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Everything posted by bad_habit

  1. You can see every vehicle spawned on your RPT report for your selected map. :rolleyes:
  2. bad_habit

    Who the F*&$ broke Takistan....

    It's fixed or atleast mine is.
  3. You can't log in as admin in contol panel. Use arma 2 rcon look for it on armaholics .com.
  4. I have two servers running on west coast. One in LA (US 3122) on DayZ hive and one in Seattle on private hive Lingor (Bad Company Server). Come check us out
  5. bad_habit

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    Started on a Atari on a black and white tv.
  6. bad_habit

    LU434 - banned for having AS50 TWS

    You know we admins like to play the game to. But when we have to baby sit the logs cause of hackers, It makes us less and less patient with people. I have no problem kicking or banning someone.
  7. bad_habit

    Lingor server

    Can anyone help me with my new HFB lingor server? It just sits on loading screen for anyone trying to join. It's a shared private hive. Thanks for any help EDIT: Server fixed by HFB
  8. Can I get some people to join US 3122 to stress test the server. Please leave feed back here if there's problems......Thanks
  9. bad_habit

    Graphic bug

    No but im guessing you are ........Putz
  10. bad_habit

    Graphic bug

    It's left shift + numpad - then type flush
  11. What hard drives are you using? Arma is cpu and hard drive dependent.
  12. bad_habit

    A known hack?

    My Buddy just got killed by him to as he spawned out of know where in the middle of a field. He unloaded his mk48 on him with no effect.I disconnected as i was unloading my g17 on him and he wasn't dieing. Another DOUCHE bag cheater.
  13. bad_habit

    Spawning in with weird items

    Thats funny shit
  14. YES ....at the moment I have no weapon because of a hacker that took everyone's gun away.Makes you think twice.
  15. bad_habit

    Seattle 20

    Ok I just got banned from this server for playing an Ogg file .....not on mic but in game radio what gives.
  16. Was in Dallas 26 and it seems everyone on the server lost every item they had. Rejoined another server to find out I still had nothing. Anyone else having this issue?
  17. bad_habit

    New Website and Forum Feedback

    Web Site looks Bad Azz now. Love the game keep up the good work.
  18. bad_habit

    Web Site

    Web Site looks Bad Azz now. Love the game keep up the good work.