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About Shuny

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  1. Shuny

    Stuck at loading

    I have the same problem :/
  2. I still have graphical glitches with my GTX 570 and 301.42 WHQL drivers.
  3. Shuny

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    This feature is nice, but you should be able to disable or limitate the people being able to use scripts. A lot of games are designed for modding (look into UT2004) but it doesn't mean anyone can spawn random items on the map. And yeah, I have to agree with a previous post: You said "IT WILL BE FIXED". No it won't. Because the scripting engine is a part of the Arma 2 engine, and fixing it would require recoding a part of Arma 2. Which BI will not do.
  4. What the fuck, how is this even possible ... Are you sure he can't ask to get unbanned ?
  5. On the server DE 27, every player got teleported on a beach at around 6:30PM GMT+1. I don't know what happened next since I disconnected right away (I hope admins won't mind :D ) Here is a screenshot of the teleported players:
  6. Shuny

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Well, you'll always find one or two cheats on FPS games, like aimbots and wallhacks. But these hacks are nothing compared to the hacks available for Arma / DayZ. On BF3, a cheater will be able to headshot anyone. Annoying, but that's all. On Arma you can transform someone into a cow, teleport every one into a specific place, give yourself any weapons, get invisible, etc ... Can you do that in BF3 & COD ? I doubt it.
  7. Shuny

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    You're right, it is not a good thing to talk in absolute. But in this case, it is not about trusting the client a bit to improve the performance, it is about trusting the client so much you accept everything it asks for. You want to teleport every player into water ? Yup, no problem. You want a package full of weapons ? Sure, take it. Basically, today, every player is an admin on any server and can do anything on the game. This is the first time ever I've seen this. And I'd love a list of the game using only clients informations for hit detection. AFAIK most FPS games uses server-side detection, like Counter Strike, Unreal Tournament, etc ... Last thing, don't tell people OnLive is the only solution against cheats, because it is not true, and you probably know it. See World of Tanks for an example: It doesn't require fiber connection internet and has almost never been hacked (except for one tiny graphical hack, which has since been fixed) because most of the event are handled server-side. So yes, you're right on one point: You just can't handle everything on the server. But Arma is trusting the client WAY too much.
  8. Shuny

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Surely the community getting bigger had an effect on the popularity of the hacks. But the Arma 2 engine allowed these cheats way before DayZ was out. Thus, the new community only revealed an existing issue. You don't know how to read.
  9. Shuny

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    No, the game is only riddled with hacks because the ARMA servers trusts the client too much, Every developer knows that you must NEVER trust the client. If it's not fixed in the ArmA 3 engine DayZ standalone will also be hack-fest.
  10. Well, even if we consider that zombies may appear in a realistic context, there is still huge incoherencies: - Why can we find weapons all around the map and the houses ? In real life you wouldn't find so much stuff - Why can a zombie break your leg with a hit, and make you bleed to death ? In real life, this wouldn't happen. - Why zombies keeps spawing even after we kill them ? At the end, you can't deny that some features are not and will never be realistic to improve the gameplay. The Bandit/survivor morphing was one of them
  11. Yeah. Because DayZ is totally about realism. I always find zombies around villages, and weapons in house in real life.
  12. Shuny

    Bring back global chat

    I'd love to have the name of this server. I think Global Chat was useful, and made the game even better. Without Global Chat people rarely discuss and becomes a basic shooter. With Global Chat the game takes another dimension.
  13. Shuny

    Lost my DMR for no reason.

    I had a bug like this: I logged out yesterday, logged in today (in and spawned into Debug Valley without any of my stuff. Good bye AS-50, NVGs, M4A3 CCO ... DayZ is less stable than an alpha :/
  14. Shuny

    Pending Update: Build

    Well, tbh, if you think running through forest for 20 mins is an adventure, you'll have a lot of fun playing The Hunter. :D Trolling apart, you don't want to spend a lot of time just trying to meet with your friends.