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About DarkTechnical

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DarkTechnical

    Unknown gametype battleye kick.

    cheers its working now :)
  2. DarkTechnical

    Unknown gametype battleye kick.

    how did you get it to work I have the same problem?
  3. DarkTechnical

    Delta Squad

    You never know who might want to join :)
  4. DarkTechnical

    Delta Squad

    Delta Squad is a friendly open clan willing to accept anyone who wants to join a clan based mainly around the UK. Must be over 17 to join, a clan with forty five members to date! And growing rapidly! At the moment we are engaged in a "Top Site Contest" any and all votes are appreciated! We accept everybody from n00bs to experienced survivors to cold blooded bandits. As long as you are willing to contribute to the clan as a whole and to work as a team. If you decide this sounds like it is for you go through the membership application and spread the word to your the more people joining the better! If you have any questions post them below and I will get back to you as soon as :) DarkTechnical, Scavenger.
  5. DarkTechnical

    Delta Squad

    I myself can't confirm this but send the clan leader spacker a message through one of our forums and he should reply today :) if not then tomorrow :) we are always on checking and updating :) so please dont think we are ignoring you!:) Thanks for taking an interest, DarkTechnical Scavenger.
  6. DarkTechnical

    Looking for a UK/EU Clan

    Hi :) just saw your post and would like to suggest the clan I'm part of :) Delta Squad :) we are a clan of 33 members with around four more being made members today :) in the last 3-4 days we have seen a huge explosion of numbers going from a clan of 5 to a clan of 33 members (with the four being recruited) we are a fun clan to be part of and work on a points system where you can work your way up to become a commander underneath the clan leader (the big cheese) an example of how we are a semi serious clan is that while we do wish to be taken seriously by doing clan events, having stockpiles etc we also like to have fun!:) for example one rank is called "Cow Tipper" something someone experienced on a clan event. So please take a look at our clan!:) We also hope to get a youtube page so some of your gameplay will be shown on there also :) http://deltasquad.guildlaunch.com/index.php?gid=269957 Thanks, DarkTechnical, Scavenger.
  7. DarkTechnical

    Delta Squad

    You can if you want follow the link and fill in the form the clan leader will respond when he can :)
  8. DarkTechnical

    Delta Squad

    Delta Squad is a friendly open clan willing to accept anyone who wants to join a clan based mainly around the UK. Must be over 17 to join, a clan with 32 members to be exact, and growing! in the past two days it has grown rapidly. http://deltasquad.gu....php?gid=269957 This is the link to the Clan website. At the moment we are engaged in a "Top Site Contest" any and all votes would be appreciated! We accpet everybody from n00bs to experienced survivors/bandits. As long as you are willing to contribute to the clan as a whole and to work as a team. If you decide this sounds like it is for you please go through the membership application and spread the word to your friends the more people joining the better! If you have any questions post them below and I will get back to you as soon as :) DarkTechnical Scavenger. Forgot to mention, in case some of you were wondering if we hadn't got the application, we have its just that we have been getting a lot of applicants recently please don't be put off :)
  9. DarkTechnical

    Some more suggestions..

    I do like the idea of the camo on cars etc but when you mention the problem with the spray paint but I think that wouldn't be a problem in real life you would get people writing rude stuff on walls and Day Z is a realistic mod and this is what it should stay but I think you have some good ideas, the problem I see with "treasure chests" would be when you buried them, you may lose them you would have to have a map and also physically write down where it was so that you would not lose it.