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Everything posted by osallivan

  1. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    guess that another 10 minutes!
  2. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    about 10-20 minutes left... depends on his internet speed and video size... Though, I don't worry about the speed, I am pretty sure it is fine :P
  3. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    it's not an hour of footage, it's 24gb of footage :P lol If that's the YouTube rendering, then it will take up to an hour or so for low quality. But if it is in Vegas, then hope for about the same period...
  4. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Just go to his twitter :P Smash just updates you folks who don't know how to use it lol...
  5. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Scumbag YouTube... >:(
  6. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    This gave me cancer :o
  7. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    awwwwwwww... it means stop smashing the F5 and go to watch some TV until night... okay :(
  8. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Oh, does anybody know anything about Physx in the SA? I wish that they were like in GTA :P Just imagine it, smashing zombies all over the place with your car. Or, for example, shoot a zombie in the head with an AS50 and his head along with his body flies off for like 5 meters lol. I mean, that's realistic, ain't it? :P
  9. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    True. I am so tired of all of those "Crysises" and "Call of Duties" that I am sick of them... I am not even waiting for GTA V as much as I wait for DayZ. I am, as never before, excited for the DayZ SA release as well. BTW, is out just a few hours ago :P
  10. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I have an auto refresh addon in mah FireFox browser that refreshes every 5 seconds :P I sit back with some popcorn and coke, and wait...
  11. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    A VIDEO on DayZ SA!? OMG OMG OMG, a video? OH MY GOoooooDDDD :D HELL YEAAH! :D That must be the dooms day... can't be so simple...
  12. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Yeah, CorridorDigital, those guys make random SpecialFX short films on different stuff. They basically enjoy making them, so they upload random stuff like that every once in a while. They were inspired by the game, so they made this video. It is indeed the best short film about DayZ so far.
  13. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    well, see, games are different than movies. I think the reason parents complain is because in games the player has the ability to control his actions, which, according to the parents, "can lead to bad attitude and behaviour". Though, my opinion on that matter is that if some kid did something bad cuz of a game, then first of all, it is the parent's fault. It means that those parents didn't teach their stupid kid that reality is not a game. When I was a kid playing those "violent" games back in the 2000's, my parents never complained. They knew I played them, but they also knew that I have the brains to understand what's a game and what's reality. Well, I guess the good news is that that scumbag parent generation is getting old. In a few years, almost every parent will be a parent who played computer games :P and hopefully, we will hear no more of that bullshit again :D
  14. osallivan

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    GTA IV? Think of "Bully: Scholarship Edition" by R*. This one almost got canceled from development cuz of some parents complaining.
  15. Yes, it is Real Virtuality, but it is a rebuilt engine :P The question is, how large was the rebuild? This will answer whether if the engine can be considered as a "New" or a "Modified".
  16. People are retarded. It has been told so many times that DayZ SA will be based on a redesigned engine of the "Take On Helicopters" game. First of all, it differs from the ArmA engine. Second of all, it was redesigned and rebuilt, therefore it WILL be a NEW engine.
  17. $30 for both games. NO. DayZ will be about $20, plus the $50 WarZ rip off. (And guess what, unlike DayZ, WarZ has an in-game currency to rip your pockets off). Thanks for the twitter links, btw. Thank god FireFox has an automatic page refresh option every 5 seconds :P
  18. mzltv, I do have twitter, but I didn't see anything that says there will be an update :P
  19. and you m0s3s, if you want to play a zombie game and can't wait for DayZ, then go ahead, buy WarZ... a bunch of people there had experience playing it and have already told you about how much of crap this game really is in comparison to DayZ (including gameplay). Even a couple of my friends tried it, they absolutely agreed that WarZ wasn't worth the money they spent on it. As far as DayZ being a mod for which you have to pay $30 - dude, you are technically buying 2 games at one price. Who cares if that's a "mod". As long as it is fun, I will pay to play it. Anyway, after all it is your choice. If you want to buy it, nobody is holding you. We gave our opinion.
  20. Why do you laugh about pirated means? There are a bunch of pirated servers... Some people actually play there. I owed arma before I tried the mod, but since DayZ came out, I've seen pirated copies quite a lot explaining how to launch and play it...
  21. First quarter of 2013. :D Best estimate as we can give atm. And even then, still nobody can assure you they won't push it till later...
  22. I'll go for a late February - early March release... I hope so.
  23. absolutely agree. :thumbsup: I don't think that such a game as ArmA can even be played on a console... I mean, maybe DayZ SA, but not arma :P there's just not enough controls
  24. So many useless off-topic comments guys... slow down the phase. I am getting tired... Anyway, I don't see a problem with that... If they are indeed phase 2 (going to be added after the release) then it should happen pretty quick. I mean, It's Take On Helicopters engine, it's mostly done already :P...