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Everything posted by sobieski12

  1. Trying a strategy that I've always wanted to try. The burlap sack strat, while forcing the player the count "123" does hamper 3rd party voip discussions. There are still gaps of which players can communicate to each. The most critical info being location, with the burlap sack. It's possible to remove the 3rd party voip advantage thus doing a safer hold up. This hold up takes place at NWAF.
  2. Officer Sobi & Officer Steph have been dispatched from Novaya Petrovka on a dispatch regarding a unstable citizen in the Elektro city region. Communications was down and we as-well suffered a crash with our cruiser in Novy Sobor. However, we did reach our final destination and in looking for the suspect we received much needed help from the local population. This is our story.
  3. Was on the hunt at NWAF in the goal in capturing armed players. Was quite lucky in spotting a target and going for the capture. But things don't go as smooth as planned and the hostage is too silent... His friends are coming and I'm running out of time. Here is a perfect example of a player buy time for a daring rescue and how to counter such tactics.
  4. I prefer them to be alive, if I can help it. Some people are actually new to the game thus I'm more patient, but as time dragged on. It was becoming more and more obvious he was just buying time.
  5. Was scouting the area arurrounding NWAF. Found very little to no activity, was streaming as-well thus me talking randomly. Was scouting the NWAF military tents till I notice four figures on the wall close to me, the plan was to do an ambush.... But not everything goes according to plan.
  6. Well yeah, was very bored. Running around for 3 hours not finding anyone on a full server near NWAF... yeah... As for not shooting straight, that could be from all the running.
  7. Was playing with my comrade Shadow at VMC but things go south and the showdown would end with a 1v1. But this is no ordinary enemy.
  8. Just re-armed myself at Stary Sobor with a sks and looking for survivors to hold up. Proceeded to Vybor Military base through the South-Western fields of Stary till I ran into some company.
  9. .59 was just released and the goal was to capture as many players as I could. However it was a very unusual day, everyone was friendly. Players on the coast and even the heavily armed players in military bases. This is my story.
  10. Was successful in capturing my 1st hostage while being live on TwitchTV. Tag & Release is an idea to capture armed players and letting them go. Showing there are a variety of options in playing the game. I just left an emtpy NWAF till I spotted a player aiming at me about 500 meters to my left, this is where my story takes off with a player named Paladin.
  11. Was playing around on exp .59 hardcore back when .59 was just 1st released. After looting up North for a while and not encountering players. We then took our journey south to Chernogorsk, of which we came in contact with many players engaging each other. While looking for players in the down town section I encountered a survivor of which was really willing to talk and thus my story with PooSnake takes off from there. As for the stutter in the end, yeah… Saying Ruski probably made him think I was Russian. Of which is a terrible idea, since I only know one Russian word and that would be Spasiba aka “Thank you”. Felt bad for lying thus trying to correct my-self, but yeah. Was worried about being killed as-well but o well, that is simply DayZ.
  12. sobieski12

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    1) Will we have a trench coat in the future? - Really liking the drifter set in Fallout 4, has that apocalyptic feel. 2) Have you beaten Fallout 4 yet? 3) Will the secret underground military base in cords 078.006 return? http://dayzdb.com/map#7.078.007 4) Will we ever be able to power certain power plants on the map? - For example the small power plant North of Elektro city. 5) Could we expect to see more heli crashes in the far northern part of the map, near Severograd and Novaya Petrovka? 6) Could we expect to see more options for players taking others hostage? - For example - If I can get a player to hold his hands up, can I get the option to take the gun off his shoulder / pack while pointing the gun at him. Atm, we need to make them hold their hands and then let them drop their hands in order for them to be able to drop weapons & gear... Not the best method, since it's really easy to switch to your gun and counter attack at that stage. 7) Will the game have layered clothing in the future? I've always find it strange to find green sweaters in the military bases, since I generally always have something better to store items with. But then thought, if it's very cold. Why not have multiple layers of clothing, maybe mitigate some same in melee attack from zombies / players.
  13. A quick backstory what happened. An event just started in finding the infamous cult of papa on the DuG 1pp server. Sadly my character was re-set due to an error. Thus I re-spawned in Cernaya Polana, but darkness took over the land and a cultist follower was lurking in the nearby area. This is where my quick story takes off.
  14. After looting the Police station in Kamyshovo, the goal was to reach the next one North, the objective was to gather as much supplies in order to take on heavily geared players in Stary Sobor, turns out I'd find company allot sooner.
  15. sobieski12

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    1) Will we have a trench coat in the future? - Really liking the drifter set in Fallout 4, has that apocalyptic feel. 2) Have you beaten Fallout 4 yet? 3) Will the secret underground military base in cords 078.006 return? http://dayzdb.com/map#7.078.007 4) Will we ever be able to power certain power plants on the map? - For example the small power plant North of Elektro city. 5) Could we expect to see more heli crashes in the far northern part of the map, near Severograd and Novaya Petrovka? 6) Could we expect to see more options for players taking others hostage? - For example - If I can get a player to hold his hands up, can I get the option to take the gun off his shoulder / pack while pointing the gun at him. Atm, we need to make them hold their hands and then let them drop their hands in order for them to be able to drop weapons & gear... Not the best method, since it's really easy to switch to your gun and counter attack at that stage.
  16. sobieski12

    Hold Ups, Stick Ups, Non-Lethal Robbery (Dear Bad Guy)

    These holds up are done on normal hardcore servers. Thus the strategy in forcing them to count "1 2 3" in direct chat is used, it's interfere with the communications of any 3rd party program. On a rp server you wouldn't really need to worry about it, due to the threat of being banned by breaking some ridiculous rule.
  17. While over-watching NWAF I witnessed a squad back-stabbing of which was unlike I've ever seen. Approaching the area to clean up the survivors, I fight and nearly die to only realize that it's an old friend that I fought to the death, the cult leader - Ceremor. But even in death these men continue to haunt the forgotten lands of Chernarus.
  18. Was looting Myshkino tents and noticed some irregular movement in the area, thus the hunt began. Night time arrived quickly and things got allot more dangerous. Here is as clip of one of my most embarrassing hold ups.
  19. While looting for supplies in Zelenogorsk, the goal was to meet with another ally on TS. Turns out we meet another survivor, an armed one as-well. As tensions rise... and the zombies prowl. We band together to hold the line against the forgotten.
  20. Well that was strange. they did work and also didn't. You saw the vid as-well, tested at Vybor base, it worked, tested it before NWAF it worked, tested in the combat didn't.
  21. The reason the AK didn't fire, was because he loaded ruined bullets into the mag. The mag can still be pristine, but the the weapon won't fire because of the ruined bullets. To check the bullets, open your inventory, with the gun in your hands, right-click the gun and select empty. This will eject a bullet from the gun, if you see a ruined bullet. Then take the mag out, empty all the bullets and load pristine bullets in and it should work. As for these encounters, they are very rare.
  22. Hello survivors this video is intended to give you warning in using such weapons in pvp. Have had allot of close calls versus other players, and if the ak weapon does not work for you. Would strongly suggest in using another weapon as soon as possible, probably the sks.
  23. sobieski12

    "Warning" Exp 0.59 Broken / Jamming AK's - SKS work around

    The bug is that when loading the mag, a bullet is automatically chambered into the gun. The bullets in the gun are invisible thus the confusion. While the mag is loaded into the gun, open inventory, right click the gun, then hit empty. It will eject the chambered round, then the gun properly works