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About Flojstrup

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  1. It worked for me! Thanks man! I owe you one :)
  2. Flojstrup

    Has Anyone Seen this Man?!??!

    Oh god. This is just a plain hilarious use of hacking. I would gladly get chopped down by him :D
  3. Flojstrup


    Sooo I've been playing DayZ nonstop for the last couple of days, using the six launcher, and I noticed that it does not use steam to run, like my other games. I can't access my steam friendslist when I am in-game. Is there any way for steam to launch my game with six launcher, and still get the possibilities that steam provides in-game?
  4. Flojstrup


    karma's a bitch
  5. Flojstrup

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    You can clearly see why people don't rob people like that anymore. If you just kill the person, there will not be any risks for the robber. In the video the robber get's killed because they gave the victim a second to react.
  6. Flojstrup

    What gun did you find the first time?

    The first gun I found was a L85A2 AWS, at a heli crash site with some of my friends. Luckily they had weapons to fend off the zombies while I got the rifle and a ghillie suit :D
  7. Flojstrup

    You Assholes

    Today, me and a group of mine found another survivor. We got him surrounded and asked if he was friendly. 10 seconds later he had still not responded, an started aiming his AKM at one of us. Then we shot him without hesitation :P Many clans can be really mean, and you should probably never expect a group of people to be friendly. They have each other and that is basically enough for them. The fact that you helped them, instead of just assasinating them all, gives me faith in a better DayZ.
  8. Those are some very nice tips. I've had a really hard time getting into this game, but still managed to figure most of the stuff out on my own. This is a great thread for new players!
  9. I bought Arma 2: CO because I wanted to play Day Z. If he makes it a stand-alone soon I am not going to buy it.