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Doyle McPoyle

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Everything posted by Doyle McPoyle

  1. Doyle McPoyle

    New Player Here!

    I think most people pick. It's better since you can choose if you would rather encounter others or be alone and search for items.
  2. Doyle McPoyle

    Minimum Graphics/Video card needed for game

    It depends on your power supply and motherboard. I got a Radeon HD4670 for $50-70 and I can run it on high although it lags due to overpopulated servers. Also, you may need to buy other upgrades. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx - to test your pc
  3. butthurt butthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurt butthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurt butthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurt butthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurt butthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurtbutthurt Ah yes, a little more butthurt. This is a realistic military simulator so enjoy my fellow newbies.
  4. Doyle McPoyle

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    Thanks. Guess I'll just check out the super 80 page thread and see if I can save anyone.
  5. Doyle McPoyle

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    Ah, what a nice topic. - iminnocent - dr phil Sorry
  6. Doyle McPoyle

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    Thanks. I've only helped out a few people but I'm usually in Elektro/Cherno. Very populated servers but somtimes I can't find anyone. They're slow but I've helped a few people(and got shot a few times in the process). Hope you're having more luck than me. Any suggestions on where to find more people besides elektro/cherno? Thanks
  7. Doyle McPoyle

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    well, "she" did say that she would show a picture of her at 19 in an earlier post.
  8. Doyle McPoyle

    Hello, im new!

    go into buildings. avoid big cities unless if you want there to be a possibility of some jerk shooting you. Also, play the tutorial so you know how the basic buttons or look in the options.
  9. Doyle McPoyle

    Guess I learned not to be attacked to my gear

    attacked to your gear? When I came in, I thought someone killed you for your stuff. Sometimes when the server starts to lag to hell and you join a new one, your stuff will be gone unfortunately.
  10. Doyle McPoyle

    Hello, im new!

    runrunrurnurnurnrururnurnun into a building. they can only walk in dem beware doe dey can walk thru wallz n stuff it crayyy
  11. Doyle McPoyle

    What is it with people...?

    I'll assist you and be your bulletproof vest.
  12. Doyle McPoyle

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    Loved your role in Forrest Gump. I'd be happy to play with ya.
  13. Doyle McPoyle

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    The only thing you can really do is to keep on being friendly. In time, the assholes/children/immature adults will realize that shooting a person with nothing grants nothing. Trust me, there are some good samaritans out there who are just like you(me) and you will come across one of them. The positivity will spread slowly, but thoroughly. Just last night, some guy gave me a bandage and I tried giving him a transfusion but he shot me in the back for some reason. Seems like you've already passed your n00bdom by trying to help others. That, is a true veteran of Dayz; being able to grow out of shooting people for no good reason except to make yourself feel good. If you ever require assistance or want to go on some journeys with me, feel free to send a PM. And thanks monster.
  14. I encountered a person/thing/NPC named "sniper" on the hills by the power plant fire station in Elektro. I checked the player list and he was not there. I shot 2 full clips of my enfield at his head and he did not die. I went in front of him and it shot me with a sniper, same thing happened to my friend who was crowbaring him but he got shot when he was behind "sniper". I checked his coyote pack and there was some m16 ammo and some other healing stuff. Yes, he had a ghillie suit on with an as50 I believe. I'm not sure if this is a glitch or a cheat, but I'm leaning towards cheat.
  15. Doyle McPoyle

    Got executed naked.

    u jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  16. Doyle McPoyle

    Got executed naked.

    my game was glitched. all i had on was a hat. i should've posted this in the stories section. My fault.
  17. Doyle McPoyle

    Hacked or glitch?

    http://imgur.com/Ou9rn,M974j,QfIU3#0 Went into the red brick building across from the hospital(3 story) in Elektro and saw this. Not sure if this is a glitch or a hack but I've heard of people blowing up buildings. I was respawning when I came here and heard some high pitched nasally person say hey dr phil, then I got shot at.
  18. Doyle McPoyle

    Hacked or glitch?

    alright thanks
  19. Doyle McPoyle


    please stop making new topics. This will run arma bf3 skyrim fine just look at the requirements for the games then compare this to theirs.
  20. Doyle McPoyle

    can this computer run DayZ

    You don't need XP. What country do you live in?
  21. Doyle McPoyle

    Effects of night time

  22. Doyle McPoyle

    can this computer run DayZ

    good brand of what? PCs? Parts? What are you planning to do? Give us a little info and maybe we can help you.
  23. Doyle McPoyle

    can this computer run DayZ

    If you have the money(aka if you're rich/middle class), then buy whatever you want and get it over with. If you want to build it yourself, just go to newegg.com and look for the parts.