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Everything posted by BL1P

  1. BL1P

    Anyone else been alive since you got DayZ?

    Days alive is irreverent unless you post your time ingame which you cant as its not calculated yet. I could say have I have not died since I bought it if I only played 1min on day one. Until the devs add in an on server 1:1 timer for days alive its all just bs atm.
  2. BL1P

    BL1Ps Billboards Collection

    Billboards collection EDIT : 19 BILLBOARDS NOW :) and 2 sprayed on walls http://imgur.com/acAfXqI,3Q4c8Nh,ZvGy4T0,YUYiRq6,V7hl4gV,316gneD,b3faVbw,DUoku9v,FErtemz,bPTsAVI,0vN6lPw,IpkUSLx,bmQnVTR,bwtmun0,P86LAbr,IpiylyV,yttC7v9,IsLbfXK,bQ7MigF,Cxni2ON,JJ05j33#0 And this is my Steam Screenshot wall http://steamcommunity.com/id/BL1P/screenshots/?appid=221100&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall
  3. BL1P

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    The 3pp has been a problem in arma since 2002 :) Always has been always will be if BIS keep using 3rd person in a game that's based on a simulator. 3pp is there for the casual gamer`s which is fine I guess. But dayz was supposed to be hardcore and anti game, 3pp is not anti game its pro bambi lara croft gamer !
  4. BL1P

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    I like it the way it is. Shame DayZ didn't go for a full on hardcore, mai ces la vie they have to appeal to the masses. Profits. Just look at Consoles vrs PCs It almost makes you believe consoles are anything but money grabbers, almost.
  5. BL1P

    If you get shot at what do you do?

    Wouldn't know guns don't make sounds. And when they do they are wrong
  6. BL1P

    ID + Study body (POLL ADDED. PLEASE VOTE)

    You can remove steam friends if needed And anyone can add people via the add from server function in steam
  7. BL1P

    ID + Study body (POLL ADDED. PLEASE VOTE)

    I love this Idea. Some extra info things could be Steam name is on the ID. (automatically) A gesture could be added to hold up your ID and a player can read it while its held up. The more dead bodies you check the more your ID gets blood smears on it.(but you can wash it) The IDs work like a book with a next page on them so that you can collect IDs from dead players but they only use one slot. great Idea loads of potential. Thanks !
  8. BL1P

    Book suggestions/wishlist:

    World War Z (very rare)
  9. BL1P


    Good Idea. it should be on server time only and it should be 1:1 So that 24hr on server playing will give you one days growth.
  10. BL1P

    An interesting fact regarding sounds..

    System Audio specs ? EDIT : Sorry basically a repeat of what the guy above me said :)
  11. BL1P

    im generally confused

    My personal way to get started. Run away from zombies till you have an Axe. Always run inland if you know where you are and where you are going. Run with ocean on right if you don't. If you reach a big wrecked ship check it out for loot then turn around and head back to the big town you passed its called berzino. Search buildings for loot. Once happy head inland (away from ocean). Meet a player, say "Hi you friendly ?" Die Repeat
  12. Roll a ciggy and get a beer. maybe empty my shit bucket. I don't have one of them new fangled mobile phone things so I don't play Flappy Birds. (guessing its on mobile phones ?)
  13. BL1P

    Least Bandity Apparel?

    I SO want the village people outfits in game along with all the gestures for YMCA. Then I can make another bromance video :) to match my misty mountain dancer from the mod days
  14. BL1P

    Least Bandity Apparel?

    I am interested in the term barracks rats. Does this refer to players who get to a military loot spawn area and then hop servers to collect loot until they are fully kitted with military gear ? If so cool term :)
  15. BL1P

    Server hopping

    The current system doesn't stop server hopping for loot it slows them down but they still do it. Its a good system to combat the combat loggers but not to combat the loot hot spot hoppers.
  16. BL1P

    Least Bandity Apparel?

    This is :-
  17. BL1P

    Servers Putting TS Info In Welcome Messages

    He does but you will notice hes not on the same server as the person hes talking to on TS. Well in the vids I have watched anyway. which is 1 :)
  18. BL1P

    Team Speak

    Thats so true there are just too many voip progs that can be used to circumvent the ingame it would be pointless to try. But DayZ could be a forerunner once again and use something no other game does which would be to have TS and DayZ work together to improve the in game communications when using TS. It wouldn't stop people using other voip systems to get around game restrictions but its a step forward in the right direction.
  19. BL1P

    Remove the breathing fog

    I like it. It means I can put my fists up and run along the train tracks puffing out smoke shouting cho cho over direct chat.
  20. BL1P

    Team Speak

    ACRE. Lets explain that acronym. ACRE is a mod used in Arma2 and Arma3. It makes TS work the same as in game communication restrictions. If you are both using the mod and are both ingame and in the same channel your TS will work the same as DayZ radios and direct chat work. You can still move channel in ts and talk to people not ingame with you or the person not ingame can talk to you normally in TS. The only people it effects are people ingame and using the mod together. If the devs talked with the creators of TS they could have the system built into DayZ and TS so that if you are on the same server in DayZ as someone in the channel with you, you can only communicate using the ingame radios or direct chat inside TS. This is already being used by 1000s of Arma series gamers and is a huge improvement on the omnipresent system TS currently uses. With some effort this could be done in DayZ as the working model already exists in the form of an Arma2 mod. What the devs have done is use half of the ACRE model ignoring the TS half. Dont get me wrong I use TS. I also know there is a better way to use TS with DayZ and its called ACRE.
  21. BL1P

    Frame Rate Drop Findings

    Me and some friends ran some test about the player bubble. It is defiantly 1k and the player model is not rendered at >1k. I reduced my view distance and object draw distance to 1k because of the findings of our tests. No need to draw farther once you know the map well enough to not need the objects for navigation. I think the default client view distance is 3k ? cant remember. Before someone jumps in and says view distance is server side Ill answer this as well. View distance is server side but only the MAX allowed you can go lower than the server side setting just not higher. Whereas grass is the opposite. Not related to the fps bug but was just a reply based on your :- "The frame rate loss appears to be linked to players within your vicinity but also out of rendering distance. My best guess is players within 1km " Great post some good points.
  22. BL1P

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    Ah right your referring to the person who called me stupid and the person who called me autistic. Ok good point Ill not respond to that type of abusive post in the future. And I am glad you pointed out there abusive behavior as well, O wait ... you didn't You are right though I should not drop down to their level. Point taken.
  23. BL1P

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    That is true but I said nothing disparaging to him at all.
  24. BL1P

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    In answer to your abusive post. Ts isn't the problem using it to negate the ingame mechanics is.