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Everything posted by ast65

  1. ast65

    Experimental Update 1.08

    this is still in? luckily there are workarounds for all those minor glitches but they can be an annoyance at large.
  2. ast65

    Experimental Update 1.08

    @Roddis the persistence of sun shafts is fixed. what you are showing are some problems with shadows it seems.
  3. ast65

    Official servers all players use Hack!!!!

    @lex__1 thanks for your efforts. I also contacted BE, let's see if they'll get back to us.
  4. ast65

    Black Screen On Starting

    sry, I can only see that you're a bit short of RAM but this is what a dev wrote in another post: "If you've already tried to: Verify your game files via Steam Re-install the game You can also try to delete the DayZ folder in your documents manually go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps and delete appmanifest_221100.acf - afterwards verify your game files more advanced: go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata and make a backup of that folder (in case something goes wrong, you never know). Afterwards, you can dive in and delete data with the number 221100 in the name. Afterwards verify your game files and try again If this still does not work, we recommend you to contact our feedback tracker at feedback.dayz.com with a private ticket. Please include your crash report and your DxDiag report."
  5. ast65

    Official servers all players use Hack!!!!

    well said, Sir. there may be internal quarrels between BIS and BattlEye but as a customer I'd at least expect an explanation where the problem is exactly located and why it's so hard to fix. but as it looks atm the problem is just hushed up which casts a poor light both on BIS and BattlEye.
  6. ast65

    Black Screen On Starting

    you need to give us your pc specs, otherwise noone can help you.
  7. ast65

    Official servers all players use Hack!!!!

    well, it's not only my personal enjoyment that's bothering me but the future of the game in general. as Funkmaster said, the hackers are deterring new players and I don't want a game carried only by community mods when the live branch is burried in oblivion. in short, I just don't get it how getting a grip on the cheater problem isn't #1 priority on BIS to-do list.
  8. ast65

    Official servers all players use Hack!!!!

    the main problem are oc the official servers and you know that. sure you can always find some private server with good admin but it's sad to see the 'core experience' that spoiled. I liked the shared hive and the anonymity/ egality on official servers...
  9. ast65

    Official servers all players use Hack!!!!

    indeed, it's hard to comprehend BIS & Battleye's attitudes...ignorance is bliss?
  10. ast65

    Problems for all players

    afaik this happens only on modded servers.
  11. ast65

    Experimental Update 1.08

    I can only confirm, what a sloppy work, if this is your way of fixing things then I don't wanna know how it looks when you break things 😛 plz get your shit together or leave it entirely. sry for my harsh words, I forgot it's exp we're talking about.
  12. ast65

    "Slow" crawling doesn't work?

    slow crawling works with your rifle in hand, but not with pistol or unarmed
  13. ast65

    DayZ (SweetFX v1.3)

    you´ve got to put the files in your main ArmA2 directory and in your beta patch folder (under expansions).
  14. ast65

    Whats going on ?

    if you play only ArmA2/3 and DayZ best downgrade to a fast Intel dual core and overclock to at least 5 ghz :P
  15. ast65

    This game hates me

    steam´s maybe ok if you´re really lazy but most of the symptoms the OP describes are definitive patch related <_<
  16. ast65

    SA-58V, is it good?

    SA has more spread, though
  17. ast65

    Broken Leggs U SERIOUS?

    nah, it´s hackers...happened today to me also, but script was badly executed so I only had the symbol but could still walk. it broke the whole server, though, had to be restarted <_<
  18. ye true...I just don´t get it how he´s playing dayz with 1.59 <_<
  19. you usually get the 'something went wrong...' error when joining a server with incorrect game version just filter for and you should be fine
  20. ast65

    how old is your survivor?

    I have a 150 something days old hero on main hive but it makes me slightly paranoid using it :P trying to move mainly at night atm :rolleyes:
  21. ast65

    Kamenka, oh Kamenka.

    found DMR, PDW and GPS pre 1.7.6 in deer stands
  22. so how much health you regain in by eating bacon (former cooked meat)? ...it sure wasn´t the 800 I´m used to :huh:
  23. I don´t know what your f...n problem is? steam, dayz commander, play with six all use the latest version which is if you wanna play 1.7.6 you´ve gotta revert (use above mentioned link i.e.)
  24. r u running latest beta? y r u missing entries for ATOC and PPAA? best delete your OA cfg and let the game write new one at next start up