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Everything posted by KrystoferRobin

  1. KrystoferRobin

    Why Day-Z Fails

    Oh it's this again. More whiney, spoiled, entitled little snot machines crying everywhere because DayZ is too hard. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  2. KrystoferRobin

    This game is so f*cked up!

    You could stop server hopping like a little bitch, that could help.
  3. KrystoferRobin

    murder counter bias

    You should try removing the sand from your vagina before playing. Survivors can also rack up bandit kills, your argument is invalid. The mechanic is already in place to handle bandits; whether or not you possess the testicular fortitude to act upon it is no concern of the developers.
  4. KrystoferRobin

    Green mountain...

    my 2 noob friends and I (also pretty green) had done a fantastically stupid thing and visited the airstrip. I managed to get bitchslapped just once by a zed in the first hangar, but wouldn't you know it... KO and broken bone. Damn you DayZ. My friends run ahead to hopefully find a morphine injector for me. I'm not bleeding, and i have 11200 blood, what a crock of shit. while I'm laying in the back of the hangar waiting for them, a guy runs in with a winchester. He grabs the AK by the door, then turns to scan the hangar and spots me... raises his weapon... and gets a burst of my m16 in his mouth. Poor Grezal, RIP. Dick. skype explodes "HOLY SHIT WHO IS SHOOTING" "It's just me, he's dead, relax" "We've got you some morphine and some mags for your rifle, want to hit the barracks too or cut and run before anyone else shows up?" "Fuckit, only live once". We cleared that place out, stocked up on oodles of fantastic loots and were quite satisfied with ourselves... until we damn near lost it in the northernmost barrack. So. many. zed. if it wasn't 100, it was 200. There's a damn bench jamed inside the first bit of the walkway making it really a bitch to get in, one friend died right there, couldn't get over the bench. I dove into the shower instead of trying to step over it. we manage to finally kill off the hoard, and a server jumping asshat pops in right behind my friend, tags him in the head with a .50 at near-point blank, but has no idea i'm still in the john. So i wait. Patiently. He loots and loots and loots.... then goes to step over the bench and gets a face full of M16, but alt-f4's before I can score the kill. What a dick. What does this have to do with green mountain you ask? I had myself a map and a compass. I had a fully stocked alice pack, 5 1/2 mags for my m16, 6 mags for my 1911, damn near everything I could ask for besides a GPS and NVG's, so rather than wait for this server jumper to come back and flank me, I got the fuck out, and headed generally south. Full sprint all the way. Hauling ass. friends spawn way the hell down in BFE coast land so figure we'll all meet at the little airfield there, might get lucky. As I'm running through some fairly dense forest, I spot this MASSIVE spire, looked to me like an ICBM or something "whoa, wtf is that" so I head for it, not too far off course... finally climb that hill and see it's a radio tower of some sort. pick off a couple walkers, wade through a massive stack of corpses and go inside the tower, head up the ladder. Get up top, check out the rung ladder that you can't actually climb (or at least, i couldn't figure it out), have a look out on the catwalk and enjoy the nice view. I come back inside the door and can hear someone coming up... FFS... prone.. iron sights up on the ladder rungs waiting for a head to pop up... guy climbs up, only has a hatchet on his back so I hold off putting him down just yet, turns around and my skype breaks it's silence "OH SHIT TELL ME THIS IS YOU IN THIS TOWER". Somehow my 2 freshly spawned friends had made it to the very same tower just minutes on my heels, without any guidance or even mention of our locations. I'm still unsure how the hell they got there so fast from kamenka. I was quite literally running at a full sprint from the airfield, almost straight to the tower, only slowing in places too steep to proceed at a full run. But that's my spooky story of Green Mountain. Somehow, without any word of my location, theirs, or otherwise, we all three ended up there within minutes of each other. As my friends and i were heading down to log off at the tower, we get a few zeds coming down the ladder from above us, we haul ass out and put them down. Then direct chat lights up... Grezal: "You're fucking dead bitch" What. The. Fuck. True mother fucking story, ya'll. You posted while I was typing this up... I still have a MtnDew in my alice pack I picked up at the airfield in the control tower. I also have a military flashlight. Which I was using. Triple (or quadruple at this point?) WTF.
  5. KrystoferRobin

    [Stream] Friend streaming some DayZ atm! Tune in!

