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About BlueGgz

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  1. BlueGgz

    not allow to kill human?

    yea . exactly . :
  2. BlueGgz

    not allow to kill human?

    then wat about the safe house .
  3. A. why dont people make 2 different type of server like Server 1 : allow u to kill other player Server 2 : not allow to kill other player i hate it that i always got killed for no reason . B . i think we should add Safe house in to Dayz : Safe House ====== Where you cook your food / You can trade stuff ( like ammo / gun / food and stuff ) / not allow to kill others / What do you guys think?
  4. BlueGgz

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

    wheres the bigfoot -.-
  5. BlueGgz

    Which chat to use?

    okay i got it now . thanks you guys
  6. BlueGgz

    Which chat to use?

    okay thanks :)
  7. should i use group / vehicle channel or direct communication ( within 10~100 meters )
  8. i tried to update the dayz version from 95417 to 95883 . and i got stuck at 99% . i wait like an hour and still 99% . i dont know what to do now
  9. i wait like 30mins and still 99% whats wrong with it?
  10. BlueGgz

    How to use the chemlight?

    i throw it , but i cant pick it up
  11. i open my bag and right click the chemlight , (i got the green and blue one) and nothing shows up .
  12. how to i update to
  13. BlueGgz

    Cant find any servers?

    oh i get it now
  14. BlueGgz

    Cant find any servers?

    but there are people streaming ..... what the hell is going on :L