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Everything posted by Powermolch

  1. Powermolch

    Dear Rocket..

    Dear lzugl, lol..
  2. Powermolch

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Oh yes please hurry up with the ID to string story. Would be nice to play on my usual server again, which wasn't possible for the last weeks.
  3. Powermolch

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    Very interesting and serious thread... ..not.
  4. Chernarus News Ticker: "Chernogorsk is bandit territory."
  5. I'm glad we have different skins now and we sure will get more clothes. No need for Survivor/Bandit Uniforms. Almost all long-term Survivors were wearing bandit skin anyway. The price of survival. Was a useless feature.
  6. Nope, don't see any reason. There were and are regular wipes. Tent wipes, Database cleanups, vehicle resets. Not to mention the mysterious vanishing tents. And every Char is wiped when death. Don't need any. We'll have more wipes in the future when things change, I'm sure. The reason above "to hear butthurt people cry", is no reason for a wipe, more a reason to visit a psychiatrist.
  7. (Playtime) Hours alive would be a nice addition for the Debug Monitor.
  8. Powermolch

    Realism vs keeping new players

    This Mod is a few months old, so we were all new players once. And many of us like the learning curve. New players also like the game hard. Heard it recently from 2 new players who just began and have a lot of fun with this mod. Please stop making fools of new players. New Players are new, thats all. Its no special Race. New Players who like the mod will ecome Vets, New Players who don't liek the mod will go away.
  9. Powermolch

    New player getting murdered

    Premade Coop -> Solo -> Random Coop
  10. Powermolch

    Banned from NY68 (Admin Abuse)

    Using Cheats and known Exploits is also a reason to ban Curgon. And DCing during gunfights is , by Rocket himself, an Exploit. Killing people in Debug Forest is forbidden too. But sure you need proof before ban anyone. I can only give a hint to all Server Admins with enough Power and Disk Space - Run a Recorder like Fraps or something when you get into Contact with Players. And all other Players too, who play on the same server on a regular basis. Just link it to your local Admins, and let them decide what to to, but proof is, as stated above, needed. "Seen with your own eyes" is no trustworthy proof.
  11. Powermolch

    ich komm einfach nicht in das spiel rein!?!

    Was geht denn nicht? Nach Anweisung mit Sixlauncher sollte alles gehen. Zudem ist das gerade ein schlechter Zeitpunkt um zu sehen ob alles richtig installiert wurde. Der Masterserver hat heute massive Schwierigkeiten an denen noch gearbeitet wird. Versuchs morgen nochmal dann sollte hoffentlich alles wieder gehen wie gewohnt.
  12. Powermolch


    Nerf PvE please. OP is a Zombie and gets always shot on sight.
  13. Powermolch

    Fail Bandits of the Week

    Gratulations but 4 People with NVG, Rangefinder, AS50 sounds fishy. Server?
  14. Powermolch

    Why did you shoot me.

    You lost your bet. And even if I would own that games, that has nothing to do with this topic. I also played Super Mario and I'm not playing a plumber looking for a princess to rescue in DayZ. So I don't understand this type of "argument".
  15. Powermolch

    Why did you shoot me.

    Oh the COD kid phrase. Really nice, thumbs up. Never heard that yet.
  16. Powermolch

    Why did you shoot me.

    The weak and friendly would die first in apocalypse. But in DayZ they are respawning and therefore not be wiped out. But most of them evolve to real "Survivors" and finally survive.
  17. There is not PvE or PvP. Every Player who wants to PvP is doing PvE at the same amount. PvE means Player vs. Environment. PvP players break legs, have to eat, drink, bleed, get shocked, get cold, get infected, have to find loot & Equipment, get attacked by Zombies as every PvE Player. The Game is the whole Package. You can't ignore one aspect of it. Zombies are no real threat. The threat is if I aggro a zombie, I'll have to shoot him and give my Position away to other players in a large radius. Its PvP in a harsh Environment and goal Nr1 is "Stay Alive". In other shooter games, suiciding into 3 players and taking them with you will give you a 3:1 on your Score Table. In DayZ it will give you a large 0 to your scoretable and take your gear away.
  18. Powermolch

    DayZ is longterm, baby

    I'm with you.
  19. Powermolch

    So I found a Remington

    Without details hard to know. Some possible words: Effective Range, Head/Chest shots instead of arms & legs, bad hit detection, bad aim, lag
  20. Powermolch

    Kinda annoying me now.

    Who is shooting in Cherno?
  21. Oh look, this unique thread again.
  22. Powermolch

    should there be regular resets on characters

    Mass gear farming on airfields for example, is not a bad thing, its the daily wish and often suggested power of groups in action.