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Everything posted by sobieski12

  1. Players need to go through the same process, just when the "DayZ team" implemented the combat timer. * Remember how players cried that they will fall victim to hackers, due to the combat timer being what,"15 - 25 sec?" - Too bad it only affects the abort option. Players found a reason to justify the usage of "ALT+F4". * Then they all saw the advantages of this current exploit. - Not only can they escape hackers, but legit game play as-well. If they removed the advantages of "ALT+F4" * At-least the team would only have to deal with one with problem, hackers. - But in reality the team has two problems to seriously deal with, hackers and alt + f4 combat loggers.
  2. I wish players would be "automatically banned" from servers that press "ALT + F4". There is no reason to "combat log". * Your essentially abusing an exploit to stay alive. Let me guess a couple other times you press "ALT+F4" - Died to another sniper at the NWAF - Killed in Elektro / Cherno - Died walking in the open plains of Stary Sobor. Both players like yourself, and hackers are responsible for driving off players when the "DayZ" became popular. -- As for the people justifying "ALT+F4" to escape hackers. * Your both exploiting the system, what is the difference?
  3. sobieski12

    dayz FPS increase No downloads!

    Fraps does not affect your FPS, unless your recording. The "OSD" is fine in telling your overall FPS. More advanced tools to measure various hardware statistics would be * MSI Afterburner * EVGA Precision X
  4. What will probably get more people killed, would be fixing the * Pine tree exploit and the firehouse ladder exploit. As for the zombie ai, I can't really comment till I see it in action. * The video showing us the new path finding is not exactly the best way to see this specific point. - But then again there are bigger exploits to deal with. * Alt + F4 / combat logging exploit - "to avoid death" * Gamma / Brightness / High HDR exploit - "to see in the dark" Could be considered a exploit or a cheap tactic. * 3rd person exploit , - "to see around corners and over cover to find enemies" * Server hopping - "Farm / loot cycle gear on a dead server and then bring your military grade gear to a populated server."
  5. 1st : You should go to the "Can I run it" sticky. * http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/64576-can-i-run-it-ask-here/ 2nd: I'd suggest a quad core CPU. * Your not going to get far with a dual - core.
  6. sobieski12

    The best Dayz tip you have ever heard

    Pine Trees are "zombie safe zones". * Probably the best tip I've ever got.
  7. sobieski12

    How awesome?

    DayZ with friends.... lol
  8. sobieski12

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    I was personally looking at my screenshot folder, when I noticed a particular screenshot. * When I hit "149 FPS" on a server with 30 players in it. - The server was a expert server hosted by BMRF. Here is the screenshot with proof. System Specs CPU : I7-3770K "OC atm at (4224.0 MHz)" Memory : 16384MB RAM GPU : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690 "EVGA" Motherboard : Z77 Sabertooth 2 x 1 TB HDs for RAID 0
  9. sobieski12

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    I'll try not to embarrass you, but you need re-read the original post. * 4224.0Mhz is the CPU frequency, thus equal to 4.2Ghz ---> But I also need to remind that this is an old thread, I've bumped the OC to 4300.0 Mhz / 4.3 Ghz ever since then. - Not to mention I have an I7-3770K As for the RAM. * 16384 Mb is equal to 16 Gb - As for the frequency, I've had it set at 1866mhz. Didn't bother with a higher frequency, it does not really impact game-play performance. ​* As for editing and creating video files, different story. ---- As for the glory screenshots, I found that comment quite entertaining. * How about you get on a populated server and take a screenshot in the city of cherno? - Showing a "OSD" of your FPS and GPU usage, I am very interested where in the city you got 85 frames. As for the gaming not being smooth during movement. * Here is a small vid of me recording with fraps, ah yes the fps killer. - Loss of fps due to recording on a HD instead of a SSD. If you pause at the start of the vid, the fps is at 90. Once fraps is starting the run in the background, fps drops around 45 - 60 FPS. * Even with fraps the game can still run smooth
  10. sobieski12

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    Ok, I'll start by saying sorry for not responding to your questions. * This thread is quite old, and it died a while ago. Till I guess someone brought it back to life at the start of april. - I've also not logged on the dayz forums for a while. :blush: As for the questions. - I'll look into it, and getting some test results with shadows. I do have a couple test screen shots. As to repeat the tests it will take some time. * I did change my "FOV" of which changed results FPS quite noticeably. ---------------------------------------------------------- Default FOV. New FOV Some old shadows testing screenshots. Packed 70 player Taviana server. * Test of low - high settings. * CPU threads recorded , GPU usage recorded, CPU overall usage, There is also a GPU3 but don't worry about it. It is a GTX460 being used as a dedicated PhysX card. Low settings test. High Settings test. Some cherno testing pics. High settings test, didn't do a low settings test tho. I'll look into getting the chernarus screenshots later today.
  11. sobieski12

