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About obi_lipnik

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. obi_lipnik

    The problem of DayZ SA - thread #999

    I have to agree somewhat with the OP - the format of this early access game is very different from the beta (playable demo) format of the early access the industry has gotten us accostumed to.. This game is being presented to us a bit like it is presented to Beta testers and QA teams, except it is completely playable (by that I mean that the whole game is being presented, not just segments and/or isolated mechanics, like it would be in a QA environment) and I think that perhaps the backers (the consumers) were just not used to this sluggish pace of development when changes to the game engine are being implemented ... I don't doubt that the whole development team is on board for finishing this game and that the truly interested and involved players get to contribute and are noting the progress as evident - but I also don't doubt that the average consumer was in their right to be disapointed when they were able to pay for a product two years (and counting) before it was fully disclosed (or finished) to them.. On another note, I count myself as a defender of this game and the developer team, but the progress is very slow and its getting hard debating with friends on weather the development is headed to a halt or getting ready to speed up... For example, the other day when discussing some Arma 3 mod with a group of people I sometimes play it with one of them said:"I like this mod, feels good... Makes me wish DayZ SA didn't die.", and I would reply:"But it's not dead.. The development is ongoing.", to which he replied:"Oh? Really! I haven't checked it out since May, I thought it died... So are vehicles in and usable and how's the basebuilding going? What about modding stuff?" ..... What do I tell this guy? I told him what was added and I couldn't convince him the game was even worth the download to check it out... how do I convince someone to buy it first then?..
  2. obi_lipnik

    I'm so sorry... I had to

    To the people saying they were harmless: They both had handcuffs on them. That may mean they are the kind of bandits that dont camp the beach and KoS, but they're bandits nonetheless. Good kill.
  3. obi_lipnik

    What do you guys think happened here?

    The most shocking thing I see is the incredibly high FPS
  4. obi_lipnik

    When did another wipe happen!?

    Holy shit, that is correct... Logged into a hardcore server, because I prefer 3rd person view off... Thanks, man! .... alt-tabing to come write this reply got me eaten by a zombie though :rolleyes: in a middle of a forrest...
  5. Hey guys, I haven't been testing for about two weeks and when I logged in just now I was an asian girl with a battery and flashlight... It wouldn't bother me this much if this had been announced somehow. I mean, careful play and risky airstrip runs for what? ... I should have just run into an empty server, grab a mossin then camp the coasts >:( I mean holy shit, I had complete map, completely pristine m16 with all of the adds, taped mags.. <_< Is there any information about this happening again? Was this announced and I just missed it? What is going on precisely? I know this is bound to happen - "this is alpha" and all that, but considering features are being implemented this slowly the one thing we could expect is character hive stability.. When I think about it, I'd actually prefer bigger instability in character hives (say, weekly wipes) and fast feature implementation and testing over the current format. Is it just me that would prefer that? TL;DR: Unnanounced wipes + slow client/server updates < regular wipes + faster client/server updates.
  6. obi_lipnik

    Curious about peoples 'Rules of Engagement'

