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Everything posted by JermEx

  1. I say remove it. Its just a painful irritation.
  2. Hackers are ruining the dayz experience. This game puts too much on the line for hacking to exist on any level.
  3. I agree, hacking has become the main problem with the game. If hackers don't start getting their userid's banned, people won't want to test anymore.
  4. I tend to agree that the game would benefit from some way to identify Bandits. It would decrease the KOS occurrence, at least by a little. I think the inherent untrustworthiness of survivors will remain, since you don't really know what someone was like in a past life.
  5. regulators eh? This is excatly what the dayz universe needs, organized friendlies. I'll commend your initiative and sign myself up.
  6. JermEx

    popularity of Zelenogorsk

    I was only in Zelenogorsk once, I had just visited green mountain tower looking for vehicles. Traveled into Zeleno since I hadn't found anything at Gmount. Got bit by a zombie just south of the city, found a bandage nearby and right after I bandaged, I got hit by another Zed. Then I bled out in the street.
  7. I can understand the concern of the community about the current bandit situation in Chenarus. I've watched a few interviews with rocket about the issue, and I tend to agree with his ideas. There should be no PK penalty in this game. To introduce any kind of negative aspect to PVP would hurt the core concept of this game. This is zombie apocalypse, chances are there will be more unfriendly players than there are friendlies. That being said, Rocket's solution of "more options" Deserves a little faith on our part. I don't think he will rest until this game reaches that balance. Hurting the PVP will only hurt the game. I hate being senselessly shot by a sniper as much as anyone, but that risk is what adds an entire layer of caution and tension to this game. Without it, its just an easy zombie avoidance simulator
  8. The hacking isn't even that prevalent in dayz, and it's quite easy just to find a new server to escape hackers.