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Posts posted by cricks

  1. Date/Time: About 7 pm mountain time. 6/11

    What happened: I was prone in the forest when all of the sudden I was launched into the air, and then proceeded to fall to my death. I thought it was a graphical glitch, but then a bunch of people began to complain about it in side chat.

    Where you were: I was outside Zelenogorsk, in a nearby forest.

    What you were doing: As I said before, I was simply prone, looking out on the town.

    I would really appreciate having my character reset, I had a lot of items and hours spent into my character, and it would suck to have it all wasted on what I can safely assume is some hacker fucking with people. If this is possible, I can post details that would allow you to do so. Thank you for your time.