    Surprisingly a lot of people that kill on sight... You have to take into consideration that the people who don't come to the forum most likely KoS even more.
  7. The next day I awoke into another lovely sunny day. The airstrip was out of my sight and I had nothing more to gain from going there. I lost quite a lot of blood from the journey to the strip - I could hardly see any colors. I did find a few bags of saline solution and IV starter kits, but I had no one to apply it for me. I had to find someone that would be so kind... Hell, I'd give them my extra can opener and compass for that service alone. But I had to be careful. After an elaborate assessment of my situation (I had some pretty valuable gear) I decide the safest option would be to wait in some town and only approach people when I had a big enough advantage over them. The long journey, however, required me to run into towns to refill my water bottles - or at least find cans of soda to hydrate myself. After an hour of running in the direction W-SW(West-South/West) away from the airstrip I ended up in Grishino. I didn't have a map of that part of the country, but I knew that this was very close (if not the closest town) to the NW airstrip. I remembered that when I saw the big balloon-like building on the horizon. I watched over the town for a few long minutes, but even though there were no people to be seen, I decided to skip it just in case. And anyway, by then I had a pretty good idea of where I was and making my way southward to Stary Sobor would be easy - not to mention, safer. I made a long detour around the town on the East side of it, made my way across the dirt road leading South-East from it and then hopped onto the road leading South just where the last pair of houses stood. The houses were in front of me and I used them as cover, to scout ahead. -- Fuck, there's two players approaching the town. I jump into the building and prone in the corner, covering the entrance. God damn it, they must have heard me! Ten seconds passed, no one entered. They didn't hear me. Good. I run to the exit that leads onto the road, which takes you into the town to the left and out of it to the right. I lean out and look left down the road. They are armed and they're probably making their way to the NW airstrip. Fuck. I can take them both out with my mosin from here. Ok, I can take out one for sure. But they're a pair and have automatic rifles. I shouldn't risk it. Let's just bail. What if they spot me? I got to make sure and see where they are heading now that I still have the upper hand. Moves unseen and steps unheard, I follow them into town. They are looting houses... Maybe they aren't bandits. They split up, one jumps into the first house on the left and the other runs ahead and makes a right behind the line of houses and out of my sight. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Shit, fuck, damn! They must have seen me. "FRIENDLY!" I yell. I immediately regret it, because I hear no response. I got to get the hell out of here!!! I'm behind the house that I saw one of the two enter. I'm looking through the windows to see if I can spot him - my rifle ready to fire. I get to the right side of the house, and lean across the corner to check the road, when suddenly I hear a barrage of shots. My sight goes dark. You are unconscious. ... ... You are dead! -- They scored a big kill. Enough food for both of them, a compass and a can opener for each, 4 bags of saline solution.. and +300 bullets (most were for the M4s they were carrying). Looking back on the experience, I did one thing wrong. I didn't kill on sight. What I should have done is kill one of them from the distance and run away southward while the other was running for cover. I mean really. What was I thinking?! In that situation, I'd probably kill the guy that looked like me as well.
  8. That part is the rise of my character - the big break.. The fall is what will help me justify killing on sight.
  9. It was the first time I saw something like it. I didn't really bother figuring it out for too long anyway - airstrip is not the place to be. By the way I'll be writing up what happened next tomorrow, it's gotten a bit late over here :)
  10. PART 1: It was a lovely afternoon when I spawned in Solnichniy. Second time I've spawned in the standalone, but I know my way around the map from playing the mod. After about 4 hours of running around the place I've gathered a compass, handcuffs, map of NE Chernarus, a can opener and a FNX45 sidearm among other less valuable things. As if that wasn't enough, by sheer luck I found a magazine, chest holster and a few spare bullets for the pistol on a dead body under a ladder :lol: Being equiped with a firearm it seemed like a good idea to go to one of the airstrips - and I decide on the NE one, since I had the map of that area. By the time I got there the night had gotten very dark and I've waited quite a while longer before going any closer. I was lying in the grass south-west of the strip for at least 15 minutes and kept my flashlight off to see if anyone was using theirs. Nothing. -- I run past the hangars and into the building with a prison cell. In the prison I get a helmet and a gasmask. They were damaged. Someone must have beaten me to the loot, but I still look around. Bullets upstairs - no rifles or guns. Shit, he might still be here. I get out and thread lightly. Running past the hangars on my way to the control tower I notice a ray of light falling on the treetop behind it that seemed like a flashlight. Fuck. I hit the deck. The ray doesn't move, so I chill a bit. By the time I get behind the tower I realize it's not a flashlight, but the reflector. I'm relieved. I turn on my flashlight and aim it forward. In the corner of my sight I see something that looks like a shoe. It's a player! A heavily geared guy is crouching behind a bush. I run up behind him, turn off my flashlight and yell "Friendly!" ... the figure doesn't move or respond. I repeat myself. "Hey, I'm friendly.", but he remains silent. I turn my flashlight back on. Damn, he's got some gear! Why is he just crouching there? I notice the guy is only moving his head around - seems like he's double-tapped ALT or something. "Hey, press-" Wait a second.. This guy has a helmet, gasmask, vest, scoped mosin-nagant, full camo gear. -- I handcuffed him and when I saw his gear it was obvious he had been server hopping, killing players and was now afking for one reason or another. The head moving was probably a bug. He had +300 rounds, his whole gear was pristine. He was also holding handcuff keys, so I uncuffed him. But only after all of my gear was pristine B) and I had +300 bullets to go along with my Mosin. In the closest forest to the west I logged out for the day. PART 2: The next day I awoke into another lovely sunny day. The airstrip was out of my sight and I had nothing more to gain from going there. I lost quite a lot of blood from the journey to the strip - I could hardly see any colors. I did find a few bags of saline solution and IV starter kits, but I had no one to apply it for me. I had to find someone that would be so kind... Hell, I'd give them my extra can opener and compass for that service alone. But I had to be careful. After an elaborate assessment of my situation (I had some pretty valuable gear) I decide the safest option would be to wait in some town and only approach people when I had a big enough advantage over them. The long journey, however, required me to run into towns to refill my water bottles - or at least find cans of soda to hydrate myself. After an hour of running in the direction W-SW(West-South/West) away from the airstrip I ended up in Grishino. I didn't have a map of that part of the country, but I knew that this was very close (if not the closest town) to the NW airstrip. I remembered that when I saw the big balloon-like building on the horizon. I watched over the town for a few long minutes, but even though there were no people to be seen, I decided to skip it just in case. And anyway, by then I had a pretty good idea of where I was and making my way southward to Stary Sobor would be easy - not to mention, safer. I made a long detour around the town on the East side of it, made my way across the dirt road leading South-East from it and then hopped onto the road leading South just where the last pair of houses stood. The houses were in front of me and I used them as cover, to scout ahead. -- Fuck, there's two players approaching the town. I jump into the building and prone in the corner, covering the entrance. God damn it, they must have heard me! Ten seconds passed, no one entered. They didn't hear me. Good. I run to the exit that leads onto the road, which takes you into the town to the left and out of it to the right. I lean out and look left down the road. They are armed and they're probably making their way to the NW airstrip. Fuck. I can take them both out with my mosin from here. Ok, I can take out one for sure. But they're a pair and have automatic rifles. I shouldn't risk it. Let's just bail. What if they spot me? I got to make sure and see where they are heading now that I still have the upper hand. Moves unseen and steps unheard, I follow them into town. They are looting houses... Maybe they aren't bandits. They split up, one jumps into the first house on the left and the other runs ahead and makes a right behind the line of houses and out of my sight. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Shit, fuck, damn! They must have seen me. "FRIENDLY!" I yell. I immediately regret it, because I hear no response. I got to get the hell out of here!!! I'm behind the house that I saw one of the two enter. I'm looking through the windows to see if I can spot him - my rifle ready to fire. I get to the right side of the house, and lean across the corner to check the road, when suddenly I hear a barrage of shots. My sight goes dark. You are unconscious. ... ... You are dead! -- They scored a big kill. Enough food for both of them, a compass and a can opener for each, 4 bags of saline solution.. and +300 bullets (most were for the M4s they were carrying). Looking back on the experience, I did one thing wrong. I didn't kill on sight. What I should have done is kill one of them from the distance and run away southward while the other was running for cover. I mean really. What was I thinking?! In that situation, I'd probably kill the guy that looked like me as well.
  11. obi_lipnik