    Shame you've got morons making sleazy commentary.
  6. KrystoferRobin

    murder counter bias

    There are. You're welcome. Bandits get no special rewards. Anti-Bandits shall also get no rewards. You can already be a hero/robin hood type. Stop being a pussy and go do it. There is no mechanic stopping you. Good luck.
  7. I have a hatchet. GG Zeds. GG. Guns are solely for dealing with players. Once I got familiar with the way the hatchet functions, I happily grab them up by the armload. I have survived hours, even days, with only a hatchet and a revolver. Dropping the ammo count.... Not until the zeds aren't such spastic assclowns. If they had more fluid movement, even if it's fast movement, sure, lower the ammo count. That still doesn't stop you from hoarding ammunition for a few hours or days preparing for your 10 minute deathmatch at the airfield. My first few lives were ended by zeds. after that, only the 1 random time I got slapped just once, while at full health in perfect condition, and the zed broke my leg and KO'd me have I died, or even come CLOSE to dying from them. They aren't even an annoyance. Once I was half familiar with their wandering patterns, and comfortable with an axe, the best they can hope to do is keep me an extra few meters behind cover. By the logic here, if the lowliest melee weapon complete negates the zed threat, it needs to be nerfed. We haven't even gotten to the firearms yet. I don't feel any of the weaponry is out of place, over powered, or in need of adjustment. The infected serve as a catalyst, not a protagonist. The best of the zombie/related films illustrate this quite clearly, and has to me always been the POINT of them. The zombies aren't scary, in the least. The other survivors are where the fear comes in. Yes, they CAN get you if you make some seriously fucked up choices, but even completely unarmed, they are no threat whatsoever if you have even the slightest bit of greymatter floating around. It's the fucked up shit the survivors are willing to do to continue surviving. If that, to you, is just a "deathmatch with inventory and zombies thrown in" then perhaps DayZ is not the right place to pass your time. Myself, and thousands of other people, bandit and survivor alike, are quite content with the way things are. Even in the zombie apocalypse, HUMANS are the top predator, and thus, the top threat. I'm glad you know precisely how many times every single player has had another survivor in their sights and NOT fired on them. You can't bullshit bullshiters.
  8. KrystoferRobin

    Respawn Confirm

    Consider the respawn button to be a sniper outside cherno. Sometimes DayZ is a bitch. Learn your lesson and move on. Doing it once... yeah, that's frustrating, didn't mean to click that. Doing it enough to warrant repeated threads on the matter, or even ONE thread... maybe you need to re-evaluate your ability to click a stationary button on your screen. How the fuck do you survive with aim that bad in the first place?
  9. How much of a reputation do you think you can build in 35 minutes (average life expectancy)? Not just your own lifespan, but that of any other survivor. You die, you're dead. You're not respawning, that's an entirely new person out there. The fact we can recall the actions of the last survivor we led to their inevitable death doesn't mean fuckall to the survivor.
  10. The only things you've suggested that aren't totally asinine have been addressed dozens of times already, which is a damn shame. I'm a huge advocate of "beginers luck" suggestions. Someone who has no experience in a field is not conditioned to see the supposed limitations of conventional wisdom; they may well see a solution where everyone else failed to look. Once you've been entrenched in something for a long time, you are more aware of the rules and functions that govern it, and have yourself a "box"; thinking outside of that box is often difficult. A newcomer can think outside of that box out of sheer naivety. This however does not apply here.
  11. KrystoferRobin

    New Zombies/Infected

    At no point are claims to realism made, only authenticity. The only sort of "special" infected I could understand and get behind would be the occasional military zed who turned with his NVG's on, flashlights in hand, or active walkietalkies (just think if we had radios, and random zeds walkies would broadcast whatever channel it was left on's activity. Fuck yeah). As for mutations with even more SUPER COOL ABILITIES DOODS, gtfo out. You have L4D for that shit.
  12. KrystoferRobin

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    firefox went retarded and wouldn't post, so I jumped over to chrome. Somewhere between, copy/paste went a bit silly on me.
  13. KrystoferRobin

