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Everything posted by sobieski12
Destructible bridges are "EPIC".
sobieski12 replied to sobieski12's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Will do! * I only wish it was in an area with more traffic. ;) Thanks dude for the like. * It would be epic if there was some train bridges in the various "chernarus" valleys. What we actually where waiting for in that vid is to get revenge on a convoy, that killed a bunch of our squad mates and we where waiting at that bridge. * But unfortunately, the server was going to restart in less than 30 min, so we just blew it up. :D -
Destructible bridges are "EPIC".
sobieski12 replied to sobieski12's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
People generally leaving once night fall arrives. * Everybody knows, that the players with the best gear / with NV goggles with triumph any given fight. Sounds like a allot of fun for the new players? * Either throw flares and be very obvious or "UP gamma/brightness/hdr" to someway compete with others.
Would you quit if servers went expert?
sobieski12 replied to bad_mojo (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I personally enjoy the playing in "expert", but in all honest I've been spoiled by how easy it's to play "veteran". * Every-time I get on the expert server I keep hitting the 3rd person to key to get the better camera view, to only realize I can't use it. Dayz being symbolized by 3rd person...That is up for discussion to be honest. * The advantage of 3rd person heavily outweighs the advantages of playing in 1st person. - The ability to stand behind cover and check around walls/cover is a cheap tactic, but in order to survive you need to do it, because others will do it as-well. - The FOV for 3rd person also gives a advantage in spotting enemies in a un-realistic way, of which warrants its own advantages to exploit. What would happen if these advantages where taken away, the game would feel allot more realistic? But in all honesty, there should not be only "1 option" in how to play the game. * It should be the players choice to decide whether or not he wants to play on a 3rd person server or 1st person server. Some players are new to the game and would like some "un-realistic advantages", let them play their way. * If you want to challenge your-self then just choose a 1st person server. -
I see you cant alt-f4 or exit anymore. Does that mean hacking has been dealt with?
sobieski12 replied to Mr Radar's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I suggest searching/looking for the "private server" yourself. * Atm I am personally playing on a couple white-list private servers and I've not encountered a hacker for "two weeks". - It's probably the best decision I have ever made in leaving the public dayz servers. I'll send you a pm of a well populated white-list server. -
More often than ever, people are just running around towns and not caring at all of the zombie aggro. * More often these players will just run into any building, and since they are about to get overwhelmed by zombies. - They just "Abort" and lose all the zombies. What I am suggesting. * Is that if a player aggros a zombie, that person is placed in a "combat situation". - The timer will keep re-setting itself till the player losses the zombie aggro. Implementing this mechanic, would force players to play the game more cautiously, and less of a rush to grab the best weapons in the best spots. * Back in "August", my first time playing Dayz. - I was on the hill observing the town of elektro on the "north-east hill" with just binoculars. I saw a survivor run on the field from the supermarket to the power plant fire-station. He "aborted" 5 times in just trying to reach it, but he eventually was able to reach his goal. This "combat timer" would prevent that.
Zombie aggro should initiate the "combat timer"
sobieski12 replied to sobieski12's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
The "combat timer" is already in the game? * I guess I'll remind you what it does... I guess? Not being able to "Abort / Alt+F4" in combat? * Happy now? -
It is even better on "Expert servers". * Playing on a whitelisted/private server on expert, when we kill our enemies. - The kill would show up on the debug monitor, now we are not sure if we killed the enemy or just wounded him. It overall makes for a more tense environment.
Ain't the standard load-out on Chernarus is a "L85 Thermal with a AS50". * People don't use the L85 Thermal to kill people, most commonly people use it to scout areas for enemies. - Then once you find your enemy you use the AS50 to finish the job. The multiple reasons I switched to map "Namalsk", was one that they removed the "L85 Thermal" from the loot table. * The current update also made sniper rifles much more rare. - Probably the best way to balance "Dayz"
New player advice: Avoid crowded servers
sobieski12 replied to goligo (DayZ)'s topic in New Player Discussion
Here is better advice. * Join a "Private hive server that is white-listed" -
At the currents games state, I can't see this "specating tool" to be any worse than the hacker themselves. * I never said that a system like this is going to perfect. For this system to be perfect, the admin must be part of server company and monitor the servers "24/7". * Of which is more than likely not going to happen. For how severe hacking has become, this tool can be used effectively in catching multiple hackers. * But you see, I rather take a chance with this "spectating tool" than to join a server where hacker run rampant and unopposed.
