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Lukas (DayZ)

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About Lukas (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. You smug bastard, that was clever! Well done sir, you're a gentleman and a scholar!
  2. After i had been killed by some twat in the middle of the woods, i spawned near Cherno. I knew it was a risk, but i decided to crawl my way into the military building in the outskirts of the city. While i was heading there i found a Enfield, and tons of food, i finally got into the build and was about to search the tower. Suddenly i hear someone yelling over the direct voice chat. "Fuck! run run!", I freak out and hide in the nearest corner, keeping my gun aimed at the multiple entrances. The large red doors swung open and a man came running through the building with a good amount of zombies after him. "FRIENDLY" I shouted over the Voice chat, and he replied "Friendly! could you give me a hand?" After we killed the Zeds, another bloke came running in, asking the first if he was okay? "Yeah, it's fine - our friend here helped me" We talked for awhile, and started to loot the place. We where all in the top of the tower, when i noticed a female character. "Is it a friend of yours?" I asked the man, "No, never seen her in my life." "Hello are you there" he asked her, "Yeah, what's up?" he replied (We figured out that it was a man, because we're smart like that) So there we where, four guys in the middle of Cherno, actually talking instead of shooting. And i've played with the lads ever since. Best moment so far. (Sorry for the long post, I do hope that it is not too difficult to read ^-^)
  3. Oh god, how to i delete this? I double posted, I am sorry.
  4. Lukas (DayZ)

    An open letter to the silent majority

    +1, You have my support, and so does Rocket.
  5. Lukas (DayZ)

    Happy birthday rocket!

    Happy Birthday you brilliant individual!