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Everything posted by Falcrist

  1. In this game? I'd take a rifle every time over a pistol. The game treats your character model the same regardless of weather you're holding a 1911 or a M107.In real life, you're going to have extra deployment time and maneuverability issues with a long gun vs a pistol, but in DayZ there is no such disadvantage.
  2. Falcrist

    Can buildings colapse?

    That is not the same video that was linked earlier...When I watched your video and quoted you, THIS was the video that was in your post: http://youtu.be/k_BTrvOiYMw Did you link the wrong video, then change it? It looks like that's what happened, but it also changed my quote. O.o
  3. That's more about the optic on the gun than the gun itself.Would you rather have a Makarov or an M1014? How about Makarov vs M14?
  4. Falcrist

    Can buildings colapse?

    There are no smoke grenades in that video…
  5. Oh, my god! Is it Three'o'Wrong ALREADY?!
  6. That mechanic has never been changed, and there are no bugs in this game, therefor he must be lying.
  7. Falcrist

    What Graphics Card Should I Choose?

    Stick with the 550ti 2gb. It's not uber powerful, but that extra gigabyte of memory will come in handy when you're trying to run some of the games coming out now.
  8. Falcrist

    Remove NVG Poll

    Rocket has said that it's not supposed to be that dark at night. The reason it's that dark is because in ARMA you don't play at night unless you're equipped with NVGs anyway. I would honestly prefer if there were more light at night, but no NVGs.
  9. I don't even own a server and I've had multiple server owners express their distaste with HFB. I can see why after playing on one of their servers for a while. The fact that the forums are down at the HFB site isn't at all surprising. You guys are losing a ton of potential business by being terrible.
  10. My precious M14 doesn't land body shots. If it doesn't hit the head, it misses completely.I love that gun so much! <3
  11. Are you serious? Scroll up and read my posts.The video I linked to DIRECTLY addresses your point. Once again, if you're immune to pain and fear (like a plague zombie or a drugged up moro), pistol rounds have to hit the CNS to cause an immediate incapacitation. If you knick an artery or collapse a lung, the plague zombie is not going to care. Oh, they'll die… but that death will take time.
  12. That's debatable. This isn't a deathmatch.I almost always avoid players rather than engaging them. It doesn't matter how good you are, if you get into a fight with another player, there is a chance you'll die. On the other hand, there are quite a few people who like playing in DM_Cherno, and DM_Elektro. Personally, I prefer DM4, Q2DM1, or Q2DM2 if I'm going to PvP.
  13. Oh no, that's a completely different topic.I'm sure a determined enough person could withstand a couple shots of .45, but I can't imagine even a plague zombie continuing to move with more than a mag of lead embedded in their torso. Even if you're tripping balls, you're still going to lose consciousness eventually. I suppose Rocket could excuse it by making something up about how survivors have some king of special physiological trait that makes them more durable in addition to being immune from the plague. Then again, that would be kinda lame.
  14. Hydrostatic shock? Ask Michael Lee Platt how bad it really is. I'm sure it's not a complete myth, but at the same time, I ONLY see it brought up in the context of .45 ACP. If you have some time to watch a video, have a look at this: This guy pretty much mirrors my own thoughts. I'm sure I remember hickok45 talking about this subject in one of his radio shows or videos, but there's no way I'm going to find it now without re-watching all his videos. :-/ Basically, everyone I've ever seen with actual combat experience tells me the same thing. One pistol round to the chest isn't going to instantly kill most targets unless you hit the CNS or heart. In the context of zombies (albeit plague zombies) this means it's going to take more than one round in the chest cavity to completely stop a zombie. The reason is that they aren't going to suffer the same psychological effects that normal humans (or even animals) will. They have no fear, and no pain. They don't stop until you literally shut down their bodies.
  15. I can't begin to describe my lack of enthusiasm for .45 ACP advocates.A larger round will almost always do more damage, assuming similar penetration, but a pistol round is a pistol round in this case. Unless you hit the CNS or hit the heart directly, the zombie is going to continue to attack you. Oh sure, internal bleeding will kill it eventually, but not instantly. The absolute fastest way to kill anything is to hit the brain stem. So you hunt with 9mm and .45 ACP? That's what we're talking about here.
  16. Yea, cause in movies people TOTALLY run around with a bunch of rounds in them. Most of the time, people die within seconds from shots to the stomach… faster if they're bad guys.IRL, if you shoot someone with a pistol, and you don't hit the CNS or heart, they will still be physically capable of attacking you. Most people will choose not to continue attacking you if you've hit them directly, but that doesn't mean they can't. Of course, if you hit an artery or knick their heart, they're going to die soon, but “soon” isn't the same as “now”. I know that the infected are plague zombies (instead of undead zombies). They will eventually die if you hit them… but while they're still alive, they're going to continue attacking you. The point was that even though they're technically alive, they're not going to suffer the same psychological consequences as a normal person would. They don't care about pain, and they don't feel fear.Bottom line: it shouldn't take only one body shot from a pistol to down a zombie. The change may be unintended, it may be bad for the game, it may be reverted soon, but it's not unrealistic.
  17. People can live for minutes with a punctured heart. If you knick an artery, you'll probably live a couple minutes at least. Before what point? Before the zombie starts munching on your organs?Everything I said was true. For instantaneous takedown you need to hit the central nervous system.
  18. As I said in a previous thread: people don't magically die when they're shot. Even if you hit an artery or lung, it's going to take the person a couple minutes to be dead. In order to immediately incapacitate someone, you must either hit their central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, etc) OR convince them to stop. In order to convince a normal person to stop, all you'd have to do is shoot them in the leg. They'll stop doing whatever they were doing out of pain and/or fear. I certainly would. You will never convince a zombie to stop. They don't fear anything, and they don't give any fucks about pain. Therefor you MUST hit the CNS. That means hitting the head or spine. Last I checked, pistols generally don't have enough penetration to reach the spine THROUGH the torso, therefor you must land a headshot to kill a zombie with a pistol. Granted, these are plague zombies (instead of undead zombies), so they would eventually bleed out and die, but not before they eat you to death.
  19. I don't care if it's 9mm or .45 ACP. You can't instantly neutralize anyone with a body shot unless you hit their central nervous system or you convince them to be neutralized. In real life, if you take a pistol round to the stomach it's not going to kill you immediately, regardless of the caliber. However you're probably going to stop doing whatever the hell you were trying to do because of the pain and fear. In this game, you're shooting at zombies. Zombies don't give any fucks about pain. Zombies just want to eat you alive. Realistically, you should HAVE to shoot for the head to kill a zombie… if zombies were real that is.
  20. London? Do you live in England? I hope not, since you haven't typed a single sentence of English since you started this thread.
  21. Falcrist

