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Everything posted by cricks

  1. Date/Time: About 7 pm mountain time. 6/11 What happened: I was prone in the forest when all of the sudden I was launched into the air, and then proceeded to fall to my death. I thought it was a graphical glitch, but then a bunch of people began to complain about it in side chat. Where you were: I was outside Zelenogorsk, in a nearby forest. What you were doing: As I said before, I was simply prone, looking out on the town. I would really appreciate having my character reset, I had a lot of items and hours spent into my character, and it would suck to have it all wasted on what I can safely assume is some hacker fucking with people. If this is possible, I can post details that would allow you to do so. Thank you for your time.
  2. Thanks for vouching Andrew. As far as resetting my pc once launched, I actually disconnected from the server hoping the same thing, but upon connection to another server, I was in mid air and subsequently fell to my death:/.
  3. It was a dallas server, can't remember exactly, but maybe, 26? Also, NME, please troll somewhere else. I wasn't cheating and I'm sure rocket would be able to verify this, on top of the fact that this happened to others present in the server at the time.
  4. Anyone mind taking a look at this?
  5. cricks

    Footage of being a Bandit

    Reconnecting to avoid zombie aggro? Top notch play right there.