    "Come Out With Your Hands Up" (First Encounter)

    ... We need to make a "Survival Stories" thread.
  12. obi_lipnik

    How was your first death?

    I spawned on a beach near Tulga and took a dirt road into the forrest. While looting the houses and barns I passed on my way I gathered a helmet, hoodie and a crowbar. After some time spent on the road I ended up back on the coast, but this time near Elektro. Knowing Elektro isn't a nice place from playing the mod I threaded lightly .... ... but one thing led to another and I'm on top of the fire station when suddenly my screen turns black and says I'm dead.
  13. Twitchy Thanks to MD and Twitchy for the double blood transfusion and the medical supplies. :) What a great service.
  14. Yes, I have teamspeak, whats the server I should join? Also, sorry for not filing a proper request: in-game name: obi_lipnik condition: severe bloodloss location: Zelenogorsk; The supermarket
  15. Hey gang, I'm in desperate need of blood transfusion, i'm currently located near Zelenogorsk in the supermarket and am quite afraid of traveling, since my blood level is about 1 .. I'm willing to give up my Map and/or CZ550 (i'm not a bandit and have little use for it, but I lost my binoculars somehow, so i use it as that) to the kind medic that would come and save my life.. If need be, I can also throw in my Military flashlight (to exchange with an ordinairy one, of course). Thanks to anyone in advance - I can't wait to get playing on the official servers again.