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Everything posted by caynug

  1. Put in acex weapons and I love you forever. I always wanted to have JSRS enabled on a modded dayz server. JSRS also naturally makes gameplay harder since sound distance is longer and zombies notice that too, about 4 months ago I played on an JSRS server it was fun as hell. I think what you are upto is a disaster tho :D I join in a heartbeat, everything with custom weapons and soundmods gets me.
  2. caynug

    Player Journals

    Journals would probably turn some of the bad guys to good guys after killing a few people which had awesome nice journals written. I definitly would put effort in my journal.
  3. caynug


    You need to drop all your guns for that, then the animation is playing correctly. Sadly because there are so many new players they don't even know that you can actually surrender in arma.
  4. caynug

    Campfire guitar.

    This is something that alot of people would love to see. You got the sitting animation and when you sit around a campfire you just wish for someone to pull out a guitar and relax the situation.
  5. caynug

    DayZ Update 1.5.3

    So when I place a tent on the EU1 server it'll be there even after beeing a week logged off and server restarts happening? With all my stuff? I didnt quite understood that part on the comments.