today, I went back to their base. I sprayed everyone down I could find, and raided all their tents. I blew up all their vehicles I didn't want, and left them with a broken bike and 2 broken buses. When more clannies came back, I shot them too. One guy tried to ghost me, but I smacked him promptly. I destroyed them all. The funny part? I plan on leaving their server by August 3rd at the latest. When I do, I'm giving away their grid coordinates and killing them all one last time. Good luck afuclan.com - I'm coming for you, assholes (ps: I want my fucking gps back King, you dirty VIP cunt).
  21. L85A2 is a two hit to the torso at 800M. What's not good about that?
  22. govnogaming

    Video - My Camp.. Leave comments..

    You call that running a server? You're about to die from thirst, good job.
  23. govnogaming

    Why you shouldn't buy a SERVER

    Not sure if serious.. Or just another abuser who got his server blacklisted..
  24. Leave a comment and tell me what you think. Nathan More fun lies in store at Govnogaming.org/forum! :D
  25. Definitely worth $60 - I'm waiting to see what Rocket does knowing that members of this community (like myself) have paid for Arma 2 just to play his mod.. I'm really hoping that people who registered on the forums before a set date (maybe like September of this year or so) and have gone through a lot of the Alpha and Beta testing get a discount or free copy. :)