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Everything posted by BT_Fae_HB

  1. BT_Fae_HB

    Who needs bandits

    yup my mate was messing around with his gear then scrolled his mouse and basically when he said threw a grenade he basically ment dropped it at his feet killing himself and me instantly. Yup 18 days of wandering the map and picking up better gear and repairing a few vehicles, gone in the scroll of a mouse.
  2. BT_Fae_HB

    Please Remove This Prop Completely

    got so excited the first time I saw that, then the reality kicked in.
  3. never used one so don't know if you can but you should be able to reuse bolts after you get your kill
  4. BT_Fae_HB

    Sniping in Heli-crash sites

    I'd like to see the more someone camps and just kills survivors the more z's spawn in that area and are drawn to the area of the gun shot, the more gun shots the more z's and the higher the risk of taking the next shot, forcing them out into the open to run for it. I'd also remove the log in with a full clip if possible, if you log out with an empty clip that's how it should be when you log back in. Moving forward when I get a bigger stock of weapons and kit I plan on hunting bandits for kicks, taking out guys who are wanting to play the survival game is killing it for them, so I plan to taking it to the bandits. For the game to have any longevity I reckon there needs to be more z's, much more thousand's, and an improved AI for them. Saying that, still loving the game.
  5. BT_Fae_HB

    The Rules of Zombieland

    Interesting rules, would be ideal if there where some way of enforcing it or some form of fragemented government force who would hunt down relentless bandits in an attempt to allow survivors to form some form of survival society. But sadly I've had too many people shoot on sight with me or sniper me from afar, so I'm basically shouting friendly don't come any closer you take one more step towards or come up those stairs and I'm taking the head shot. You stop and there is some form of dialouge then we might get somewhere.
  6. BT_Fae_HB

    six launcher not showing servers

    looks like arma II is down for maintenance
  7. read through a fair bit of this and some cracking points, I do like the thinking of the OP. Few ideas I've been thinking about. Random spawn locations for loot More Z's especially growing to hordes that wander more especially if they come into contact with large groups. Z's should be slower moving, but harder to shake off once they have your scent and once one starts to follow more will instinctively follow it, you tire they never. The more you carry the slower you move. Camps should attract Z's due to noise smell, the more they are used the more they attract, eventually leading to hordes, which if they over run it, destroy it stopping people dying rushing back to their camp grabing tons of kit and off they go, forcing camps to move more. More melee weapons less high powered military grade kit, especially sniper kit and high powered thermal scopes. Bandits who continally hunt an area should attract more and more Z's until it's a horde, the gun shots and smell of the dead should continually narrow down their location. Z's should be able to climb a ladder but once you go up the Z's will stay there and wait for you, you either starve or run for it over all though loving the game.