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About Mildley

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Charlotte North Carolina
  1. I have the same issue but just gotta deal with it... I knew what I was getting to when I read the disclaimer and have played games in alpha before. Perhaps this Alpha Test just isnt for you. The Mod is still available for you though!
  2. Mildley

    Xbox 360 Controller Support?

    I would liek to know as well. No way to change the buttons. I use mouse and keyboard but my woman uses a 360 controller for a lot of other games and prefers it as she is not a big gamer but is learning DayZ since I have been playing it for over a year. Works well as far as running simulator is concearned but cant attack lol
  3. I am one of the VERY active admins on this server and a few things we are working on as well are : - As stated above we do play at night and the coastal towns will now have new light sources. - Walks through the woods will now have zombie encounters in select locations. - Some of the towns have/are being upgraded. ( New stores,hospital,residential and Military) - There is a new city being constructed. - More zombies in High Value Loot locations - Vehicles are added to shore (Broken) as they are depleted and needed. - Groups who decide to make a camp on our server and become regulars will get a custom camp upon request (Walls with one opening for vehicles + Light sources) And we are currently working on unlocking all skins so groups can have a custom skin load out to match.
  4. Mildley

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Anyone know the building ID for the underground area at Object AII?
  5. To everyone, It now runs Panthera and has MASS Vehicles and custom loot spawns
  6. Because there are no Zambies in Arma
  7. Clans welcome! we need more competition on the server! Rules 1.NO combat logging 2.NO voice in sidechat 3.Hackers of course will be banned instantly Server Difficulty=Veteran Map=Panthera 3rd person=on Cross hair=On Name plate=off Death message=on Side chat=on Vehicles=over 150 adding more We are currently still working on the map, we have added MANY MANY vehicles in, We have also added buildings to the crappy spawns to make them not so bad. Currently building a "Loot Heaven" that will be placed in the desert/PVP area will have TONS of loot and heli crashes. Also customized bases for clans that join. Right now about 10 active people all friendly but we are starting to let more people into the server. once we have a good amount of people server will be passworded at all times ( SCREW HACKERS) If interested post here or PM me and I will give you server info.
  8. Drunks with Guns Rules 1.NO combat logging 2.Killing someone must come with personal gain (not just because you want to PVP, We have certain nights where we have different pvp activities for people who are interested) 3.Hackers of course will be banned instantly Server Difficulty=Veteran Map=Lingor 3rd person=on Cross hair=off Name plate=off Death message=on Side chat=on Vehicles=Currently at 140 The Drunks We are a small group of people who live around the same area (with a few we have added to the group) We enjoyed the game so much we got our own Private have and currently run Lingor island, We are looking to get more traffic into our server! post here and I will send server info. There is an admin on almost 24/7 and we are constantly adding things and if you pick a place for a base and would like me to I will spend my own time fortifying it with what you want!
  9. Mildley

    Drunks with Guns Private Hive

    Forgot to add in the 90+ vehicles there are 6 helicopters and and most of the bikes and ATVS have been edited to be other vehicles