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    side chat was taken out due to a lack of AUTHENTICITY not REALISM. Rocket has been very careful, to the point of explaining it when he says it, to use authenticity instead of realism. Now, if and when we get radios, there could be an established "global" radio channel. Now you can have your "side chat", and remain authentic. People could ignore it, as many of us did the blue chitchat, or they could use it. Having the option would be nice if you're a friendlier motivated player...or less than friendly. Don't want a global chat function? throw away/don't take/tune out/turn off the radio. So many more options with that. I'm sure it could be managed in a way that allows both voice AND text transmissions so our friends without mics/excessively shy folks could utilize it as well. always on side chat = pants on head retarded radio comms = possible, interesting alternative Also, you'll never be taken seriously when you tell someone to offer reasonable rebuttals when you're spewing juvenile internet lingo like a fucking schoolgirl.
  14. First off, stop being a whiney bitch Secondly, you have no fucking excuse to type like a retard, unless of course, and many apologies if it be the case, you're retarded. Third, stop attempting to punish people for "beating you". 4/5's of players are NOT currently bandits (give or take). You outnumber them significantly. Grow a pair of balls and enforce your right to live, or shut the fuck up and die. If you want to encourage survivor teamwork, do so. Placing arbitrary rules over a matter that is not easily understood by scripts to define what is really a malicious kill, and what isn't only punishes EVERYONE envolved.
  15. KrystoferRobin

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    Those of us that see murder counts as grey area due to the dynamic way player interaction works tend to offer up far less punishment/nerf suggestions. Bandits scream "STOP FUCKING UP MY GAME" and carebears cry "THEY KEEP SHOOTING ME FOR MY BEANS". I have outright murdered the fuck out of a guy for his food, and I have selflessly put my life down for a stranger. I have been both a hero and villian. I've had to stare a guy down and make the choice to shoot first and survive, or hope he lowers his weapon. If we segregate the players into bitches and bosses, you'll still have bitches crying about getting bossed, and bosses bitching about bitches crying about bosses. It has been said again and again, punishments are unjustified here. encouraging teamwork, of any kind, is key to reducing the gratuitous kill on sight mentality. Notice I say encouraging TEAMWORK, not rewarding survivors/bandits. For that to work and function, we'll need a framework with which to designate our own, dynamic groups. In other games this is often a party system. The more successful your party, the more rewards you will reap. Balancing those rewards so they are merely incentive and not solid goals is the problem. It could be as subtle as adjusting the loot spawn to toss a few more mags that match the gear carried by the party, or a slight increase in the drop rate of the harder to find tools. No promises, just slightly improved odds. Perhaps a special set of clothing that can be morphed into a selection of different, non faction/identifying forms simply for their style appeal. No bandit/survivor specific stuff, just something to make yourself stand out a bit more, giving you a more solid identity. And again, here's where it gets tricky.... are these special clothes lootable, or do they 1 off change your character model and upon death are lost to the void. Some would consider that punishing the lonewolf style players, since they would have no way to get a cool stetson and duster without playing in a way they don't enjoy or like. This debate/discussion could go on forever, but at it's heart it comes down to a very simple matter of encouraging teamwork as a viable alternative. The good news... YOU CAN DO THIS RIGHT NOW. No further development required. Would it be aided with things like a party system, and perhaps some way to reconnect with friends when you inevitably die? Absolutely. I think as the various bugs and exploits are 1 by 1 squashed and corrected, team-oriented playstyles will evolve on their own. Exploits like alt-f4 on engagement are doing far worse things to this mod than any sort of OMFGITMOVEDKILLIT mentality. TL:DR - Punish no playstyle, only offer incentives to balance predominate trends by providing viable, desirable alternatives.
  16. KrystoferRobin

    Sky-lining and How to Avoid it

    it is properly refered to as both skylining and silhouetting. Avoiding it is a simple matter of staying the hell away from high, open places.
  17. KrystoferRobin

    Last night I killed a man.

    After enjoying a glitched ladder and plummeting to my death, I found myself back on the beach. I have a look up and down the coast and just 10 feet away, another survivor pops up. Both of us with absolutely nothing enter an epic staredown. I think we simultaniously realized nothing could happen at this point, and make a path, together, to an industrial building just up the coast. TomCat10, my new "friend" finds a makarov upstairs and I find a hatchet ("GG Zeds, I've got a hatchet. Game over"). when we meet on the ground floor, weapons in hand.. another tense moment. Will he fire on me? Cleary I have the advantage, my hatchet is DEVISTATING, and I'm in range... his Makarov? Can that thing even HIT me? Knowing I've got a good hours run back to my friends, and knowing the beach lotto could save me 30 minutes jog, I go ahead and turn back to the open garage bay, letting TomCat10 make the decision. He decides to not shoot me, and we continue traveling together through the village, then onward to the city. by the time we break out of the city on the north side, he's got a lee enfeild and a czechpack, I've picked up a revolver and some basic medical supplies. Then he takes a shot at me. I'm thinking he's defending me from an incoming zed.. no, he's decided our friendship has concluded. I dive for cover, and see 3 escape routes that should give me enough cover. 2 more shots my direction, at damn close range (15 feet perhaps), and I make my choice. I roll out from cover and put 2 rounds his way. Just before I fired my third round into his skull, he chimes over the mic (for the first time) and says "I'm sorry". This is also, frighteningly, the first time i notice the character's mouth moves when you talk. I kill him, take his supplies, and haul ass. This was not my first kill, but it was the first kill I had to physically take a break from playing (it was also the first kill that got any sort of reaction outside the game from me). I was really shaken up. the combination of tense standoffs, co-operation throughout the city, cover and rescue, and finally the attempted betrayal... And then to see that face staring back, "I'm sorry" just before I silenced him forever....
  18. KrystoferRobin

