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About heminized

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  1. heminized

    North Carolina 4 Admin Abuse.

    Of course you didn't. That's why you posted this in public right? So no one else could give their input on your sob story of "abuse" You could have sent a contact form...you could have even gotten on the IRC...but no...you posted this in the server general forum for all to see.....and expected no one to comment on it. And then when someone does...you say "Go away little boy, your input isn't wanted." You are clearly a child with no grasp on the admin process. All you know is "Someone stole my lollipop...wahhhhhh wahhhhhhh" :) Lol...wow, another abused child...You really think this is about gear? Please just go away...nothing to see here.
  2. Hello Rocket. Sorry to have to bother you with an Admin Server abuse issue, but there is one on North Carolina 4. The situation occurred on June 27th. Our team found a camp that comprised of over10+ vehicles and 10+ tents loaded to the brim with all elite weapons/gear. Our team immediately starting taking the best vehicles and gear and moving them to a new location. Shortly after this the server went down. This happened at approximately 5:30ish pm est. The server remained down until approximately 6:45ish pm est When the server came back up several people starting questioning the admin about the server going down and the key vehicles in question. Based on the admins answers and with deductive reasoning we were able to conclude that this was the server admins base. Within 10 minutes of the server coming up. We spotted a vehicle approaching us were we had moved the vehicles to before the server went down. A short battle occurred and the server admin was killed…2 secs after he died the server went down again. The server came back up pretty quick and I immediately told the admin I would report him for server abuse. He justified the server failure and stated it was not his fault and he would let our group kill him once the server was completely up. I stated this would not pacify me. When the server did come back up the admin was still dead at the battle scene. Our team immediately started to move about and heal and the server went down yet again. I again challenged the admin to what the hell he was doing. The server then came up again and three of our team members were booted from the server. Upon trying to log into the server again, these three members were are all in no man’s land and stripped completely of all gear. Shortly after this the server went down yet again. We challenged the admin to why our gear was stripped and we were booted. He justified this with some sort of ping setting and stated we would be fine once the server came back up. The server came back up and these same three members were forced to respawn as we did not have any gear and no way of knowing where we were. This admin is clearly not only abusing his power, but hording pretty much the entire servers’ vehicle spawn. This admin makes me sad. I truly hope this matter is looked into. Thanks in advance for any and all help, William
  3. heminized

    Please forgive my noobness.

    MK 48 obviously. The LMG. Sorry mk 48. :s
  4. Please forgive my noobness as I never played Arma until dayz So I have found the m4 cco and also the mk 48. My question is how do you aim these. They both have the red dot above the iron sites and I don’t know which to use when aiming or if there is a way to toggle between the two. Thanks in advance.
  5. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19051
  6. heminized

    Binding a player to one server?

    Reading is fundamental: Respawn.
  7. heminized

    Binding a player to one server?

    People blipping in and shooting me in the back in an area I have already secured seems far less annoying to me, than decided to kill myself and respawn due to a server being down or unplayable… That’s just my take… Yes in the end it’s all a testing environment and will be wiped, but if you prefer dying to a server hopper and enjoy popping in and out of buildings all day to get loot….rock on.
  8. I was wondering if it would be tough to implement binding a player to one server until death or they self respawn? Just though it would really solve a lot of these server hoping issues. I know one argument will be people will cry about gear, but come on…this is alpha and it’s going to get wiped anyway. Just a thought, what are yours?
  9. Overall patch is a winner. Needs some smoothing of the rough edges, that’s about it. Biggest problem I see is many players want instant gratification. Aint gonna happen here friends…the goods are there to be had, try to be slick and you too can achieve them. However...run around town, building to building, like a raving lunatic and become another statistic. Again I refer you to system/game requirements… Requirements: • ArmA II: CO • DayZ Mod Files (Available on the downloads page) • Balls Probably should be updated to include Beta. Really to all you people who seem to like to gripe…there are plenty of hack and slash…go play them if you aint got #3 requirement.
  10. heminized

    The End Is Nigh.

    (Today 03:09 AM)Grishnakah Wrote: The problem here is that this means less people will play the game, and 'Rocket' will lose his audiance. He can't run a game on the small number of players who have followed since the beginning. (Today 02:36 AM)dirtystinkinninja Wrote: Maybe Day Z deserves another chance in the future, But not now while the children continue to destroy this game. Ahhh…The Ol “I told you so.” The mere fact that peeps went to the extent to post this, in fact proves them to be wrong.
  11. heminized

    My solution to the 'shoot-on-sight' problem.

    How bout people just stop freaking crying about all the pvp/pk or whatever you want to label it? This is anarchy from a game stand point. The laws should be made by the players. There doesn’t need to be any changes with the system. If you want to be a trusting fool in a post apocalyptic environment, go right ahead. Don’t try and punish others though if they want to plug you in the back. Trust is a rare commodity, and….well….so are beans.
  12. heminized

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Dallas1 seems to like to kick. Had it happen to me and a friend. Seems if you don't have a special tag, you could get the boot.