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About kossmonaut

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. kossmonaut

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    near pogorevka (south of story) and i could use a blood transfusion, dont have a bag or much to trade just looking for a kind gesture
  2. wouldnt mind a group of 3-4 i keep getting better loot and more and more paranoid i need people to help watch out, "safety first...than teamwork" 23 cleveland/boston i play whatever hours i can find here and there skype the-kossmonaut
  3. kossmonaut

    Anyone wanna team up?

    skype the-kossmonaut add me dont shoot me
  4. kossmonaut

    Looking to team up (East Coast USA)

    hello created this account cause i was looking for people to finally team up with. had some nice gear but i went on vaca got reset. am building new, but got a kobra and a pack ive never shot on site id like to team up with some people who like to explore, im not much of a camper im on the east coast but i play random hours quite frequently skype the-kossmonaut steam bram.koss