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Blitzer (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Blitzer (DayZ)

  1. Blitzer (DayZ)

    DayZ Ovaron

    Introducing the public version of Sulcorp's DayZ Ovaron check http://arma.sulcorp.com XR-HS +130 vehicles! 2 airfields, 2 capitals, shitloads of high value. get the downloads now! and join us in yet again a fight against the zombies and the bandits! high Res pictures in my 2nd post.
  2. Blitzer (DayZ)

    DayZ Ovaron

    At the moment im not working on ovaron. The turned out to be a bad map for playing dayz. BUT i'm working on a new project wich i will also release the server files from since day 1. so jold on very cool mod on its way!!
  3. Blitzer (DayZ)

    DayZ Ovaron

    @smasht_au not yet, need to fine tune some stuff before releasing first batch of files for the serverside
  4. Blitzer (DayZ)

    DayZ Ovaron

    How high is it?
  5. Blitzer (DayZ)

    DayZ Ovaron

    At this moment only have one server running. the moment we launching whitelisting with pay to play we might get more servers. Useually a server in amsterdam datacentre should have good ping. (this server iant in amsterdam). also update on the new version we launch this weekend, at least im trying to ;), - removall of wrecks on map - fix bugged bridges - add hospitals - making the mirrored towns more unique(funny people where saying i turned north and south arround, they where just on other side of map ;) hahha. Main complaint is people get lost) - change of spawn locations, might add some more. - some small things got some input? Just let me know.
  6. Blitzer (DayZ)

    DayZ Ovaron

    implemented chopper lifting script where you can lift/attach the vehcile under your chopper and relocate it to your friends, or your base. Also have a bigger map for you here: http://arma.sulcorp.com/images/OvaronMapVHigh.png
  7. Blitzer (DayZ)

    DayZ Ovaron

    High Res map: http://arma.sulcorp.com/images/ovaron.png
  8. Blitzer (DayZ)

    dutch friends

    Kom naar FU2 server. TS = ts3.sulcorp.com wat nederlanders daar en aardig wat camps. server is niet druk (nog niet ;) )
  9. Blitzer (DayZ)

    What exactly is Lingor Island ?

    get dayz on ovaron :D
  10. Blitzer (DayZ)

    More intensity - I want to feel the thrill!

    ACRE is really easy to implement in the servers. But than you got the next problem...... getting it to work on the Clients ..... we had some servers running with ACRE and its really nice but before everyone has installed it on its computer and got ts plugin to work it was a hasle. Other thing with ACRE is that you practicly need all players for the server on 1 TS server. Than you need to figure a control script out so people without a working ACRE cant join, else they can hear everyone.... So yeah would be funny, but to hard to get it going for everyone