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DK Kaylin

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Everything posted by DK Kaylin

  1. oh my god! killing in dayz is so exciting and looks just great in a montage ..... NOT! that shit is fucking boring.
  2. DK Kaylin

    Real Dayz locations xD

    I have no pictures atm but I that's some funny shit :D Saw a S1203 van in reallife yesterday and instantly thought at DayZ - I must be addicted :D
  3. DK Kaylin

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Looking for somebody who I can help. I already did one rescue mission but I need another to get on the whitelist. Would be nice if you choose me to be your next doctor ;)
  4. DK Kaylin

    Need guille suit (trade)

    Would like to get a M240. Would give you some extra things(like NVG or something) if you have this weapon.
  5. DK Kaylin

    Searching M240

    So I'm searching a M240. If you have one and want to trade it, pm me with the things you want to have.
  6. DK Kaylin

    Searching M240

    Still searching.
  7. Admin of DE 1388, if you see this. Please contact me via PM. Thanks a lot.
  8. DK Kaylin

    Searching M240

    Did I say a word about COD? Did I even say a word about the weapon's accuracy? No... I just said that the SCOPE (not the weapon) isn't very accurate. But there is always a smart aleck who needs some attention. btw.: Still searching for a M240.
  9. DK Kaylin

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    @ Dr. Wasteland - your inbox is full. Can't send you any private messages.
  10. DK Kaylin

    Port crossbow?

    Have you tried the Armory? (Open Arma2:CO -> Singleplayer -> Armory -> Pick your Vehicle/Weapon --> Have Fun)
  11. DK Kaylin

    use axe and keep gun?

    I think the axe will be used in the sidehand if you have no pistol equipped. So just put your pistol in your backpack.
  12. DK Kaylin

    Searching M240

  13. DK Kaylin

    L85A2 AWS

    I would trade one for a M240.
  14. DK Kaylin

    Searching M240

    I know but the red dot sight is not very accurate.
  15. DK Kaylin

    Searching M240

    Mk48 sucks.
  16. I just wanted to add that my 3 Hueys disappeared after Server restart. I repaired 3 Hueys on 2 different Servers and every single huey despawned from the save point spawned back at the point where I repaired it. Spawnpoint was "Skalisty Island" - maybe just this spawnpoint is bugged?
  17. DK Kaylin


    Hello :) Does somebody also lost his Helicopter after a server restart? (In Patch I lost 3 Huey's on 2 different Servers. So all I wanna know now is, if this is a server issue or a DayZ bug. If you not lost them: Please tell me on which spawnpoint you found it. If you lost them: Please also tell me where you found it.
  18. Not possible -> DayZ is just a mod, which just gets Access to the map. I don't think that Bohemia (Developer of Arma 2) will do a remake of Chernarus just for DayZ. However: afaik, Rocket doesn't have access to the map and can't change the buildings etc.
  19. DK Kaylin

    I have 8 Ghille Suits to Trade

    Would like to trade L85 for Ghillie. Sent you a PM.
  20. Hi, I wondered where Cars will respawn after they exploded. Will they respawn at the place, where they exploded, where they were saved or will they just despawn and I have to search another one? Thanks.
  21. DK Kaylin

    Hacker on LU70

    Hi, me and my Squad just searched for some caps (on Server: Lu70), when we found 3 tents and an ATV. We drove to the coast and placed some tents where we put the weapons. As we were about to log out, one of my mates got killed by a Sniper. 2 Others were killed in the following minute. Me and another mate survived - But we aborted, after one of us said, that he is spawning behind him and instantly disapeared. I hope that the Admins will do anything against that AND: Battleye -> You need an improvement. Thanks and don't join Lu70. It seems like there are several more hackers on LU70 as you can see in this forum. Cya.
  22. Site ist not working for me. Can you upload it on another Hoster pls?