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Everything posted by JamesButlin

  1. JamesButlin

    The future of DayZ

    Just to clarify, are you suggesting that DayZ could be a game on OUYA?
  2. JamesButlin

    Tent question.

    I would like to know this too
  3. I like it. Take my beans.
  4. JamesButlin

    WTF is going on?!? CRAZY!

    Hackers obviously, but was I the only one to notice that the sky... it was on fire?
  5. I like this idea, and I also like Venzires: "They're infected, they're crazy so they should also attack each other.". This would be cool.
  6. JamesButlin

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    It's so expensive, that's the only downside. Unreal Engine 4 would be just as good (if not better) but again, costly.
  7. JamesButlin

    Walkie Talkies.

    Take my beans sirs (OP too), Sounds like a feature I could see rocket implementing!
  8. JamesButlin

    IF this was an actual game...

    You should have put up a poll? :) "Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)" for me, any having to buy anything (other than DLC packs) after the initial purchase of the game is a huge red flag for me (and a lot of other gamers). I would say studio developed, whilst taking ideas from the community, and Kickstarter definitely.
  9. I don't know about you guys, but following the huge popularity DayZ has recently aquired, and all the potential DayZ has (once you're past the bugs/engine problems) i'd love to see a standalone DayZ game. The only thing which has stopped/slowed a lot of people i've told about the game from getting it is the price tag, obviously I can understand that ARMA 2 is a well developed game and the price is due to this, but as most people I know have bought it just for DayZ (myself included), it is a bit excessive. Can't be helped though, I can understand that. My first thought was, once DayZ is fully released, or maybe alongside the mod, starting up a kickstarter project? I imagine the devs would get LOADS of donations (especially if you promise a copy of the game once it's developed/released). An example of how successfull kickstarter projects can be is Ouya, it's raised $5,404,005 in a couple of weeks, just because a lot of people think it's a good idea and all they had to back it was a video, and some concept art/prototypes! Now this IS just wishful thinking but just imagine about how good DayZ could look using Cryengine 3 or Frostbite? Unreal engine would provide a lot of flexibility (especially the newest one). Obviously none of this would happen any time soon anyway, it's just an idea/suggestion and I wanted to know what you guys thought of it, DayZ has made Arma 2 the most downloaded steam game for a few weeks so think about how much of an audience a standalone game (without having to fuss about mods) would be!
  10. JamesButlin

    Standalone game from the DayZ devs?

    Since posting this thread, I've actually done some more research and came across both of this information much to my pleasure! :D Rocket has also mentioned that there is already thoughts of starting up a kickstarter in order to make it a reality and he's also said that he wants to continue working with the Arma engine, so I think a Arma 3 based DayZ will be produced for definite. Whether the Arma devs will help him make it a standalone product or not is left unsaid/unsure.
  11. Posting just to help the topic stay near the top, love the ideas in it :)
  12. JamesButlin

    New Enemy - Z D

    I think it's a good idea, definitely add more variation into the game! :) +1 from me
  13. JamesButlin

    Suggestion for Blood Recovery

    +1 to op, I think it's a good idea.
  14. Like I said, I know it's in alpha, I know there's a million-and-one bugs which have already been named, I was just seeing if anyone would agree that the current "You are dead" screen is a little amateur looking? :)
  15. JamesButlin

    Possabilities for Zed Spawning

    "I would quite like to see Zombie "surges" as well when a horde of around 20 -30 zombies storm a city or player heavy place." This would be brilliant!
  16. JamesButlin

    How to end Ganking, and support Honor [ v ]

    I was intrigued until you said about having NPCs, this game doesn't need turning into a RPG. I think more of a reward for humane acts should be a skin change for your character, same with bandits (as was before).
  17. JamesButlin

    Show who you where killed by.

    To me that just sounds like a lag spike.. :/
  18. JamesButlin

    DayZ already has an endgame

    I really like the ideas op has except for the tanks, I think armored vehicles, like a APC or something but no heavy guns.
  19. Yep, I just think it could be so much better tbh!
  20. JamesButlin

    Look Both Ways Before Crossing...

    This story was wonderful. Keep up the good work ;)
  21. JamesButlin

    Framerate drops 30 minutes after start.

    I get exactly the same with AMD Phenom II X4, Using HIS Radeon HD6870 1GB card.. I have no problems whatsoever running Battlefield 3 on high/ultra, yet turning the settings to the lowest on DayZ has no impact on this terrible, terrible framerate.. Something must be wrong. I'm thinking maybe the quad core processor might be struggling? People were getting similar issues on Diablo III because the game couldn't handle all four, the solution was to take make the game only use two cores.. EDIT: Just read the end of your post about running on two cores, i'm gonna give it a try, you had any luck with this?