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Everything posted by run4way

  1. run4way

    How to remove weapons?

    AS50, L85, M107 and other nato weapons it's Rocket's fault cuz they should not be in Chernarus. I'm wonder that ingame we can find m107 but can't find KSVK, can find winchester 1866 and Lee Enfield, but can't find Saiga, m16a4 ACOG - ak with PSO scope.
  2. run4way

    Zombie Billions | DayZ machinima

    What a shame that this movie has almost nothing to do with the real DayZ.
  3. run4way

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Thanks for reply. I'm not sure about it, cuz i can see range and object's names. I'm always thought that nametags and displaying range - it's one feature. My only hope, that i'll find car on the same place where leave her. :)
  4. run4way

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Awesome server. Beside one thing: can you, please, turn off nametags? Cuz they works like radar and bring metagaming into gameplay.
  5. run4way

    will it run ? (decently)

    Mid-low i'm think. Some servers running smoothly, some shitty, but it's playable. Good luck.
  6. run4way

    2 Bandits find me hard to kill

    Bandits? It was 2 noobs with crossbow. You should took an axe and smash their faces.
  7. run4way

    will it run ? (decently)

    Upgrade your cpu to at least 2 core. I'm playing with similiar configuration: 2 core, 2 GB, gtx 240.
  8. run4way


    Ever if we want to help you, we can't.
  9. run4way

    Does Rocket know?

    ORLY? There be over 9000 cars on the street, in case of ZA, cuz almost all people became zombie or zombie's breakfast. I'm saw it in Resident Evil movie.
  10. run4way

    are hackers dying down?

    Nope. Play 2 hours in a day, has been twice tp'ed into the sea last week.
  11. run4way

    Hey Rocket, how's it feel?

    So many shitty fanboyz itt.
  12. I'm would lose. Where is you god now?
  13. OMG. Guys, LIMITATIONS cannot be cool/epic/whatever idea. FEATURES can. For example: increase chance for high tier equipment at night time, add some "only-night" spawns. You suggest that players CAN'T play at day, but it bad idea, good idea - when players WANT to play at night. Understand?
  14. I've noticed that my fps depend from server where i'm playing, but not from location or else. And not from ping, zombies/players quantity, time of day, weather.
  15. run4way


    Line 43: 5 setHit !"\"setHit\"," !"object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z" !"player setHit[\"legs\",1];" !"_unit setHit[\"legs\",0];" !"_unit setHit[\"hands\",0];" !"_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];" !"_total = [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_setHitServer;" !"_ent setVariable [\"hit_legs\",2,true];" Have 27 double quotes. I think there should be one less or more.
  16. Your mobo support XMP, so you can try Corsair Dominator or Kingston Predator. It will run on 1866 Mhz.
  17. Blah, almost month of waiting and nothing. At least i'm hope that graphical glitches was fixed completely now or we should wait some more? There no much annoying bugs in this game, so may be it will be good thing to fix they first and then freeze version and start doing standalone all time.
  18. May be you're just never been at Grozovoi pereval or Petrovka with lack of water. But i was. It was after long trip from Olsha to Grozovoi.
  19. run4way

    Atv issues!

    ATV tank capacity 30L, jerry can capcity 20L, but on last screenshot your atv tank empty.
  20. This. Just give players a what to do. Spawn less zombie it's not reward IMO, it's punishment - often, killing zeds is the only way to obtain food/water.
  21. Posted in wrong topic, sorry.
  22. Hello. Latest gun nerfing was not bad, but not perfect in my opinion. .45ACP weapons like m1911 and Revolver: 4500/1389 (before/after) 5.45x39 (.30) weapons like all AK's except AKM: 3555/2722 2722/1389 = 1.95 (ingame .30 to .45 ratio) From Wikipedia: Weight of .45ACP bullet: 15.26 - 13.48g (0.01526-0.01348kg) Velocity: 262 m/s (for 1911) Bullet energy = m * u2 / 2, so .45ACP energy = 0.01526 (i'm took max) * 262 * 262 / 2 = 523.753 J For 5.45x39: Weight: 3.2g (0.0032kg) Velocity: 915 m/s Energy = 0.0032 * 915 *915 / 2 = 1339.560 J 1339560/523753 = 2.5 (my ratio) So, i think that 5.45 guns was overnerfed. 5.45 must be more lethal and .45ACP must be more stopping like it be IRL where .45 have more stopping power than 5.45 (in game it might be like more chance for break bone or victim can get faint from shock) upd. i got mistake - forgot to divide result by 1000 (cuz i used gramms). Fixed.
  23. No one would show own red flag.