Some admins will use the tool to cheat, some might actually use it to get rid of hackers. * I really don't care if I am being monitored by an admin, since I am being killed by a hacker, "EVERY SINGLE F***ING DAY". In some cases "Walkerdown", you need to sacrifice some things to get better things down the road. But there is some good news, I've finally found a white-listed server, with good admins, backups in case of a hacker attack and even backups for players that could be hacked. * Today, I finally had a day of peace and no hackers, it's quite a relief.
Held at gunpoint by two hackers (combat timer)
sobieski12 replied to Cassius1988's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
You really need to re-read the patch notes. * They removed the "death penalty" and replaced it with a server message saying that you "combat logged". - If your going to get harassed by hacker like this, "Ctrl+Alt+Delete" and end the process. There is a reason why the "death penalty" was not implemented, since more than likely they expected events like this to unfold. ------------ I had a similar event today on "Namalsk" with a friend. * We where able to group up for the majority of the journey and we where quite geared up, but we lacked food and water. - So we started to head towards "Object All", in the hopes we will find someone with a better backpack and supplies, me and my friend had M14 AIM's. How did we acquire these weapons you might ask? * We explored quite allot in a organized fashion in getting armed well, sadly no supplies, my friend even gave me his last soda since I was blinking red. So we where kinda desperate in getting supplies. Then weird stuff happens. Battlefield : Mountain Nitija http://dayzdb.com/ma...malsk#6.053.057 We came under AKM fire, and the rounds shoot at us where in single burst. * Having a surround headset, it was confusing when the shoots came from all around us but didn't hit us. - The shoots came from the heli and from my left, we started to retreat south-est from the heli position. The enemy was still not seen, yet he continued to spray his AKM, me and my friend can't identify the target, so we used the trees as cover in our escape. * At a point the gunfire came closer, and my friend called out that he must be shooting from the "North-West" but still nothing there. - I laid down covering fire at the top of the mountain to hopefully pin the enemy down but of no use... Then with my friend being shoot, I covered his body. * To only noticed puffs of smoke next to his body. - He called out the hacker is right next to him. I sprayed 20 rounds of the DMR horizontally from left to right, and it did nothing. * I was fighting a hacker with "Invisibility and God-mode", he later killed my friend and wounded me and left a satchel charge to kill me. * Funny thing is that a somehow survived it, but he just finished me off after. -
"Hackers/ Scripter kids" are for destroying almost every populated server in the game. * For the people that are saying that they have only seen a single hacker or have never noticed a hacker. - They must be playing on a locked server or a server that has a password. If you trying joining "any" server with 20+ people, there is a "very high" chance of a hacker. * Normally I am being killed by a hacker every day, so I don't even bother really getting immersed into the game. - This is also a big reason why so many left the mod, due to the fact that so much people have worked for is lost in seconds due to a "kill script". I personally would wait for the "standalone" or if you really want to try the game. * Find a private "white-listed" server. * The game is very "BORING" when there are very few players. Want to know how I was recently hacked yesterday? * An enemy KA-60 with unlimited rockets destroyed the server me and a couple friends where on. Also this is on the new map called "Namalsk", half the map was destroyed by rockets, including the massive bridge called "Tara bridge". All of this was done in less than 5 min. * Different "Namalsk" server, me and my friend where geared and heading towards "Object All". We engage two enemies at the site and have them dealt with. I was covering my friends location from a guard tower, when all of a sudden a "Bandit appeared from his side and killed him". He was killed and I returned fire on the bandit. Nothing happened, and then he just disappears and appears on a mountain behind me spraying a DMR or M14 AIM. I thought I was dealing with a group of people "combat logging" but I finally realized It was a teleporting hacker after I was killed by the same weapons after I had spawned in 3 different corners of the map, and still being killed by the same weapon. * Last but not least, I thought I go back to "Chernarus" on a 40/50 players server. Turns out there are about 7+ hackers on the server, driving around in SUV's and just killing people with god mode on.
