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Everything posted by run4way

  1. run4way

    What should be my next graphics card?

    Can you post prooflink? I'm search on amazon and newegg - $180 or more.
  2. run4way

    What should be my next graphics card?

    Wait for 7xx series - it make 6xx cheaper. Also you can buy 650 ti boost - it cost less than 660 but stand near for performance. 670 and 680 still expensive, imo. It's also important which cpu you're have - it may be bottleneck in your system.
  3. run4way

    Blue Screen of Death :( Help me!

    Guys, why are you giving advices when you don't know bsod reason? It's may be everything, memory failure, mobo, hdd, overheating, OS crash, some application bug, driver bug. May be at first we should to know what exactly was a reason for bsod? TS, you're also can try to use kdfe. It's simple console application that analyze memory dump. I'm often use it in my work, so quality guaranteed. http://asuhovey.wordpress.com/2007/01/28/kdfe-cmd-a-simple-kernel-debugger-front-end/
  4. run4way

    Blue Screen of Death :( Help me!

    First of all, turn off automatic restart on crash - http://pcsupport.about.com/od/windows7/ht/automatic-restart-windows-7.htm On next bsod write stopcode (it's look like 0xSOMESHIT) and post it here or try to use google.
  5. run4way

    What do i need to upgrade?

    RTFM. i3 cannot be a QUAD-CORE, it's just 2 cores with multi-threading feature. Depends from your mobo. Which socket?
  6. Huge wave of fanboys approaching...
  7. run4way

    Zombies freezing in cold places

    Nope. In such case their only option is killing each other. I'm not try offending you, it's Rocket fault that he doesn't thought about history and causes of apocalypse. I'm trying to tell that if all these zombies it's just humans with virus, so they can't survive much long. Rocket said that 95% of peoples was infected. In that case they must eat each other cuz 5% of not-infected peoples it's very few. I'm not agree with Rocket's version of apocalypse, i'm prefer to think that zombies are dead.
  8. run4way

    Zombies freezing in cold places

    You're tried apply human anatomy on zombies but forgot that according to human anatomy zombies can't exist at all. Zombies freezing in cold places? Ok, let's go. Zombies died from starvation and thirst, from cold, from blood loss... 28 days after... There is no zombies left.
  9. run4way

    Zombies freezing in cold places

    Can't explain it but smthng tells me that you're divides by zero.
  10. I'm not sure about that. In dayz we have sort of an/pvs-7 device with monocular optic, so i'm curios about ability to aim through sniper rifle scope, also don't forget about powerful recoil for m107, as50 and other. And my last argument: if it able to use nvg'a and usual scopes that why ANPVS and NSPU scopes exist?
  11. run4way

    Help me with this error

    Try this http://rghost.ru/41300806 - there two instance of BE one from arma root folder, and other from expansion. I'm hope that BE distribution is legit :)
  12. run4way

    Help me with this error

    There must be only be BEClient.dll and BEServer.dll. UninstallBE files is unnecessary and created only when you install BE from installer. What happening when you execute arma2oa.exe from beta folder? Without steam.
  13. run4way

    Help me with this error

    Try install BE manually http://www.battleye.com/download.html
  14. run4way

    Can't play with brother

    Not enough information, try again. What about cd-keys? Steam or not, did you tried connect directly without DayZ Comm? Why i'm should asking about all that?
  15. run4way

    Sabretooth Z77 memory upgrade?

    Spend this money in a nearest bar :) You can upgrade your RAM up to 1866 MHz or even 2133 Mhz but it doesn't give much more performance boost.
  16. Good idea. Could find only one cons - if nickface will be permanent, glory hunters will pursue streamers.
  17. run4way

    So what has changed in the past 2 months?

    ]Almost nothing. Glithces was fixed although, Whitelist, passwords, antihax, custom cars and weapons, some bug fixed on private hive. I'm playing on private about 2 weeks, never seen hackzor there.
  18. I'm think they should return to kitchen. No way, cuz female skin != female player. May be, why not?
  19. run4way

    Cannot see characters skin and backpack

    It's N O R M A L, use search, read changelogs.
  20. run4way

    Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

    5. Add spawn near NWAF cuz some crybabies cannot into hardcore.
  21. run4way

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Watched through the scope as the two (fearnot and his buddy) were killed by two unidentified. Unfortunately I missed beginning of the shooting and was not able to attend.
  22. run4way

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    It was our car :) My teammate tell me that he saw heli yesterday.
  23. run4way

    New players tutorial to the Makarov PM

    Waiting tutorial for hatchet :)
  24. run4way

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    How about Ural civilian? It's like V3S, but looking better.
  25. run4way

    I finally found a L85 thermal this morning, but...

    The main question about L85: what the fuck it doing in Chernarus? I'm can't find good reason why L85AWS is in game, but AK with "Shahin" scope - no.