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About ReaperOne1Two2

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  1. ReaperOne1Two2

    Please confirm if real rocket or not

    Even if he did stop development and quit I got my moneys worth for enjoyment at least.
  2. ReaperOne1Two2

    Content request: Evil Wizard skin

    I want farming, so I can post up in the mountain side and tell kids to stay off my lawn.
  3. ReaperOne1Two2

    Barren Map Bug

    I think that it was you joined it and it gave you an error saying wrong version log out log back in on a normal server and it would stick you in debug forest. I haven't done it yet so if posters want to elaborate that would be nice.
  4. ReaperOne1Two2

    Suggestion, Respawn (possible player abuse).

    And when Rocket locks it so you have to take the spawn you get? Then what? You're forced to play the game rather than exploit it' date=' that's what. [/quote'] Then you just run to your friends like you do if you get a spawn near them anyway. People already have 3rd party maps + location in the bottom right on spawn if for some reason you both died at the same time. Worst case if no map ever existed you make one or memorize locations then its back to this. If the bottom right on login location is removed you look at what your city looks like or use one of the signs which does the same thing, again. In terms of game-play changing, well... It didn't. Like at all. People playing like this are playing the game wrong. I've constantly played with a group of at least 4 people' date=' and for a fair amount of time, 6, and a lot of the most entertaining and rewarding experiences I had were the risky trips to the coast to pick people up, or the attempts at meeting up with each other, or saving each other from terrible situations that happened while we were trying to meet up. One of my friends started bleeding with no bandages once and me and another friend literally got to him (after being going that way to get him for almost a half hour) and bandaged him and he ended up with 330 blood left and it was a combination of the most intense, funniest, and amazing game situations ever. [/quote'] I consistently play with 3-6 people at all times also. Coast trips really aren't risky especially if your group is well equipped(Which should take an hour or less?). 1)Ask teammate his starting location 2)Tell him to run north slightly 3)Meet them There is nothing risky about the current system and meeting up for the most part if you play even a tiny bit smart. Normally our group hangs our around Stay or NW airfield where the more well equipped bandits hang out and there is a real risk since zombies don't pose one. In fact the only risky situation we have seen is when one of our members got stuck in a tiny house with an endless zombie horde in which case he just promptly ran out and to a spot where they didn't infinitely spawn.
  5. People who are using a story as a basis are off very much as in DayZ I am sure 90% of the players just assume there is no story or it doesn't effect there game-play at all. I think one of the main issues are there is no advantage to teaming up basically. Teaming up doesn't help you in searching towns basically nor does it help in survival against zombies basically. Its only real advantage is for pvp but even though most lone players will do fully fine. Also killing for food etc... due to scarcity isn't an excuse as items are plentiful in DayZ for the most part currently so people are just killing for killings sake basically. As it stands the the only items to encourage teamwork are blood transfusions and vehicles(These really only apply to larger premade groups normally)
  6. ReaperOne1Two2

    What is the actual purpose of barbed wire?

    It won't have a use basically ever with server hopping in existence to get over it. Only solution would be high walls with npc's basically if it was to allow player forts and give these a use.
  7. ReaperOne1Two2

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    Reading through most of this post it seems everyone missed the easiest solution. Make it so it isn't an optional feature. When you join a server you are FORCED into 1st or 3rd person by default for those servers that have it set. This removes disadvantages or advantages gained by it by players exploiting its existence fixing the balance issue. Also fixes the issues of those who don't know that 3rd person exists vs those who do. I have a feeling this will drop most servers populations that have it enabled at least. I have seen 3-5 videos of people camping around corners in 3rd and just killing people instantly with cross-hairs on them as soon as line of sight is established while the guy on the assaulting end actually has no way of telling the enemies position. I also saw another video where a guy sat in 3rd and dodged an enemies grenade throw to get them out of there cover since he can freely see them throwing a grenade while out of sight. I personally got some really nice gear hiding behind trees fully out of sight and scouting to kill heavily armed players doing this also but it is very lame.
  8. ReaperOne1Two2

    Suggestion, Respawn (possible player abuse).

    We need it to allow us to choose our spawn. The reason why you see this so much is people are trying to group up with friends. The current implementation is just annoying for team-play. The random spawns solve nothing especially since people just kill there self over and over one way or another to get to where they want. They would probably do it regardless of a timer. It would be a helpful fix to make the other spawns locations a bit desirable also but that's a map issue.
  9. ReaperOne1Two2

    Barren Map Bug

    Some of you running east need to give up, there is from what I can tell a new bug or different one that is spawning people 28km off the map so running it would literally take a very long time to run. I have seen a massive number of people apparently just effected by this right now(Mainly server hoppers). This is not the same as debug forest. Do the Canada 2 suggestion and see if that helps which should get you to debug forest which is at least remotely close to the play area. If you have a map do shift+left click on map for a way point with distance that can be seen.
  10. ReaperOne1Two2

    Was the threat ever zombies?

  11. ReaperOne1Two2

    Regarding Genders, Skins & Teleportation

    May have to do the old wilderness fix if it works. I just spawned 28km away from the map apparently. This happened to roughly 50% of the population on a server I joined. If its a mismatched version the host is trolling and changing it to fake correct version which the game reads as so. My friend spawned in the correct spot though. Will follow up if it gets fixed.
  12. ReaperOne1Two2

    Was the threat ever zombies?

    yeaaaaaa' date=' if they could hit you whal running people would go apeshit rofl, id kinda like it though, it would make you have to stand your ground and fight. [/quote'] True, it would make it much more difficult, but no matter what amount of hp you give zombies or damage or run speed they are literally a non threat in there current state because it is the zombie there self that's an issue. It doesn't need to be every zombie is a walking zombie of inescapable death, but even multiple types such as some you can't outrun would be a nice change.
  13. ReaperOne1Two2

    Was the threat ever zombies?

    They need to change it so zombies can hit you if you hold sprint and go backwards for starts instead of missing and standing there then dieing to you shooting them. Then the only other issue is there to easy in buildings.
  14. ReaperOne1Two2

    Soda Should count towards hunger (a little bit)

    That idea I would say is partially right as you can go 3 weeks alone on nothing but soda if you needed. Its not like you drink soda every while for 3 weeks and just die of dehydration randomly. I don't think any distinction for certain foods excluding level it fills in game needs to be made to food/drink types unless they start adding bonuses like quicker sprint speeds or more stable aim etc... Although I do think the current food/water system is basically worthless and could use a change, I can't imagine anyone actually dieing to these in the games current state. They don't add to the survival aspect other then making people sitting out in the middle of no where go to a town once in a while. I don't think making partially filling food etc... would matter much in terms of the games game-play. Although I would be all for Canteens being rare but refillable take 2 slots and allow 3 drinks from it or something like that to occur. It would give them a tangible benefit and value over soda.