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Everything posted by Deathblack

  1. Morning everyone, As the title say's I have not played Arma II and as I get into Dayz I look around confused and am still not really sure how to do anything. I have tried to go look around a little more but so far I'm not having any luck. I would love to get into a group willing to help new people or even just someone who wants to take on a newbie and mentor them. I will be attempting to play today for most of the day. If you feel like you can teach me or want to group up and show me the ropes feel free to add me on steam : teharbringer Or hit me up on skype : Graynathan (I show up invisible most of the time so just message me and see if I'm there.) Appreciate any help people want to give. P.S: Before anyone says that I should read guides and video's. I have done such and still am pretty confused.