    Spread The Word: Hacker Awareness

    Forwarding this video to my current home server admin. I may be given admin privileges soon as well, so this is extremely useful to me. I've actually considered making an account on some of the popular hack sites just to monitor what tools the hackers have, but what would be BETTER is a thread/site dedicated to keeping track of the current batch of working, undetected hacks so the rest of us can stay informed. That way it's easier to spot and avoid hackers.
  22. Falcrist

    Winchester or Lee Enfield? [POLL]

    You know, the noise of the enfield is actually a good thing. If you fire it at close enough range, everyone in the immediate area will shit themselves. It's kinda like firing an M107 near someone, although the M107 will cause people to shit bricks.
  23. Falcrist

    Female characters.

    Who waits long enough to see what gender the target is? 1) See player in bush/tree 2) Confirm it's not a known player 3) BAM… BAMBAMBAMBAM!!!! 4) Player has died I would honestly be a carebear if it didn't mean instant death. Until the game dynamics change, I'm going to use my steal tube to fling pieces of lead at your face until your heart stops beating. It's safer for me this way.
  24. Falcrist

    Winchester or Lee Enfield? [POLL]

    I have M107s, AS50s, M4s, M16s, M14s, and even a few suppressed weapons, but the enfield is still one of my favorite guns. Easy to use, accurate, and powerful. What the hell else do you want?
  25. Don't add more loot. Spread the loot out more. Make the barracks spawn less loot, then upgrade the loot in the air towers, fire houses, military tents, and hangars. As it stands now, the best of the best loot is pretty much all in the northwest air field and in Stary Sobor.