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About Prec1sioN

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  1. and also why the fuck were 5 other kids in mumble playing during this period?
  2. then why was my game freezing any time i tried to do anything?
  3. im not getting servers to show up in six launcher, and if i launch into the game using six launcher , the beta patch or through steam, the game freezes for 30-60 seconds when i get into the arma launch menu and everytime i click on something it freezes for 30-60 seconds and still shows no servers, ever since the 95310 beta patch this game has been fucking impossible to play and detrieriorate rapidly, earlier on in the night it was fixed and i was able to get into game after reinstalling everything, ive read through the forums for 30 min, reinstalled all the launchers and games multiple times and the same problem occurs, no servers and constant freezing. any help would be appreciated.
  4. valador, thats not what i really care about, these kids all blow dick and cant aim worth a fuck, i dont care if they have infinite gear. whats a fucking joke is the teleporting of the 3 vehicles we took from them.
  5. also one more thing that i want to make clear, im not debating whether or not they cheated, they did. just know that theyre scumbag faggots who are simply lying so they can continue cheating, period.
  6. "The group you took vehicles from is actually a large group and I do not doubt they were working for hours to retrieve their gear." whether they legitimately retrieved the vehicles and gear in the first place, (which they didnt) doesnt actually matter. they fucking TELEPORTED THE V3S. WITH. US. INSIDE. OF. THE. VEHICLE. OLOLOLOLOLOL
  7. nevermind the fact that we stole 62 guns from you, the RPG from you and an hour later you had the exact same gear in ur tents. basically whats happening here is you fuckin casual public fucks got dominated for around 4-5 hours in 3 different firefights, we found your base, dominated you in ur base, took all of ur shit and magically it was all back including teleporting the FUCKING VEHICLES WITH US IN THEM ROFLLLLLLL. children like you really are the reason the economy is fuckin destroyed, straight up sociopathic behavior with no remorse.
  8. ROFL i didnt think you dumpster fucks would actually try and defend yourselves from literally teleporting your vehicles back to yourselves with us IN THEM, you are exactly the kind of rejects i would fucking demolish in every aspect of life.
  9. havent contacted the admin, dont know who it is, as far as evidence, just go look at the geeks tents at 15-70 with full gear
  10. thats fine, like i said just dissolve the server so the virgins dont get any more free gear
  11. its probably their server so i dont mind if u just take it down or blacklist it, its cool.
  12. US128 has a group of geeks cheating gear and teleporting vehicles back to themselves once they lose them to being outplayed 3 times in a night the fuckin losers names are Ryan Jacob Nathan Naizo Cryoquasm the little kids have tents at 15-70 north west of myshkino and they just spawn in new gear after getting raided. their aim blows dick so it wasnt suprising to find out they cheated because they accomplished nothing in their lives.