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Everything posted by Sethcb

  1. Anyone got 2 spare Ghillies for trade ? I'm willing to trade them fo almost everything, even NV. Reply here!
  2. Sethcb

    Trading for Ghillie!

    PM's send and recieved, think I will make a deal but others can still reply if they have some to offer :)
  3. Hello fellow Survivors! i have come across many things already, but i still need to find a tent to stash some supply´s i have.. Since i have been in 15 towns already and no tents found.. :( So I want to trade a weapon/tool/supply's for a unplaced tent (ofcrouse ;)) So name a fair deal, and we will work it out. (I can provide screenshot of the weapon of choice before trade) I will have 2 friend sniper support me during the trade for my safety, and will have nothing on me expect the trade item. Anyone :( ?
  4. Sethcb

    Trading for Tent!

    Trade set for Survivor-Kyle, I migth be intressted in another tent if someone has 1. M4A1SD not for trade anymore as Kyle is recieving 1.
  5. Sethcb

    Trading for Tent!

    http://postimage.org/image/95rqwmquj/ http://postimage.org/image/b7byp456x/ Screenshots of the weapons.. If you need something else like blood food etc i need to look how much i have :) Before someone starts yelling "hacks etc" No, otherwise i would have just hacked myself a tent -,-''
  6. Sethcb

    Trading for Tent!

    I mean if I wanned to rob/kill you i would have said nothing about the snipers covering me.. i would just be stupid of me to spoil it here :/
  7. Sethcb

    Trading for Tent!

    I will only bring the weapon for you, and the friends are there for my safety and they will not fire unless you open fire first. i would not shame my name on here just for a tent, believe me. What weapon would you like ? Edit: Dont fear the sniper like i said, they wont do anything if everything goes as planned... I have no use for your weapons / items etc as i got everything myself expect a tent :/
  8. Sethcb

    Trading for Tent!

    What are you intressted in mate ? Wich weapon or item ?