    Suggestion: Natural Consequences For Murder

    punishing a playstyle = bad. rewarding a playstyle = good. If we want more co-operative, friendly gameplay, we need elements in place that require trust and team work that serve as a reward for co-operation. Rocket has said this. I agree fully. I have 5 children. Punishment does. not. work. Positive reinforcement however (rewarding the behaviors you DO want) works flawlessly. Rocket mentioned construction options, which would most likely require cooperative elements. Survivors could build and maintain safe havens, which could then in turn be raided by hardcore bandits who would also have to work together, eliminating even more of the lone-wolf mentality that has become the goto survival mechanic. Other suggestions I've seen/read/comeup with. radios for long range comms ability to group and respawn in somewhat close proximity vehicle construction (not repair) & upgrading (add armor to your car/bus/whatever, mount weaponry etc). spawn region selection territory control/ownership revival mechanics (friends have a chance to revive you from death) social-effect-only clothing/accessories (special sunglasses, hats or jackets, once you find a change of clothes, you can morph the generic outfit into one you have earned, not something you spawn in with). larger groups/squads reduce zed spawn in the area, making sweeps safer. more/better loot spawns in the area of influence of a group/party. We have all seen a lot of "OMFG DO SOMETHING ABOUT BANDITS" threads, but not many about "OMFG REWARD OTHER PLAYSTYLES". If the perks and priveledges of being friendly/co-operative outweighed (or at least equaled) the perks of murdering everyone you see, there would be quite a lot more friendlies around.
  19. last night? 400%. airfield barracks. Guy got the drop on my 2 friends, but was unaware I was in there as well. He backed up just far enough for me to put 2 bursts from my m16 into his head at close range. He was vanished before he'd animated falling halfway down. No murder/bandit point. Figure screw it, I'll at least loot my buddies, as much as I can save. Server population had dropped down to 5, I knew 2 of them IRL, and the other 2 I'd already seen shot, so I figure I'll camp the barracks and wait for my new friend. Best i'm-not-even-fucking-around face, prone in the yard out front and patience. about 15 minutes, and here comes idiotboy. He throws a grenade into the barracks... then heads in himself... once he's in the door, I put 2 more bursts in the back of his skull, and again he's gone before he's even animated collapsing, and again I've got no damn kill. I camp the bathroom of the barracks, wait about 20 minutes... and sure enough, i hear movement in the building, he's moved to the back room or thereabouts... i wait... it takes him 5 minutes or so to work up the balls to hop the bench jammed in the door... I unload on him again, he's goes POOF, I'm denied the satisfaction of a kill or any of his sweet sweet loot. I don't even bother to move. I wait prone in a pile of zeds. about 10 minutes... someone on the mic says "HEY, FRIENDLY!" and start creeping in to the barracks. Oh Fr13ndZ0n3, you're so clever with your ploy. I pump the entire clip into his ass, still no kill, and no loot. Fuck this guy. I've stayed up over an hour late just to satisfy my frustration with this bullshit "tactic" by at least securing a kill, at which I've failed 4 times. Is it possible I didn't land any headshots? Sure, it's possible. 146 zombie kills and only 93 headshots. 3 times had clear, easy shots at close range on a nearly immobile target, I'm sure it's statistically possible I missed every shot. The blood spraying everywhere would seem to indicate otherwise, but what do I know. Clearly this is the intended mechanic of the game. More and more players have adopted the "just kill everyone" approach, because it is the most logical course of action; more and more players are adopting the alt-f4 approach, because lets face facts here, it happens constantly, and nothing is being done to curb it. TL;DR - I attempt to secure a kill on the same asshole 4 times, and 4 times he beats the odds and managed to drop before I registered a kill and thus, 400% DC on engage rate.