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Everything posted by BL1P

  1. BL1P

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    @Child who uses pictures to answer No. using teamspeak to negate the in game mechanics of direct chat and radios is the exploit. If you cant see that don't worry about it draw some pictures or ask your mummy to explain it.
  2. BL1P

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    Exploitable`s like gamma, brightness, clouds, shadows, post-process, Teamspeak, Off line maps and spawning into loot zones.
  3. BL1P

    Walker, Texas Ranger (the African Canadian version)

    This should be added http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12669
  4. Cool well at least its not one damage level then if you had 3 different levels of damage all with no texture. Should help narrow something down for the devs at least
  5. BL1P

    NWAF deadzone

    If you want action goto Berz or NE air that is the new hot spot for quick loadout hoppers etc
  6. Just wondering what damage level are all the items with no texture maybe the damage texture for a certain level is missing ?
  7. BL1P

    The Lag is Real

    I dont use Nvidia And i cant be arsed joining another forum when this is the official one.
  8. BL1P

    The Lag is Real

    Same Here
  9. BL1P

    Darkest darkness

    When they fix the gamma and brightness and clouds exploits Ill play at night
  10. BL1P

    NO i dont want your help go away

    Nope Google translate still wont do it :(
  11. BL1P

    If I can't play I want my money back.

    Could you do a video blog of how angry you are maybe smash something up and scream a lot. I think it would be a hit !
  12. What did the OP say because, No matter how hard I try I cant find Idiot to English on Google translate.
  13. BL1P

    How can i play on another computer?

    You could try :- make a back up on new PC of the C:\Users\YOU\Documents\DayZ copy the contents of your old PCs C:\Users\YOU\Documents\DayZ into the new PCs C:\Users\YOU\Documents\DayZ It might work haven't tried myself but I am pretty sure the .Vars file holds certain data the Hive needs to give you your old Char. If it all f##ks up replace with the backup you made
  14. I think there are a few settings in DayZ that should not be allowed to be disabled. And some which should be locked at a certain amount. The 3 below should not be disable-able. Clouds (this negates the nighttime effects). Post-process (this negates the damage and illness effects). Shadows (This allows a person with shadows off to see a person hiding in shadows). The alpha to coverage should be chosen by the Devs and ALL should use that one, some of them remove a lot of the foliage and you may think you are in cover but you are not on another persons screen. Field of view should only be allowed to be lowered not increased when its used as an increase its basically a free zoom. ala Q2 old school zoom. Also there is the brightness and gamma settings that negate the nighttime effects when turned up beyond 1.0 they should be locked at 1.0 max. Things like sweet FX should be taken a close look at by the DEV team, allowing clients to use there own GFX injectors is a slippery road when the injectors can be altered in such a way as to give an advantage to one and not the other. With such a high level of PvP in DayZ any settings that give an advantage to one and not the other should be locked down now in the Alpha. I am not suggesting making everyone play on max settings just that you should not be able to disable a setting to gain an advantage or increase a setting to gain an advantage. Using the lowest setting in the 3 examples would be fine as low does not negate the effects.
  15. Ok maybe I got clouds at night backwards. I still feel that for equal gaming the lowest option on a gfx setting should be LOW not OFF. Lets ignore clouds for a second and look at Shadows. Turning off shadows removes the shadows so you can see into dark cover with no problems if two people are in a PvP situation and both are in cover of shadows the one with shadows off has a very large advantage over the one with shadows on. Compare that with removing the .pbo that controlled bushes. 2 in a pvp situation both under cover of bushes the one with no bushes has the advantage. The devs saw the error in this and added signature checking to prevent this obvious advantage one has over the other. I feel shadows off is very similar to the no bushes pbo removal in that it removes a gfx feature that should be there. The only argument against making it low not off is that some people get better fps when its set to off. My answer is you get better fps when bushes are removed as well but that's been stopped, as it was classed as cheating and so it was. I don't feel turning off shadows is a cheat per se, I just think the devs overlooked this option and a few others. But hey its still Alpha and this is the suggestions sub forum, for all we know they are working on doing exactly what I suggested for the hardcore servers as we type :)
  16. Erm Admins can type messages during game play when they login on the server they get the option to use Global Chat and Direct Chat. Global sends a message to everyone but I do believe it has the admins name next to it. Otherwise yer a long delay on the MotD will work :)
  17. I imagine vehicles will be introduced when they implement fatigue and stop the I can sprint forever mechanic that's in at the moment. until then I am happy being THE FLASH Wish they would add the Suit to the loot though :P
  18. Yer that works. Maybe tie it into Hardcore and Regular server settings. So that there are only two settings to look for not thousands of servers each with different settings to wade through.
  19. Hi smash I am a little confused by this quote. Are you suggesting that a server can disable the grass or that a server should force enable the grass ? If its the latter they already do. If its the former then yes why not. I have my grass on a forced low render setting and I know that its at terrainGrid=3.5 Because it tells me so in my config I am not 100% sure but I think the servers are setting this at lowest possible is terrainGrid=12.5 (just a guess as I do not have access to the Mission files) So no matter how low I set my grass the servers setting will override it back to the servers lowest allowed setting. (which is determined in the mission file on the server or used to be) I can go higher than the servers setting I just cant go lower. Unless something changed in the last update. As I haven't checked it since then, grass settings via config that is.
  20. I think Lady was one of the few who actually read my first post. :) thank you
  21. BL1P


    BIS who make DayZ SA also make VBS3 which has procedural snow. But don't hold your breath features which start in VBS take Years to come to the public games like Arma and dayz
  22. here is a picture of how simple it would be to place non spawn zones around each loot area then have the players only be able to login :- If player login is in a Red move anywhere inside that Reds Blue as long as not on another Red or 500m from player and is on land. Simple example using arma2 map not DayZ but gives the wanted example. http://i.imgur.com/34z1ojc.jpg
  23. Nar if the clouds cover the moon removing them increases the visibility (but yer i know what you mean sometimes on is better sometimes off is better) If you cant run shadows at lowest you do not meet minimum requirements Post porcess is used as a game mechanic for illness and the like not having it on negates a game mechanic (although I myself don't like the blurry screen either)
  24. Beans just for Hobbit-Language comment :)
  25. BL1P

    Why the duck is there desync

    I dont know... Why the duck is there Desync ? This is like "why did the duck cross the road" and that was the right response, right ?