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About Dazuraa

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    On the Coast
  1. Hey, I'm 17 and from the UK. I play a lot of the time since I finished college and have nothing to do, in the middle of transitioning into an engineering apprenticeship. Looking for some english groups to hang with in Dayz, I've had the game a few days and pretty much got the basics down. I haven't gone far north because I prefer to look around cherno and elektro + i'm not a bandit. Add me on steam: bylt94 or PM or post here, I'll get back to you.
  2. Hey mate I am 17 from the UK, almost 18, skype, steam, vent, teamspeak ect I'd love to join you. I also have a home server, based in the USA but I rarely get over 100 ping there. Add me on steam: bylt94, or PM me.