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About Soapmaker

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    On the Coast

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  1. Soapmaker

    Pending Update: Build

    Hooah! Outstanding.
  2. Soapmaker

    Character corruption

    Dont think its a good idea to be posting your player ID online m8 :P
  3. Soapmaker

    Invincability is stupid easy now....

    Why are people trying to make dayz into a game its not, instead of just playing the type of game they actually want to play? Makes me chuckle.
  4. Soapmaker


    Think I remember hearing something about weapon customization coming in with the arma 3 engine (maybe someone else can confirm?), If this is the case I would imagine you need to find the parts to use them so that's something to look forward to fingers crossed.
  5. Soapmaker

    New people are in for a treat!

    Alpha testing inst for everyone, expect things like this to happen and it might not upset you so much when it does.
  6. Soapmaker

    Why call this zombie survival?

    Random zombies would be nice alright but remember, were playing an alpha so perhaps we will see this in the future. In the majority of post apocalyptic/zombie fiction it has always been the case that other survivors are more of a threat then the zombies. 28 days later - the soldiers mess everything up Dawn of the dead - the bandits/marauders Night of the living dead - the scared asshole that locks himself and fam in the basement The Road - no zombies and people are still shooting on sight. I could go on and on. Meeting a truly friendly survivor is the exception and not the rule. Zombies have always been a metaphor for the creeping inevitability of death and a good zombie narrative is always based around the survivors and how they deal with this fear and each other.