    Need Help with new rig

    How many guides do you want? * Btw I was the same, bought my system and the part I worried the most... Was placing the cpu to the motherboard. * I kept cleaning the surface of the CPU for no dust like a freak. - Then applying the thermal paste and screwing in the heatsink on the CPU to the motherboard. - Yeah applying a 300 dollar cpu to a 250 dollar motherboard...
  12. sobieski12

    Need Help with new rig

    For a CPU demanding game like DayZ, it would be a good Idea to overclock it. * Btw, where is your OCing heatsink? I would not suggest trying to use the stock intel heat-sink to overclock with.
  13. sobieski12

    Namalsk Bridge Glitch.. or hacker?!

    This is probably what happened to you on the bridge. Watch in 1080p and watch the guy crossing the bridge.
  14. I'll be honest, with standalone still in the works. * Could more servers apply more mods? The "HALO Jump" is a amazing mechanic versus the standard ejection system. * The ability to free-fall and to open the cute when you choose too. * The ability to steer and brake with the parachute is also impressive. What do you guys think? * Should more servers support the usage of "HALO Jumping"? I'll post a vid of me "HALO Jumping in Dayz"
  15. Was browsing over a couple old videos and I've noticed more people have noticed the "Dayz Halo Jump vid". * Quite interesting that more and more servers are incorporating such mods to enhance the gaming experience. Keep it up server admins! :thumbsup: It is quite fun, when HALO jumping in groups to infiltrate various enemy camps on various different maps. :)
  16. sobieski12

    GTX Titan upgrade

    If he wants to spend "1,000" on a card, then let him. * I personally bought the GTX 690 and I've never regretted the decision. As for the GTX Titan. * It is an impressive card, I would only get it for SLI. - But I don't have 5k usd atm in buying a gaming rig. - Still saving for my next system in 2014, when Nvidia releases the "Maxwell" cards. Here is a review you should check out, OP. * Newegg did a very interesting benchmark for the "GTX 680, HIS 7970, GTX Titan, ASUS ARES II , GTX Titan in SLI" The 6gb of memory will only apply to multi-monitor setup * Basically 2gb of memory is enough for each monitor that is 1920 x 1080p.
  17. The combat timer, is a useless tool. * It is not hard to get around it, people just "ALT+F4". Until "BIS" solves the issue with people using "ALT+F4" to evade combat or death in general. - The the combat timer might actually be useful. --- If waiting 30 sec waiting, is too much for you, just stop playing DayZ. * Legaue of Legends players plan ahead for hours to have available game time. Since most matches can last from 30 minutes to 90 minutes.
  18. sobieski12

    How much internet does DayZ use ?

    1mb = 1,000kbps. Personally, I use At&t. * And of course, they don't give the max amount of bandwidth you pay for. - Might just be me, don't know. But when I was paying for 3mbs, I was getting about 330 kbps. - Of course I've got a better service. - So in a way of saying, getting something better than 300 kbps, lol.
  19. sobieski12

    How much internet does DayZ use ?

    Somewhat, amazed at how many assholes are responding to the OP. * Maybe he ain't a tech savy individual. To the OP. * I would personally suggest getting over 3mbps. - While I had 3mbps, DayZ had some serious desync issues. - While for other games, I had no issue. Try around 6 - 8 mbps.
  20. sobieski12

    What's the point in COMBAT ROLE?

    Going to roll to the enemy, they stand no chance versus my double barrel.
  21. sobieski12

    worth buying arma now?

    Before you plan on buying it. * Can your system support it?
  22. sobieski12

    Where is the loot for this building?

    1-2 loot spawns at the garage entrance.
  23. Imagine if you hand-cuffed a player, and the guys i being annoying on direct chat. *Pistol whip dat face. It would make for some funny/epic role playing.
  24. sobieski12

    So Would you Kill me?

    Basically this.
  25. Thanks to "Barrett_killz" for finding a very interesting article. * To change your FoV Reason I am making this thread is to focus on the FoV section of the article. * Here is the article - http://pastebin.com/F7Q8Ne2i Scroll down to line 76 * Follow instructions. Reddit also has some resolutions ready for those that don't want to do the math. * http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/ug6wu/how_to_adjust_your_fov_aka_how_to_cure_arma2/ Proof that it works. Old FoV fovTop=0.75; fovLeft=1.3333334; 1920 x 1080 resolution New FoV fovTop=1.03; fovLeft=1.83; 1920 x 1080 resolution