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Everything posted by Powermolch

  1. Am I wrong or was it an ARMA Beta Patch that turned it into a Server Setting Option? Didn't read anything about Losing Gear turned off in general.
  2. Powermolch

    So many damn veteran servers!?!?

    I guess Nametags are the worst thing on Regular Servers. Running through the Woods and seeing a Name in your middle of your Screen like "Player 1 283m" without even a chance to see him "really". Especially when you only can talk about 60 metres. After taking out a guy I could have never seen I stopped to play on Nametag Servers in General. Most Servers have very Different Rules -CH0/1, 3DP 0/1, Nametags, Map Waypoints, Showing Players on Map and so on. Best is to stick to a Server you like. Most Servers have partially the same Communities. So sticking to a Server you like helps finding friends and you dont have to look for special Server Settings again if you found one. ;)
  3. Powermolch

    So many damn veteran servers!?!?

    Cant read anything like that. Can see a post of a player who complains about the type of server people are running mostly (Cause Vet Servers without Names/Crosshairs are the most demanded type of Server) and comments with "Stick your Servers up your arse". And you are jumping on this thread to create more unrest.
  4. Powermolch

    "Booby trapped body" hack?

    unconscious maybe? Did you hear the flies or not?
  5. Not bad. But keep Broken Legs/Morphine and ADD Infected Bites/Antibiotics. And use the Suggestion Forum for Suggestions. ;)
  6. I don't fight down by the Ocean' date=' I fight up North, usually by that time players are fairly knowledgeable of the game. If they die and that's their first time run, they made it pretty far and it was a lesson learned for them. I've been killed many times and it only makes me a better player. [/quote'] My expirience is the same. Most serious gunfights are far away from the coast, most people don't even bother to go down the coast to slaughter newbies. We rarely raid Cherno or Electro, it often means extreme danger for us too. And DayZ Rule Nr1 is SURVIVE. Do what you want - kill, repair, build tent cities, go hunt, raid Airfields - but - SURVIVE at all Costs. And Gunfights u the North are mostly more thrilling and rewarding.
  7. Powermolch

    Where's some good places to explore?

    I usually take the Route to the North. Take Barns, Supermarkets and Deer stands on your Way and explore the Northern Region. But beware - Players at the northern parts of the map are better geared, expirienced and probably more hostile than at the coast. Points of Interest (And Danger) are especially the region around Stary Sobor and the Northwest Airfield.
  8. NW Airfield has Barracks. Hangars, Firestation and Tower are the same like the other Airstrips, but Barracks only exists at the NW Airfield and can spawn higher valuable loot.
  9. Im here for PvP too. That has nothing to do with CoD Style or Deathmatch cause first rule is always: SURVIVE. If i'm alone I would not jump on a four people group and killing newbies is very rare I think. Most Players are looking for PvP up the north where better equipped and expirienced people can fight each other. Collecting things, cooking meat, repair Vehicles, drive around with it and raid Cities is one gal of the game and is the main route. But if we come across other groups who want to raid the same airfields/supermarkets or whatever it will lead to a gunfight.
  10. Powermolch

    Player Revival

    +1 for this Suggestion. One unlucky shot or a lot of bugs can destroy the whole evening of a group. 1 Minute time to revive would be enough, needs a lot of medical supplies and probably a new tool. Would be a good change for Groups/Teams. Most Weapons do very mch damage, Epi-Pens are worhless in 98% cause they are already dead. In PvP Situations it can be a extrem Adrenaline-Rush to step out in the line of fire to get your mate back to life within a minute.
  11. Powermolch


    I thought of several things which could help players to survive and also consumes playtime. What I really would like to see is Fishing. There could be 2 Options of Fishing. First: Fishing Pole - Why not sitting on the beach with a fishing pole, waiting for getting food? Second: Fishing with a net - We all know that slow and useless boats ingame. Its Fun to ride around with it but it has no use at all. (The Island doesnt spawn anything special) But its a Fishing Boat, why not adding an option to catch fish with it?
  12. Powermolch

    What do NV Goggles look like in a loot pile?

    No they look like NVG, very similar to Binoculars.
  13. Powermolch

    Solution to the CoD vs Carebears

    Ok sorry I thought you made only another profile ingame.
  14. Powermolch

    Solution to the CoD vs Carebears

    You don't have a different Character when you make a second profile. Another Name, another Face and another Keyboard Layout.
  15. Powermolch

    Most bandits are posers

    Stereotypes are rare. There is rarely Black and White. Most of us are different shades of grey. Killing and Dying is part of the game. Most kills and shots are depending on situation.
  16. Powermolch

    NWAF= Pipe Dream

    @Execpro: Try this map and filter things out except military ones. And they are also classified in 3 Categories on this map. Youll see that NW Airfield can have the best loot in Chernarus, except the Helicopters, but Helis doesnt contain as much of it. http://dayzdb.com/map
  17. Im not sure if you arent the OPs fake account anyway. You registered after he said he is leaving the forums and are answering in the same threads with a more aggressive manner.
  18. Powermolch

    Some thoughts

    Hm? Whats wrong with you? OP asked about Sound Aggro through Buildings. And instead of retyping Rockets thread I pointed him at it. Its in the fixed list for the Mondays Patch. So what, genius?
  19. Powermolch

    Some thoughts

  20. Powermolch

    Where is the CZ550?

    Didn't find one since Spawn Percentage was reduced. Before there were 1-3 in every Barn or farm building. Havent seen any since then.
  21. Bye. And as said. Most of us team up AND kill strangers AND Achieve Goals like Raiding Towns and Airfields, Building Bases and Vehicles. There is no OR. Its AND.
  22. Powermolch

    Bizon ammo?

    Yes, found one once, fired a dozen shots and logged out to eat. Logged back in later - Mag was gone and I was sad. That Ammo could spawn more often at Military Loot spawns while the weapon itself should still be bound to rare helicopter loot.