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Everything posted by Falcrist

  1. The second rangefinder is slightly suspect, but that's certainly not proof enough to call it a cheater's camp. To be perfectly honest, the most suspicious item in the video is the satchel charge.Anyway, if you're going to destroy a camp, just destroy it. We don't want to hear excuses about how it was so noble… especially when those excuses appear to be BS.
  2. I'm sorry, I must have missed it in the video… How do you know this is a hacker's camp?
  3. Falcrist

    Lol @ hack post surge.

    You're not clever. You're lucky.It doesn't matter what the population is, there are hackers all over the place. Usually it's the high pop servers that get nuked and thunderdomed, but not every hacker does that. I was killed just the other night on a server with five people. One guy teleported around and shot everyone.
  4. Falcrist

    Shut the Fuck Up Cry Babies!!!!

    They will if the issues aren't fixed.I have a little faith that they might get fixed, but if I ever lose that faith, I'm probably going to go elsewhere to get my jollies. Today was the first day in over a week that I HAVEN'T had a run in with hackers. I'm not here to whine about them, but it gets pretty fucking old after a while.
  5. The only thing that died was me. I blame the lack of lawnmowers.
  6. I fired an M107 in Cherno once, and was promptly attacked by groups of zombies from Resident Evil, Night of the Living Dead, I am Legend, Alone in the Dark, 28 Days Later, House of the Dead, The Crazies, Killing Floor, Dawn of the Dead, The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Curse of the Dead, Pet Sematary, and Plants vs. Zombies.
  7. Falcrist

    Random Helicopter in a field?

    It was either hacked in or someone very careless was using it. My guess is that it was hacked in.
  8. Falcrist


  9. Falcrist

    How Long Do You Scout?

    Same here. It's a chickenshit way to play, but it's actually hard to avoid knowing instantly if there are players about.
  10. Falcrist

    How Long Do You Scout?

    Look at the zombies. If they've clearly just spawned, then proceed with no scout ahead. If it's not obvious that they've just spawned, start scouting. Scout until satisfied that nobody is there. If it's obvious that they were already there, start moving around the city/town, looking at it from different angles. The amount of time I'll spend scouting is situational. If it's the NWAF, I'll stare at tree lines and windows for 10+ minutes.
  11. Falcrist


    I'm a guy with a female character model. I respawned to show the game to my sister's fianc�e (she picked a female character model), and she managed to make it all the way through cherno and up to stary without dying (or indeed even seeing anyone). I haven't died since. Not exactly my choice, but at least it's easier to identify myself to friends. I'm the chick in the blue shirt with the M107 that's actually taller than she is. Also, there's a cooking bonus. ^^
  12. Falcrist

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I predict that this thread will vanish too. I wish the mods didn't suppress this information.
  13. People are already doing this.
  14. What I'm saying is that since that time, even human error near zombies doesn't cause deaths.That death was during my second night in the game. Now I'm not scared of zombies at all any more. I don't bother to hide. I don't bother to plan around them. I don't bother to avoid them. I'm not scared of them any more. What's the point of having zombies if that's the case? They're just a slight annoyance.
  15. The problem is that guns are so plentiful that zombies aren't a threat AT ALL to an armed player. I've only died to zombies once, and only because I was ringing the dinner bell in cherno.
  16. That's hilarious. I've actually been wondering why I haven't seen more hacking on streams lately.
  17. Falcrist

    Ultimate harassment...

    Would it be better or worse if he played C
  18. His game already does that, and he knows it.On the other hand, my problem isn't with his game design. It's unforgiving, that's fine. My problem is with those people who change the rules to the point that I can't actually play.
  19. Falcrist

    I Found A Golden AKS!

    The ability to use a golden AKS is well worth the risk of being banned imo. Just use it! You'll probably die and lose it before you get the banhammer.
  20. Excuse me? Don't tell me why I'm here.I'm here to have fun. I'm happy to help, but I'm not being paid for this, nor do I have direct access to the development team. Right now there's very little fun to be had on the public hive. Almost every single encounter I've ever had with players has involved combat logging and hacking. These people have made it impossible to enjoy the mod OR test it. If I want to play on a private hive (something I'm strongly considering at this point), I'll do so without apology. It has absolutely no effect on anyone but me and whatever hive I choose to play on.
  21. Falcrist

    Losing hope.

    The new end game is being teleported into the sea with everyone else so that you have to swim back (since the respawn button was disabled).
  22. Is there any point in hiding it anymore? It's not like everyone doesn't already know about the hackers and what they can do.
  23. I'm considering this myself. I can no longer play without having to deal with hackers.Every day this week, man. I'm serious. Every single day there has been a new hacker or new GROUP of hackers.
  24. Falcrist

    Losing hope.

    It would be fine if there was an occasional hacker. Unfortunately it's been every day for me. I've been lucky enough to avoid face to face encounters for the past week or so, but some of the servers I've been playing on have been leveled. When I say leveled, I mean dudes flying around in a hacked chopper dropping satchel charges into buildings and camp sites, killing everyone and flattening most structures. Not to mention all of the massmurders that have killed me, and the ones I've narrowly avoided. The hackers who make themselves invisible, teleport around, and shoot everyone in the back.On my normal server, it's almost impossible to keep a vehicle. It'll get destroyed within a day, by someone who can see everything and everyone on the server. If this was a rare occurrence then fine. Complaining would be silly. Unfortunately it's not rare. It's CONSTANT. I feel like I can't play the damn game anymore.