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Doyle McPoyle

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Everything posted by Doyle McPoyle

  1. Doyle McPoyle


    i want to eat these dead bodies and have the flies as a snack.
  2. Doyle McPoyle

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    But I am the op so should I fear myself?
  3. Doyle McPoyle

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    I'll look into it. Thanks. Yeah and I'm going to kill him and give a noob his loot. Win/Win situation.
  4. Doyle McPoyle

    [Newbie-Guides] - Start easier, improve yourself!

    I'd bean you, but I'm out of beans.
  5. Doyle McPoyle

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    Ok, i'll be looking for you.
  6. Doyle McPoyle

    [Newbie-Guides] - Start easier, improve yourself!

    great, hope you're doing this out of the kindness of your heart and not for views.
  7. Doyle McPoyle

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    What server do you play on alex?
  8. Doyle McPoyle

    Bandit Camp locations?

    Where are the popular places that you've been/seen/heard of? Tired of being sniped/killed by assholes when I have nothing.
  9. Doyle McPoyle

    Bandit Camp locations?

    tell me what servers you guys are on so i can kill you with my hacked tank
  10. Doyle McPoyle

    Hack or glitch?

    Was in US 917(?) and some guy was shooting in my area and I randomly got a broken leg. Had 12,000 life left, aborted came back, then I was still at 12,000 health. Any ideas?
  11. Doyle McPoyle

    Hack or glitch?

    No, I got shot at, crawled, tried to communicate to the player and was going to respawn since I didn't have anything worth keeping anyways(just spawned). I switched to a new server to see if it was a glitch. I never disconnect when someone shoots at me, I like seeing other players and I've died way too many times to care about what I have. Thanks, never came across them before.
  12. Doyle McPoyle

    Six Launcher Update Issue Fix [Beta 95099]

    Hey thanks man. I just updated mines, used your guide and it works flawlessly.
  13. Doyle McPoyle

    Bandit Camp locations?

    thanks good sir
  14. Doyle McPoyle

    Bandit Camp locations?

    thanks man
  15. Doyle McPoyle


    Cool man.
  16. Doyle McPoyle

    Can I Run It

    http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx
  17. Doyle McPoyle

    Are tents server specific?

    When you use a tent, does it only save on the server that you used it on or can you switch servers and it will be there? I had a tent pack and switched servers but it was gone so I'd like to make sure. Thanks!
  18. Doyle McPoyle

    Are tents server specific?

    thanks fellas
  19. Doyle McPoyle

    arma2 beta patch help

    Do this although I use steam to play the game.
  20. Doyle McPoyle

    Bicycles still spawning?

    So i'm checking out this map http://dayzdb.com/map#5.004.122 and this one http://southcoastbeanwars.com/dayz-maps/Vehicle-spawn-map.jpg and the dayzdb map says there are no bicycles. Maybe it's just my browser but has anyone found any/know if they still spawn?
  21. Doyle McPoyle

    Bicycles still spawning?

    thanks guys
  22. Doyle McPoyle

    [GUIDE] Keybindings & Tips For New Players

    YOU CAN HAVE MY BEANS. Thanks good sir/ma'am
  23. wow this map actually has a legend. Thanks man
  24. i love the bandits/pvp aspect. Makes the game different from others although people can be assholes.