I am going to guess you didn't understand my post. * It should be "difficult" to find matches. * It should be "difficult" to find game. The whole point of "DayZ" is to survive, why not make it a challenge? It's what makes the game challenging, it forces the player to make a choice to travel to "Vorkuta" and the aniety in knowing that there are others there as-well. * If matches are rare, you finally have a reason to kill other players than to just steal their weapon. Your killing other players to survive. - You also might find players of which are nice and are willing to share a campfire, it creates an environment that "Chernarus" just does not have. Also finding matches in chernarus makes you set? * There are supermarkets on every corner of the map. North - West - Pustoshika North - East - 2x Berezino North - Stay Sobor South - Cherno , Elektro East - Polana I hope you never die of dehydration or starvation on that map. * Not to mention the countless "residential buildings" around the map, of which you can find loot. * Or better yet, just aggro and entire town, and kill all the zombies one by one with your axe that has 10,000 hits. - That will also guarantee you food and water.
No. Stop trying to make this map, "easy" like chernarus. If player really wants to find matches, just go find it in "Vorkuta".
Give "Sumrak" the cords to that invisible wall. * I've yet to hit it, but my friend and been blocked multiple times.
Try swimming, and yes I know what your going to say... * But it takes so long... - At-least your not going to die and still get to your objective.
Poll: Which DayZ map is your favorite?
sobieski12 replied to Mr-Zer0's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Really, seems the M14,DMR and AKM are the most popular choice. * Unless your playing on a hive that is connected to multiple servers. - Then I'd say are you really surprised?, people are more than likely loot cycling on empty servers connected to that hive. - Then server hopping. * Try a "private hive" - Or better yet, try a very populated server, your not going to find a 50. M107 Drop rate on DayZdb http://dayzdb.com/ma...4.044;item=M107 AS50 Drop rate on Dayzdb http://dayzdb.com/ma...4.044;item=AS50 / Notice more than half the heli crashes are in the snow. Would you actually camp the bases to the "North-West" part of the map? * Then I wish you luck? - Unless your playing on a empty server. With the amount of cover in "Vorkuta", it really is not that hard to get in. * Grab some essentials and get out. * The amount of buildings and foliage is more than enough to get in and get out, unless your feeling lucky in running to the super market of which you will more than likely die. I prefer the dense city over the open airfield in "Chernarus", but that is just my opinion. --------- The best reason to leave "Chernarus" * There is no L85 Thermal on Namalsk, so you can actually utilize cover. -
Here is a suggestion, you can drink water from the snow. * But there is a price, "you can get infected/sick". Well, unless you boil it. * But that would require a fire and some tools.
Was it the "large residential yield" apartments in Vorkuta? http://dayzdb.com/map/namalsk#5.066.015
I am not 100% sure if this can solve your issue. * But if nothing else is working, I'd suggest trying the "DayZ Commander" in getting the "mod maps and in updating the client". - http://www.dayzcommander.com/ I've had a couple friends of which had a hard time doing the "manual way" of placing the the correct files in the right place. * DayZ commander helped them out quite, effectively. Try it quickly, before the "dayz forum team", goes gestapo on my post again.
DayZ.ST - $30/mo for 50 Slot US/EU Servers - FTP - DayZ - Epoch - Instant Setup - Custom Panel - Live Map Tool
sobieski12 replied to ersan's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Could you provide a list of "private hive Dayz.St servers". * I personally do not enjoy playing a server where players can just server hop. -
A few questions "Sumrak". 1 * Is there more protection from the cold "rain / snow" within the buildings? - Or does the overall area matter in that respect? 2 * Is "Object All" bunker surroundings, not allowed to have "barbwire and tank traps" blocking the bunker entrance? - Is seems to disappear, going to guess they fall through the ground. 3 * Was the L85 thermal removed from the loot system for Namalsk? - and replaced with the L85 acog? Bug report. -------------- Large yield apartments in "Vorkuta" have ladders of which you can climb on-top, but there seems an issue once you reach the top. The character gets knocked off backwards once he reaches the top. * Essentially killing the character.
Please make more. :D * You sir, have talent. If you could, could you make a version on "Namalsk"?